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A guesthouse (or gaijin house) is a cheap kind of accommodation for people who want to stay in Japan for one month or more. However, some guesthouse companies offer rooms even for only one week. Guesthouses are also called gaijin houses since mostly foreigners live there.

There are several guesthouse companies in Tokyo. Some of them own several houses all over the city.
They offer rooms in shared apartments, as well as whole apartments in Japanese or Western style. Apartments are, of course, quite more expensive than rooms in shared apartments, where the kitchen and the bathroom have to be shared.
Depending on the room and company, the monthly rate for a shared apartment is about $600 per month for one person while a whole apartment costs at least about $1000 per month.

Some apartments may be quite old and not very clean. However, the much greater problem can be inconsiderate roommates.

The apartments are usually equipped with the most important kitchen stuff, a futon, a pay phone, and sometimes a television.

While living in a guesthouse, one has the opportunity to experience Japanese everyday life since he/she has to buy food and household goods in Japanese supermarkets, has to dispose garbage in the correct Japanese manner, etc.

Guesthouses can be best found in the yellow pages for Tokyo or via a language school.


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September 18, 1997
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