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Sites which contain the word description

3D look at 3D geometry
The Ancient City of Athens
Aperçu du Luxembourg
Aurora Page
Le Baobab Adansonia digitata
Black Classic Press
Blue Web'N Applications: English References
Burns The National Bard
Center for Polymer Studies
La Collection de Musée du Québec
Directory of Ancient Egyptian Gods
Guide to Theater Resources on the INTERNET
Invention Dimension
John Steinbeck
MacBeth Plugged
The Manhattan Project
Les Marquises (Tahiti)
Modern Wonders
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Le Pays (A Physical Description of France)
La Piedra del Sol: El Calendario Azteca
La Piste Amérindienne
Powers of Persuasion: Poster Art of World War II
The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Stone Pages
A Survey of the Plant Kingdoms
Virtual Cave
A Walk Through Time
The Writings of Henry D. Thoreau
Xah: Visual Dictionary of Special Plane Curves