Programming Reference

IBM OpenDoc
Programming Reference

Version 1.1

7 Nov 1996

Table of Contents

About Component Integration Laboratories

About This Book

  • Who Should Read This Book
  • How This Book Is Organized
  • Prerequisite Knowledge
  • Documentation Conventions
  • Class Descriptions
  • Abstract Superclasses
  • Method Descriptions
  • "Does" Versus "Should"
  • Object References
  • "This" Object
  • Override Information
  • OpenDoc and SOMObjects
  • IDL Prototypes
  • SOM Development
  • Platform Dependency
  • Conventions Used in Method and Function Descriptions
  • Programming Considerations
  • Header Files
  • Implicit Pointer Data Types
  • Storage Mapping of Data Types
  • Message Queues
  • Stack Size
  • C++ Considerations
  • Related Publications
  • OpenDoc Classes and Methods

  • Overriding Inherited SOM Methods
  • somInit
  • somUninit
  • OpenDoc Class Hierarchy
  • ODAIXCanvas
  • GetDisplay (AIX)
  • GetGC (AIX)
  • GetPixmap (AIX)
  • GetWidget (AIX)
  • GetWindow (AIX)
  • InitPlatformCanvas (AIX)
  • InitPlatformWindowCanvas (AIX)
  • ODAIXStandardCanvas
  • ODAIXWindowCanvas
  • ODArbitrator
  • AcquireFocusOwner
  • CreateFocusSet
  • CreateOwnerIterator
  • GetFocusModule
  • IsFocusExclusive
  • IsFocusRegistered
  • RegisterFocus
  • RelinquishFocus
  • RelinquishFocusSet
  • RequestFocus
  • RequestFocusSet
  • TransferFocus
  • TransferFocusSet
  • UnregisterFocus
  • ODBinding
  • ChooseEditorForPart
  • GetContainerSuite
  • ODCanvas
  • AcquireBiasTransform
  • AcquireOwner
  • AcquireUpdateShape
  • GetFacet
  • GetPlatformCanvas
  • GetPlatformPrintJob
  • HasPlatformCanvas
  • HasPlatformPrintJob
  • Invalidate
  • IsDynamic
  • IsOffscreen
  • ResetUpdateShape
  • SetBiasTransform
  • SetFacet
  • SetOwner
  • SetPlatformCanvas
  • SetPlatformPrintJob
  • Validate
  • ODClipboard
  • ActionDone
  • ActionRedone
  • ActionUndone
  • CanEmbed
  • Clear
  • DraftClosing
  • DraftSaved
  • ExportClipboard
  • GetContentStorageUnit
  • GetUpdateID
  • SetPlatformClipboard
  • ShowPasteAsDialog (OS/2, Windows)
  • ODContainer
  • AcquireDocument
  • GetID
  • GetName
  • GetStorageSystem
  • SetName
  • ODDispatcher
  • AddDispatchModule
  • AddMonitor
  • Dispatch
  • Exit
  • GetDispatchModule
  • Redispatch
  • RemoveDispatchModule
  • RemoveMonitor
  • ShouldExit
  • ODDispatchModule
  • Dispatch
  • InitDispatchModule
  • ODDocument
  • AcquireBaseDraft
  • AcquireDraft
  • CollapseDrafts
  • CreateDraft
  • Exists
  • GetContainer
  • GetID
  • GetName
  • SaveToAPrevDraft
  • SetBaseDraftFromForeignDraft
  • SetName
  • ODDraft
  • AbortClone
  • AcquireDraftProperties
  • AcquireFrame
  • AcquireLink
  • AcquireLinkSource
  • AcquirePart
  • AcquirePersistentObject
  • AcquireStorageUnit
  • BeginClone
  • ChangedFromPrev
  • Clone
  • CreateFrame
  • CreateLinkSource
  • CreateLinkSpec
  • CreatePart
  • CreateStorageUnit
  • EndClone
  • Externalize
  • GetDocument
  • GetID
  • GetPermissions
  • GetPersistentObjectID
  • IsValidID
  • ReleasePart
  • RemoveChanges
  • RemoveFrame
  • RemoveFromDocument
  • RemoveLink
  • RemoveLinkSource
  • RemovePart
  • RemoveStorageUnit
  • SaveToAPrevious
  • SetChangedFromPrev
  • WeakClone
  • ODDragAndDrop
  • CanEmbed (OS/2)
  • CanIncorporate (OS/2)
  • Clear
  • GetContentStorageUnit
  • GetDataFromDragManager (OS/2)
  • GetDragAttributes (OS/2, Windows)
  • GetDragReference
  • ShowPasteAsDialog (OS/2, Windows)
  • StartDrag
  • ODDragItemIterator
