Your Stuff

As you travel through the Castle, youÆll collect lots of neat things. This would be a major hassle if it werenÆt for your swell space-being and 5th-dimensional pal: CÆruthers.

Air Freshener
The quickest and most effective way to take out a monster. They just canÆt stand the aroma of flowery freshness. Some tougher pests will require more than one blast.

Bacon Shoes
DonÆt even think about walking on a red-hot radiator if youÆre not carrying a pair of these puppies!

Grow Caps
Color-coded capsules that zap you from place to place. Stock up on these and youÆll have shortcuts around the Castle.

Flash Cube
Sea monsters hate bright lights and big cities. YouÆll never get them to follow you to Chicago or Paris, but you can knock them out with this brilliant device.

Conch Shell
A musical mollusk. ItÆll drive away Flibramaxes . . . if you can get it to work.

Air Ball
If youÆre going to ride in a Diving Ball, youÆll need lots of extra air. Stock up on these before you dive.

If a Mentroscis tries to give you the eye, this wonÆt reflect well on him.

Frisky Broom
Use this to sweep up Ragmarauders.

Wrench Monkey
This friendly fellow is your personal pass to the Plant, Castle InfinityÆs lowest level.

Lucky Statue
Oh, goody! Carry this trinket with you and youÆll get extra points and have better luck using Conch Shells and other stuff.

The MonkeyÆs Paw
A mysterious and magical memento, if ever there was one! It doubles your winnings if you carry it in your CÆruthers.

Warning: There are some side effects . . .

Wiener Dog Pin
Sometimes youÆll want to let your friends know youÆre there. Give æem a bark with this nifty medal.

Monster Molar
The only way to get at Hrozz is to hit her where she lives! ThatÆs somewhere on the other side of the Great Greasy Grin. YouÆll need one of these to get there.

Missle Toe
This powerful digit is your weapon of choice when you face off against Hrozz in HrozzÆs Hroost.

Salt Figure
There are some spotty problems that a good shake oÆ salt will clear up in a snap. Quite helpful if youÆre headed to the Danger Zone.

A smelly chunk of cheese sure to start anyone sniffing. Who nose where this might come in handy?

Atomic Limburger
Sometimes stinky Gorgonzola isnÆt enough--you have to bring out the really strong stuff. These pungent pieces are hard to come by.

YouÆll spot these swimming in Castle aquariums. If you find a loose one, it can make neat noises. Dr. Foster is busy researching what they really do.

Story Bottles
Colorful containers filled with contests, clues and interesting news.

Calling All Kids | Connect to the Castle | Your S.C.H.T.I.C.K. Figure | Your Room | Stella! | Your Stuff | Know Your Friends | Know Your Foes | Know Your Way | Common Questions for Cool Kids