HAPEX HAPEX SAHEL Information System
A joint project between LERTS, ORSTOM and CNES

HAPEX SAHEL Mailing list

HAPEX SAHEL Information System maintains some mailing list :

  1. All hapex members : hapex-all@atlantique.cesbio.cnes.fr
  2. Operationnal Comitee : hapex-oc@atlantique.cesbio.cnes.fr
  3. Principal Investigator (PI) : hapex-pi@atlantique.cesbio.cnes.fr
  4. Co-investigator : hapex-co@atlantique.cesbio.cnes.fr
  5. Remote Sensing : hapex-rs@atlantique.cesbio.cnes.fr
  6. Hydrology and Soil Moisture : hapex-hs@atlantique.cesbio.cnes.fr
  7. Meteorology : hapex-met@atlantique.cesbio.cnes.fr
  8. Fluxes and Vegetation : hapex-fv@atlantique.cesbio.cnes.fr

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This page was updated July 6, 1995 by T.Valero & J.C.Meunier.

This server is managed by h2sis@cesbio.cnes.fr

© Copyright 1995 HAPEX SAHEL Information System