  • First
  • IsNotComplete
  • Next
  • ODEmbeddedFramesIterator
  • CheckValid
  • First
  • InitEmbeddedFramesIterator
  • IsNotComplete
  • IsValid
  • Next
  • PartRemoved
  • ODExtension
  • BaseRemoved
  • CheckValid
  • GetBase
  • InitExtension
  • IsValid
  • ODFacet
  • AcquireActiveShape
  • AcquireAggregateClipShape
  • AcquireClipShape
  • AcquireContentTransform
  • AcquireExternalTransform
  • AcquireFrameTransform
  • AcquireWindowAggregateClipShape
  • AcquireWindowContentTransform
  • AcquireWindowFrameTransform
  • ActiveBorderContainsPoint
  • ChangeActiveShape
  • ChangeCanvas
  • ChangeGeometry
  • ChangeHighlight
  • ContainsPoint
  • CopyAggregateClipRegion (OS/2)
  • CreateCanvas
  • CreateEmbeddedFacet
  • CreateFacetIterator
  • CreatePlatformCanvas (AIX)
  • CreatePlatformCanvas (OS/2)
  • CreatePlatformCanvas (Windows)
  • CreateShape
  • CreateTransform
  • Draw
  • DrawActiveBorder
  • DrawChildren
  • DrawChildrenAlways
  • DrawnIn
  • GetCanvas
  • GetContainingFacet
  • GetFacetHWND (OS/2, Windows)
  • GetFacetWidget (AIX)
  • GetFrame
  • GetHandleMouseEvents (OS/2)
  • GetHighlight
  • GetPartInfo
  • GetWindow
  • HasCanvas
  • Invalidate
  • InvalidateActiveBorder
  • IsEventInActiveBorder (AIX)
  • IsSelected
  • MoveBefore
  • MoveBehind
  • RemoveFacet
  • SetHandleMouseEvents (OS/2)
  • SetPartInfo
  • SetSelected
  • Update
  • Validate
  • ODFacetIterator
  • First
  • IsNotComplete
  • Next
  • SkipChildren
  • ODFocusModule
  • AbortRelinquishFocus
  • AcquireFocusOwner
  • BeginRelinquishFocus
  • CommitRelinquishFocus
  • CreateOwnerIterator
  • InitFocusModule
  • IsFocusExclusive
  • SetFocusOwnership
  • TransferFocusOwnership
  • UnsetFocusOwnership
  • ODFocusOwnerIterator
  • First
  • InitFocusOwnerIterator
  • IsNotComplete
  • Next
  • ODFocusSet
  • Add
  • Contains
  • CreateIterator
  • Remove
  • ODFocusSetIterator
  • First
  • IsNotComplete
  • Next
  • ODFrame
  • AcquireContainingFrame
  • AcquireFrameShape
  • AcquireInternalTransform
  • AcquirePart
  • AcquireUsedShape
  • AcquireWindow
  • ChangeContentExtent
  • ChangeFrameShape
  • ChangeInternalTransform
  • ChangeLinkStatus
  • ChangePart
  • ChangePresentation
  • ChangeSequenceNumber
  • ChangeUsedShape
  • ChangeViewType
  • Close
  • ContentUpdated
  • CreateFacetIterator
  • CreateShape
  • CreateTransform
  • DoesPropagateEvents
  • DrawActiveBorder
  • EditInLink
  • FacetAdded
  • FacetRemoved
  • GetContentExtent
  • GetFrameGroup
  • GetLinkStatus
  • GetPartInfo
  • GetPresentation
  • GetSequenceNumber
  • GetViewType
  • Invalidate
  • InvalidateActiveBorder
  • IsDragging
  • IsDroppable
  • IsFrozen
  • IsInLimbo
  • IsOverlaid
  • IsRoot
  • IsSubframe
  • Remove
  • RequestFrameShape
  • SetContainingFrame
  • SetDragging
  • SetDroppable
  • SetFrameGroup
  • SetFrozen
  • SetInLimbo
  • SetPartInfo
  • SetPresentation
  • SetPropagateEvents
  • SetSubframe
  • SetViewType
  • SetWindow
  • Validate
  • ODFrameFacetIterator
  • First
  • IsNotComplete
  • Next
  • ODHelp
  • DisplayHelp
  • DisplayHelpIndex
  • DisplayHelpUsingHelp
  • InitHelp
  • TerminateHelp
  • ODInfo
  • ShowPartFrameInfo
  • ODLink
  • GetChangeTime
  • GetContentStorageUnit
  • GetDescription (OS/2)
  • GetUpdateID
  • IsRegistered (OS/2)
  • Lock
  • RegisterDependent
  • SetDescription (OS/2)
  • ShowLinkDestinationInfo
  • ShowSourceContent
  • Unlock
  • UnregisterDependent
  • ODLinkManager
  • AnyLinkImported
  • DraftClosing
