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Sites which contain the word literary

A&E Behind the Scenes
The Academy of American Poets
The Alsop Review
AwardWeb: Collections of Literary Award Information
Background Readings on Female Coming-of-Age Stories
Berry First Class
Bibliothèque de l'ABU
La Bibliothèque Electronique de Lisieux
A Black Cultural Studies Website
Bohemian Ink
Book Lovers: Fine Books & Literature
Books in Chains
Canadian Literary Archive Services
A Celebration of Women Writers
The Centaurian: John Updike Home Page
Collected French Verse from the Oxford Book of French Verse of 1908
Dictionary of Literary Terms
Dictionnaire des Citations
Division of Rhetoric and Composition
The Electronic Beowulf
Elizabeth Barrett Browning: An Overview
English Literature Voice of the Shuttle
Exposition Giono
eZines: Ultimate Magazine Database
Feminist Science Fiction, Fantasy and Utopia
Florilège Anthologie hypertextuelle de la Poésie Française
French Collection at the University of Virginia, The
The Glass Menagerie
A Glossary of Rhetorical Terms with Examples
Great Writers
Hemingway and Fitzgerald
The Internet Poetry Archive
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism
The Lansdowne Local Review of Southern African Literature
Latin American Art Resources
The Life and Works of Herman Melville
The Literary Gothic
Literary Kicks
The Literary Menagerie
Literary Resources Ethnicities and Nationalities
Literature Resources for the High School and College Student
Lost Poets of the Great War
LSU Libraries Author Webliography
Marge Piercy Homepage
The Mississippi Writers Page
Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet
Nadine Gordimer: An Overview
On-Book: An Introduction to the Study of Literature
On-line Books Page
On-Line Literary Resources
OzLit@Vicnet Australian Books, Australian Literature
Proyecto Sherezade
Romeo and Juliet Web Guide
Russian Literature
The Shiki Internet Haiku Salon
The Spanish Homepage
Stephen Crane: Man, Myth, and Legend
Théodore de Banville Oeuvres poétiques complètes
Thomas Carlyle
University of Lancaster (UK), Department of French Studies LANFRANC: Banque de textes français
University of Victoria Writer's Guide
Useful Resources for Teaching and Learning Spanish
Virtual English
The William S. Burroughs Files
The Wyoming Companion: Cowboy Poetry and Poets
Young Canadian Voices: An Independent Literary Journal for Young Writers
The Zuzu's Petals Literary Resource Homepage