Know Your Friends

Rodney & Doctor Foster
It was their idea to get you kids in here. They want you to have a good time so youÆll stay!

Sam & Gail
The maintenance gals. If they canÆt keep you connected to the Castle, no one can!

Aunt Cassandra
An experienced traveler with a lot of things to say.

The CastleÆs leading expert on monster elimination and gear acquisition.

The Supersonic Security Squad
You can always count on Trace Whineright and his crew to rescue you or stitch you back together.

The Righteous Bunch
RodneyÆs backup singers. Feel free to join in with them any time.

HeÆs not the best locator-mapper in the universe, but heÆs the only one Castle InfinityÆs got!

HeÆs traveled more than a billion light-years to help you keep track of your stuff.

SheÆs always standing by to help you get your messages through.

Calling All Kids | Connect to the Castle | Your S.C.H.T.I.C.K. Figure | Your Room | Stella! | Your Stuff | Know Your Friends | Know Your Foes | Know Your Way | Common Questions for Cool Kids