  • DraftOpened
  • DraftSaved
  • UnsavedExportedLinks
  • ODLinkSource
  • Clear
  • ContentUpdated
  • GetChangeTime
  • GetContentStorageUnit
  • GetDescription (OS/2)
  • GetUpdateID
  • IsAutoUpdate
  • Lock
  • SetAutoUpdate
  • SetDescription (OS/2)
  • SetSourcePart
  • ShowLinkSourceInfo
  • Unlock
  • ODLinkSpec
  • ReadLinkSpec
  • WriteLinkSpec
  • ODMenuBar
  • AddMenuBefore
  • AddMenuBeforeEx (Windows)
  • AddMenuItemBefore
  • AddMenuItemLast
  • AddMenuLast
  • AddMenuLastEx (Windows)
  • AddSubMenuBefore
  • AddSubMenuBeforeEx (Windows)
  • AddSubMenuLast
  • AddSubMenuLastEx (Windows)
  • AddToAccelTable
  • CheckMenuItem
  • Copy
  • CreateX11PlatformMenu (AIX)
  • DestroyX11PlatformMenu (AIX)
  • Display
  • EnableMenu
  • EnableMenuItem
  • Exists
  • GetMenu
  • GetMenuItem
  • GetMenuItemText
  • GetMenuText
  • InsertSubmenu
  • IsItemChecked
  • IsItemEnabled
  • IsItemHidden
  • IsMenuEnabled
  • IsValid
  • MenuExists
  • MenuItemExists
  • RemoveMenu
  • RemoveMenuItem
  • RestoreAccelTable
  • SetHideMenuItem
  • SetMenuItemText
  • SetMenuText
  • SetShowMenuItem
  • ODNameSpace
  • Exists
  • GetName
  • GetParent
  • GetType
  • ReadFromFile
  • ReadFromStorage
  • SetType
  • Unregister
  • WriteToFile
  • WriteToStorage
  • ODNameSpaceManager
  • CreateNameSpace
  • DeleteNameSpace
  • HasNameSpace
  • ODObject
  • AcquireExtension
  • HasExtension
  • InitObject
  • IsEqualTo
  • Purge
  • ReleaseExtension
  • SubClassResponsibility
  • ODObjectIterator
  • First
  • IsNotComplete
  • Next
  • ODObjectNameSpace
  • CreateIterator
  • GetEntry
  • Register
  • ODOS2Canvas
  • GetPS (OS/2)
  • GetWindow (OS/2)
  • InitPlatformCanvas (OS/2)
  • InitPlatformWindowCanvas (OS/2)
  • ReleasePS (OS/2)
  • SetPS (OS/2)
  • ODOS2StandardCanvas
  • ODOS2WindowCanvas
  • ODPart
  • AbortRelinquishFocus
  • AcquireContainingPartProperties
  • AdjustBorderShape
  • AdjustMenus
  • AttachSourceFrame
  • BeginRelinquishFocus
  • BreakLink (OS/2)
  • BreakLinkSource (OS/2)
  • CanvasChanged
  • CanvasUpdated
  • ChangeKind
  • ClonePartInfo
  • CommitRelinquishFocus
  • ContainingPartPropertiesUpdated
  • CreateEmbeddedFramesIterator
  • CreateLink
  • CreateRootMenuBar (OS/2)
  • DisplayFrameAdded
  • DisplayFrameClosed
  • DisplayFrameConnected
  • DisplayFrameRemoved
  • DisposeActionState
  • DragEnter
  • DragLeave
  • DragWithin
  • Draw
  • Drop
  • DropCompleted
  • EditInLinkAttempted
  • EmbeddedFrameSpec
  • EmbeddedFrameUpdated
  • ExternalizeKinds
  • FacetAdded
  • FacetRemoved
  • FocusAcquired
  • FocusLost
  • FrameShapeChanged
  • FulfillPromise
  • GeometryChanged
  • GetPrintResolution
  • GetRealPart
  • HandleEvent
  • HighlightChanged
  • InitPart
  • InitPartFromStorage
  • IsRealPart
  • LinkBroken (OS/2)
  • LinkStatusChanged
  • LinkUpdated
  • Open
  • PresentationChanged
  • ReadActionState
  • ReadPartInfo
  • RedoAction
  • ReleaseRealPart
  • RemoveEmbeddedFrame
  • RequestEmbeddedFrame
  • RequestFrameShape
  • RevealFrame
  • RevealLink
  • SequenceChanged
  • ShowLink (OS/2)
  • UndoAction
  • UpdateFromLinkSource (OS/2)
  • UsedShapeChanged
  • ViewTypeChanged
  • WriteActionState
  • WritePartInfo
  • ODPersistentObject
  • CloneInto
  • Externalize
  • GetID
  • GetStorageUnit
  • InitPersistentObject
  • InitPersistentObjectFromStorage
  • ReleaseAll
  • ODPlatformCanvas
  • CreateConcreteCanvas
  • GetPlatformCanvasType
  • GetSystemType
  • HasWindow
  • IsInitialized
  • ODPlatformTypeList
