HAPEX SAHEL Information System

A joint project between CESBIO, ORSTOM and CNES.

Welcome on HAPEX SAHEL Information System Server. You can check the What's New page updated January 31st 1996.

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Find and get some data

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There are many ways to find and get some data. You can consult :

Miscelleanous Information

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Other field experiments

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Other interesting servers

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The HAPEX SAHEL Information System server has been presented at The Network Services Conference 1994, London, England, 28-30 November 1994 : HAPEX SAHEL Information System: from the field campaign to CD-ROM, and WWW - T.Valero, JC. Meunier, YH. Kerr, M. Le Bris .

This page was updated January 31st, 1996 by T.Valero & J.C.Meunier.

This server is managed by h2sis@cesbio.cnes.fr

© Copyright 1995 HAPEX SAHEL Information System