Know Your Foes!

Hrozz & Rollo
The evil slime-queen and her sneaky assistant. SheÆs got big plans for Castle Infinity, and there will be a lot of dinosaur bones lying around if those plans work out. ThatÆs why the dinosaurs need you in there. Kids must get to the bottom of the Dangerzone and stop her before itÆs too late!
Gludge Tonnage: ???

Crawling creeps with five fingers.
Gludge Tonnage: 33

HeÆs big and heÆs bad. The very thought of you makes him mad.
Gludge Tonnage: 1,566

Greedy grabbers that steal your stuff.
Gludge Tonnage: 120

Red Snyder
Annoying monsters that hang all over the Castle, waiting for things to pinch.
Gludge Tonnage: 57

Irving LePoe
A snotty kid whoÆs helping out the monsters. What a pain! Gludge Tonnage:
Not a Gludge-based life form.

Some monsters will try to convince you that theyÆre your friends. DonÆt be fooled!
Gludge Tonnage: 250

When the dinosaurs built Castle Infinity, they threw away the mold. But it grew back!
Gludge Tonnage: 66

Crabby creeps that scuttle and sting.
Gludge Tonnage: 36

Hanging horrors that whip at anything within range.
Gludge Tonnage: 121

A highly intelligent jelly bag. Avoid its stifling stare.
Gludge Tonnage: 158

This is exactly why you should never leave oily rags lying around. These monsters are a churning urn of burning funk.
Gludge Tonnage: 259

Watch out! These speedy snappers are on a roll!
Gludge Tonnage: 36

A cross between an elephant and a weevil. Look out, kidsùthese are evil!
Gludge Tonnage: 503

Greasy electric eels with a little too much in the voltage department.
Gludge Tonnage: 100

Calling All Kids | Connect to the Castle | Your S.C.H.T.I.C.K. Figure | Your Room | Stella! | Your Stuff | Know Your Friends | Know Your Foes | Know Your Way | Common Questions for Cool Kids