  • AddLast
  • Contains
  • Count
  • CreatePlatformTypeListIterator
  • Remove
  • ODPlatformTypeListIterator
  • First
  • IsNotComplete
  • Next
  • ODPopup
  • AddDefaultMenuItemBefore
  • AddDefaultMenuItemLast
  • CreateX11PlatformMenu (AIX)
  • DestroyX11PlatformMenu (AIX)
  • ODRefCntObject
  • Acquire
  • GetRefCount
  • InitRefCntObject
  • Release
  • ODScriptComponent
  • ActivateScriptComponent
  • AddClass
  • AddContainer
  • AddInstance
  • CloseScripting
  • DropContainer
  • DropInstance
  • GetComponentData
  • InitEditor
  • InitScriptComponent
  • ReleaseAll
  • Rename
  • ODScriptExtension
  • AddContainedPart
  • CheckComponent
  • DeRegister
  • DoDeRegisterContainedPart
  • DoDeRegisterExtension
  • DoDeRegisterObject
  • DoRegisterClass
  • DoRegisterContainedPart
  • DoRegisterObject
  • DoRegisterObjToComp
  • DropContainedPart
  • EndScripting
  • ExternalizeComponentData
  • getContainingExt
  • getExtName
  • getScrComp
  • GetScriptComponent
  • InitScriptEditor
  • InitScriptExtension
  • InitScriptFromStorage
  • MarkChanged
  • PutComponentData
  • Register
  • RetrieveComponentData
  • ScriptExternalize
  • setExtName
  • SetContainingExtension
  • ODSession
  • GetArbitrator
  • GetBinding
  • GetClipboard
  • GetDispatcher
  • GetDragAndDrop
  • GetHelp
  • GetInfo
  • GetNameSpaceManager
  • GetStorageSystem
  • GetTranslation
  • GetType
  • GetUndo
  • GetUserName
  • GetWindowState
  • InitSession
  • RemoveEntry
  • SetArbitrator
  • SetBinding
  • SetClipboard
  • SetDispatcher
  • SetDragAndDrop
  • SetInfo
  • SetLinkManager
  • SetNameSpaceManager
  • SetStorageSystem
  • SetTranslation
  • SetUndo
  • SetWindowState
  • Tokenize
  • UniqueUpdateID
  • ODSettingsExtension
  • AddNotebookSheet (OS/2)
  • AddPages (AIX)
  • GetSheetHandles (Windows)
  • InitSettingsExtension
  • ODShape
  • ContainsPoint
  • Copy
  • CopyFrom
  • CopyPolygon
  • CopyRegion
  • GetBoundingBox
  • GetGeometryMode
  • GetPlatformShape
  • GetRegion
  • HasGeometry
  • Intersect
  • InverseTransform
  • IsEmpty
  • IsRectangular
  • IsSameAs
  • NewShape
  • Outset
  • ReadShape
  • Reset
  • SetGeometryMode
  • SetPlatformShape
  • SetPolygon
  • SetRectangle
  • SetRegion
  • Subtract
  • Transform
  • Union
  • WriteShape
  • ODStorageSystem
  • AcquireContainer
  • CreateContainer
  • CreatePlatformTypeList
  • CreateTypeList
  • GetSession
  • NeedSpace
  • ODStorageUnit
  • AddProperty
  • AddValue
  • ClearAllPromises
  • CloneInto
  • CountProperties
  • CountValues
  • CreateCursor
  • CreateCursorWithFocus
  • CreateStorageUnitRefIterator
  • CreateView
  • DeleteValue
  • Exists
  • ExistsWithCursor
  • Externalize
  • Focus
  • FocusWithCursor
  • GetDraft
  • GetGenerationNumber
  • GetID
  • GetIDFromStorageUnitRef
  • GetName
  • GetOffset
  • GetPromiseValue
  • GetProperty
  • GetSession
  • GetSize
  • GetStrongStorageUnitRef
  • GetType
  • GetValue
  • GetWeakStorageUnitRef
  • IncrementGenerationNumber
  • InsertValue
  • Internalize
  • IsPromiseValue
  • IsStrongStorageUnitRef
  • IsValidStorageUnitRef
  • IsWeakStorageUnitRef
  • Lock
  • Remove
  • RemoveStorageUnitRef
  • ResolveAllPromises
  • SetName
  • SetOffset
  • SetPromiseValue
  • SetStorageUnitRef
  • SetType
  • SetValue
  • Unlock
  • ODStorageUnitCursor
  • GetProperty
  • GetValueIndex
  • GetValueType
  • SetProperty
  • SetValueIndex
  • SetValueType
  • ODStorageUnitRefIterator
  • First
  • IsNotComplete
  • Next
