HAPEX HAPEX SAHEL Information System
A joint project between LERTS, ORSTOM and CNES

The Data Policy

  1. During the Intensive Observating Period (IOP), the Operation Commitee has specified a subset of date ('golden days'), to be submitted by participating investigators within 6 months of the end of the IOP to the data system.

  2. At subsequent coordination committee meetings further data submision deadlines will be specified.

  3. Quality control procedures will be specified by the Data System.

  4. All members of the HAPEX-SAHEL community will have unrestricted access to all submitted data as soon as they have sent their own data to the database.

  5. Outside investigators may be given access to this data during 1 year period following data submission only after approval by the Coordination Committee.

  6. Any investigators using data provided by another investigator must offer the named investigator co-authorship on any paper to be published from the analysis.
  7. All the data will be public domain, with no restrictions on access after five years.

  8. Individual investigators may make their own data more widely available at any time.

  9. Specific remote sensing data (i.e; Spot, Landsat, ERS-1) may be subject to copyright restrictions wich are more limiting than this data policy.

  10. The coordination Committee will adjudicate all disputes regarding the implementation of this policy.

For the HAPEX SAHEL Steering Committee Dr Yann KERR

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This page was updated September 29, 1995 by J.C.Meunier & T.Valero.

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