HAPEX HAPEX SAHEL Information System
A joint project between LERTS, ORSTOM and CNES

Registration Form

To get the data from HAPEX SAHEL Information System, we have to check that you are an investigator. So, after filling this form, print it and send it to us, by fax or surface mail (no E-Mail). You will receive an user identification and a password.

You can check your personnal record in the Investigator List. If there is some change, fillbelow the appropriate fields.

HAPEX SAHEL Information System - c/o LERTS - BP 2801 -18, av. E. Belin 31055 TOULOUSE CEDEX - FRANCE - Tel : +33 - Fax : +33

Please fill these fields :

Family Name
First Name
Addresse (only if change) :
Road, Building..
City & Zip Code
Phone (only if change)
Fax (only if change)
E-Mail (only if change)

Today's date

Signature (do not fill, write on the paper)

Now, after filling this form, print it and send it to us.

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This page was updated September 29, 1995 by by T.Valero & J.C.Meunier.

This server is managed by h2sis@cesbio.cnes.fr

© Copyright 1995 HAPEX SAHEL Information System