  • ODStorageUnitView
  • AddProperty
  • AddValue
  • CloneInto
  • CreateStorageUnitRefIterator
  • DeleteValue
  • Externalize
  • GetCursor
  • GetGenerationNumber
  • GetID
  • GetIDFromStorageUnitRef
  • GetName
  • GetOffset
  • GetPromiseValue
  • GetProperty
  • GetSize
  • GetStorageUnit
  • GetStrongStorageUnitRef
  • GetType
  • GetValue
  • GetWeakStorageUnitRef
  • IncrementGenerationNumber
  • InsertValue
  • Internalize
  • IsPromiseValue
  • IsStrongStorageUnitRef
  • IsValidStorageUnitRef
  • IsWeakStorageUnitRef
  • Remove
  • RemoveStorageUnitRef
  • SetName
  • SetOffset
  • SetPromiseValue
  • SetType
  • SetValue
  • ODTemplates
  • CreateTemplate (OS/2)
  • DeleteTemplate (OS/2)
  • GetStorageUnit (OS/2)
  • ODTransform
  • Copy
  • CopyFrom
  • GetMatrix
  • GetMATRIXLF (OS/2)
  • GetOffset
  • GetOffsetAsPoint (AIX, Windows)
  • GetPreScaleOffset
  • GetScale
  • GetType
  • HasMatrix
  • InitTransform
  • Invert
  • InvertPoint
  • InvertShape
  • IsIntegerOffset
  • IsSameAs
  • MoveBy
  • NewTransform
  • PostCompose
  • PreCompose
  • ReadFrom
  • Reset
  • ScaleBy
  • ScaleDownBy
  • SetMatrix
  • SetMATRIXLF (OS/2)
  • SetOffset
  • SetOffsetUsingPoint (AIX, Windows)
  • TransformPoint
  • TransformPoints
  • TransformShape
  • WriteTo
  • ODTranslation
  • CanTranslate
  • GetISOTypeFromPlatformType
  • GetPlatformTypeFromISOType
  • GetTranslationOf
  • Translate
  • TranslateView
  • ODTypeList
  • AddLast
  • Contains
  • Count
  • CreateTypeListIterator
  • Remove
  • ODTypeListIterator
  • First
  • IsNotComplete
  • Next
  • ODUndo
  • AbortCurrentTransaction
  • AddActionToHistory
  • ClearActionHistory
  • ClearRedoHistory
  • MarkActionHistory
  • PeekRedoHistory
  • PeekUndoHistory
  • Redo
  • Undo
  • ODValueIterator
  • First
  • IsNotComplete
  • Next
  • ODValueNameSpace
  • CreateIterator
  • GetEntry
  • Register
  • ODWindow
  • AcquireSourceFrame
  • AdjustWindowShape
  • Close
  • CloseAndRemove
  • GetFacetUnderPoint
  • GetID
  • GetPlatformWindow
  • GetRootFacet
  • GetRootFrame
  • Hide
  • IsActive
  • IsFloating
  • IsResizable
  • IsRootWindow
  • IsShown
  • Open
  • Select
  • SetShouldSave
  • SetShouldShowLinks
  • SetSourceFrame
  • ShouldDispose
  • ShouldSave
  • ShouldShowLinks
  • Show
  • Update
  • ODWindowIterator
  • First
  • IsNotComplete
  • Last
  • Next
  • Previous
  • ODWindowState
  • AcquireActiveWindow
  • AcquireBaseMenuBar
  • AcquireBasePopupMenu
  • AcquireCurrentMenuBar
  • AcquireCurrentPopupMenu
  • AcquireFrontFloatingWindow
  • AcquireFrontRootWindow
  • AcquireFrontWindow
  • AcquireODWindow
  • AcquireWindow
  • AdjustPartMenus
  • CloseWindows
  • CopyBaseMenuBar
  • CopyBasePopup
  • CreateCanvas
  • CreateFacet
  • CreateMenuBar
  • CreateMenuBarEx (Windows)
  • CreatePlatformWindow
  • CreatePopupMenu
  • CreatePopupMenuEx (Windows)
  • CreateWindowIterator
  • Externalize
  • GetAppContext (AIX)
  • GetDisplay (AIX)
  • GetRootWindowCount
  • GetScreen (AIX)
  • GetTotalRootWindowCount
  • GetWindowCount
  • Internalize
  • IsODWindow
  • OpenWindows
  • RegisterWindow
  • RegisterWindowForFrame
  • SetBaseMenuBar
  • SetBasePopup
  • SetDefaultWindowTitles
  • ODWin32Canvas
  • GetDC (Windows)
  • GetMetafileExtent (Windows)
  • GetWindow (Windows)
  • InitPlatformCanvas (Windows)
  • InitPlatformWindowCanvas (Windows)
  • ReleaseDC (Windows)
  • SetMetafileExtent (Windows)
  • ODWin32StandardCanvas
  • ODWin32WindowCanvas
  • OpenDoc Metaclasses and Methods

