Programming Reference



Class Definition File


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An object of the ODInfo class provides a Properties notebook,   which your part uses to display standard user properties about itself or its embedded parts.

When a document is opened, the session object creates a single information object. All parts of that document share the information object; you can obtain a reference to it by calling the session object's GetInfo method.

The information object allows you to see the Properties notebook for a part. This notebook displays properties of the part that are of interest to the user, for example, its part kind and category, size, and creation date. If you have implemented a settings extension for your part, this notebook includes a page that shows additional properties that are specific to your part.

For additional information about the Properties notebook and the settings extension, see the class description for ODSettingsExtension and the chapters on windows and menus and extending OpenDoc in the OpenDoc Programming Guide.


The methods defined by the ODInfo class include:

Overridden Methods

There are no methods overridden by the ODInfo class.



The method displays the Properties notebook in response to a user selection from the menu.

ODBoolean ShowPartFrameInfo (ODFacet *facet,
                             ODBoolean allowEditing)


facet  (ODFacet *)  -  input 

A reference to the facet that indicates the window in which to display the Properties notebook. The facet's frame and part indicate which part's user properties should be displayed and edited.

allowEditing  (ODBoolean)  -  input 

A flag indicating whether the part allows editing.
kODTrue The part allows editing.
kODFalse The part does not allow editing.


rv  (ODBoolean)  -  returns 

A flag indicating which button the user selected in the Properties notebook.
kODTrue The user clicked the OK button.
kODFalse The user clicked the Cancel button.


You call this method in your part's HandleEvent method when the user selects the properties item from the menu and the current selection is an embedded frame border.

Related Methods

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