  • M_ODFacet
  • clsGetFacetFromHWND (OS/2)
  • M_ODPart
  • clsGetOLE2ClassId
  • clsGetODPartHandlerDisplayName
  • clsGetODPartHandlerName
  • clsGetODPartKinds
  • clsGetWindowsIconFileName
  • Workplace Shell Classes and Methods

  • ODwps
  • wpAddFileTypePage (OS/2)
  • wpFormatDragItem (OS/2)
  • wpInitData (OS/2)
  • wpMenuItemSelected (OS/2)
  • wpModifyPopupMenu (OS/2)
  • wpOpen (OS/2)
  • wpSetupOnce (OS/2)
  • wpUnInitData (OS/2)
  • wpclsCreateDefaultTemplates (OS/2)
  • wpclsInitData (OS/2)
  • wpclsQueryDefaultHelp (OS/2)
  • wpclsQueryDefaultView (OS/2)
  • wpclsQueryIconData (OS/2)
  • wpclsQueryInstanceFilter (OS/2)
  • wpclsQueryInstanceType (OS/2)
  • wpclsQueryStyle (OS/2)
  • wpclsQueryTitle (OS/2)
  • Functions and Macros

  • Persistent Objects
  • CloneDateInfo
  • CloneModificationInfo
  • InitDateInfo
  • InitModificationInfo
  • UpdateDateInfo
  • UpdateModificationInfo
  • Registration
  • ODDeregisterPartHandler
  • ODDeregisterPartHandlerClass
  • ODQueryCategoryList
  • ODQueryHandlerDisplayName
  • ODQueryKindDisplayName
  • ODQueryPartHandlerInfo
  • ODQueryPartHandlerList
  • ODQueryPartKindInfo
  • ODQueryPartKindList
  • ODQueryPreferredPartHandler
  • ODQueryPreferredPartHandlerForCategory
  • ODQueryPreferredPartHandlerForFileExt
  • ODQueryPreferredPartHandlerForFileType
  • ODRegisterPartHandlerClass
  • ODSetPreferredPartHandler
  • ODSetPreferredPartHandlerForCategory
  • ODSetPreferredPartHandlerForFileExt
  • ODSetPreferredPartHandlerForFileType
  • Standard-Typed Values
  • ODGetBooleanProp
  • ODGetISOStrProp
  • ODGetITextProp
  • ODGetMatrixProp
  • ODGetPointProp
  • ODGetPolygonProp
  • ODGetRectProp
  • ODGetSLongProp
  • ODGetSShortProp
  • ODGetStrongSURefProp
  • ODGetTime_TProp
  • ODGetTypeListProp
  • ODGetULongProp
  • ODGetUShortProp
  • ODGetWeakSURefProp
  • ODSetBooleanProp
  • ODSetISOStrProp
  • ODSetITextProp
  • ODSetMatrixProp
  • ODSetPointProp
  • ODSetPolygonProp
  • ODSetRectProp
  • ODSetSLongProp
  • ODSetSShortProp
  • ODSetStrongSURefProp
  • ODSetTime_TProp
  • ODSetTypeListProp
  • ODSetULongProp
  • ODSetUShortProp
  • ODSetWeakSURefProp
  • ODSUAddPropValue
  • ODSUForceFocus
  • ODSUExistsThenFocus
  • ODSURemoveProperty
  • Stationery Documents
  • ODCreateTemplate
  • ODRemoveTemplate
  • Window Properties
  • BeginGetWindowProperties
  • EndGetWindowProperties
  • Appendix A. Data Types

  • NULL Constants Used in OpenDoc
  • _IDL_SEQUENCE_PartKindInfo
  • _IDL_SEQUENCE_octet
  • BOOL
  • Boolean
  • Environment
  • exception_type
  • Handle
  • HPS
  • HRGN
  • HSTR
  • HWND
  • ISOString
  • LONG
  • ODActionData
  • ODActionType
  • ODBoolean
  • ODByteArray
  • ODClipboardKey
  • ODCloneKind
  • ODCloneKindConsts
  • ODCommandID
  • ODContainerID
  • ODContainerName
  • ODContainerSuite
  • ODContainerType
  • ODContour
  • ODCoordinate
  • ODDocumentID
  • ODDocumentName
  • ODDoneState
  • ODDraftID
  • ODDraftKey
  • ODDraftName
  • ODDraftPermissions
  • ODDragResult
  • ODDropResult
  • ODEditor
  • ODError
  • ODEventData
  • ODEventInfo
  • ODEventType
  • ODException
  • ODFileRefNum
  • ODFileSpec
  • ODFixed
  • ODFlags
  • ODFloat
  • ODFocusType
  • ODForeign
  • ODFract
  • ODFramePosition
  • ODGeometryMode
  • ODGraphicsSystem
  • ODHandle
  • ODHighlight
  • ODIconFamily
  • ODID
  • ODIdleFrequency
  • ODInfoType
  • ODISOStr
  • ODIText
  • ODITextFormat
  • ODLinkDescription
  • ODLinkID
  • ODLinkInfo
  • ODLinkInfoAction
  • ODLinkInfoResult
  • ODLinkKey
  • ODLinkStatus
  • ODMapping
  • ODMatrix
  • ODMenuID
  • ODMenuItem
  • ODMenuItemID
  • ODName
  • ODNSTypeSpec
  • ODObjectType
  • ODPasteAsMergeSetting
  • ODPasteAsResult
  • ODPersistentObjectID
  • ODPlatformCanvas
  • ODPlatformCanvasTupe
  • ODPlatformDragReference
  • ODPlatformMenu
  • ODPlatformMenuBar
  • ODPlatformMenuItem
  • ODPlatformPrintJob
  • ODPlatformShape
  • ODPlatformTransform
  • ODPlatformType
  • ODPlatformTypeSpace
  • ODPlatformTypeSpaceConsts
  • ODPlatformWindow
  • ODPlatformWindowCreateOptions
  • ODPoint
  • ODPolygon
  • ODPolygonData
  • ODPositionCode
  • ODPropertyName
  • ODPtr
  • ODPurgePriority
  • ODPurgePriorityConsts
  • ODRawPtr
  • ODRect
  • ODRespectMarksChoices
  • ODSByte
  • ODScrRegRet
  • ODSiblingOrder
  • ODSize
  • ODSLong
  • ODSShort
  • ODStorageUnitID
  • ODStorageUnitKey
  • ODStorageUnitName
  • ODStorageUnitRef
  • ODTime
  • ODTime2
  • ODTransformType
  • ODTranslateResult
  • ODTranslateResultConsts
  • ODTraversalType
  • ODType
  • ODTypeToken
  • ODUByte
  • ODULong
  • ODUpdateID
  • ODUShort
  • ODValue
  • ODValueIndex
  • ODValueType
  • ODVersionID
  • ODWide
  • OperatingSystem
  • PartHandlerQueryInfo
  • PartKindInfo
  • PID
  • RGB2
  • SemHandle
  • SIZE (Windows)
  • somToken
  • Str255
  • string
  • SWP
  • TValue
  • TypePS
  • VOID
  • WindowProperties
  • Appendix B. OpenDoc Shell Classes and Methods

  • OpenDocShell
  • CreateDocumentManager
  • CreateDocumentManagerIterator
  • DeleteDocumentManager
  • DeleteDocumentManagerIterator
  • DispatchEvent
  • GetActiveDocumentManager
  • GetArgc
  • GetArgv
  • GetDocumentManagerOfDraft
  • GetSession
  • GetWindowState
  • GetWindowSystemData
  • InitOpenDocShell
  • SetActiveDocumentManager
  • SetArgc
  • SetArgv
  • SetWindowSystemData
  • SubClassResponsibility
  • Terminate
  • UpdateActiveDocumentManager
  • ApplicationShell
  • AdjustMenu
  • CloseCleanup
  • CreateMenuBar
  • DocumentAbout
  • DocumentClose
  • DocumentDraftCreate
  • DocumentDraftHistory
  • DocumentInfo
  • DocumentNew
  • DocumentOpen
  • DocumentPageSetup
  • DocumentPrint
  • DocumentRevert
  • DocumentSave
  • DocumentSaveAs
  • Exec
  • GetEventSubType
  • GetEventType
  • GetEventWindow
  • GetExecString
  • Go
  • HandleCloseEvent
  • HandleMenuEvent
  • InitWindowSystem
  • IsValidFileName
  • MainLoop
  • OpenDocument
  • ProcessArgs
  • SendEventToRootPart
  • SetExecString
  • UpdateUndoMenus
  • AIXShell
  • CreateDocumentMenu
  • CreateDraftsSubmenu
  • CreateEditMenu
  • CreateHelpMenu
  • CreateLinksSubmenu
  • CreateMenuItem
  • CreateShowAsSubmenu
  • CreateViewMenu
  • OS2Shell
  • WinShell
  • DocumentManager
  • CloseDocument
  • CloseDraft
  • CloseWindow
  • CreateDocumentAsStationery
  • CreateDocumentInFile
  • CreateDocumentInMemory
  • CreateDraft
  • DeleteDraft
  • DeleteDraftList
  • GetFileName
  • GetDocument
  • GetDraft
  • GetDraftList
  • GetLatestCreatedDraft
  • GetOleWrapper (Windows)
  • GetPartKindName
  • HasWriteAccess
  • Initialize
  • InternalizeHistory
  • OpenDocumentFromFile
  • OpenDocumentFromMemory
  • OpenDraft
  • Revert
  • SaveACopyAs
  • SaveDocument
  • SaveDraft
  • SetFileName
  • SetOleWrapper (Windows)
  • SetPartKindName
  • Appendix C. Event Notification

  • ODDSConnection
  • AddEventMgr
  • AddSink
  • CreateEventMgrEnum
  • DeleteEventMgr
  • GetEventMgr
  • InitOLEConnectionPointContainer
  • ODDSEventMgr
  • AddSink
  • CreateSinkEnum
  • FireEvent
  • PrepareEventFiring
  • RemoveSink
  • SinkIsConnected
  • StopEventFiring
  • ODDSEventMgrEnum
  • First
  • Next
  • ODDSSink
  • EventMgrGone
  • FireEvent
  • ODDSSinkEnum
  • First
  • Next
  • Appendix D. Notices

  • Trademarks
  • Index

    Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under Appendix D. "Notices".

    First Edition (November 1996)

    The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions, therefore, this statement may not apply to you.

    This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time.

    It is possible that this publication may contain reference to, or information about, IBM products (machines and programs), programming, or services that are not announced in your country. Such references or information must not be construed to mean that IBM intends to announce such IBM products, programming, or services in your country.

    Requests for technical information about IBM products should be made to your IBM reseller or IBM marketing representative. © Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1995. All rights reserved.

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