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Friday September 17

Microsoft manager claims Kinect will "blow away...

Citing strong pre-orders and a seasonal holiday lift, the spokesman for Microsoft's Kinect, a motion-tracking camera accessory for the Xbox 360, said the device would easily outsell the iPad.

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CNET TV Apple Byte: iOS 4.2 sneak peak

CNET TV's Brian Tong takes a look at the latest in Apple news, rumors, and tips. This week, Brian checks out iPad rumors, the App of the week, and a bizarre story about Steve Jobs sneaking ninja stars onto his plane. Brian also gives us a sneak peak at iOS 4.2 beta for developers, including multitasking, AirPrint, Game Center, folders, and AirPlay.

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iPhone 4 cases: Kickstands and batteries included

This week has seen no shortage of new iPhone cases from myriad companies. Here's a brief look at these newcomers.


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10 Coolest Mac OS X Apps You Might Not Know About

There are many Mac OS X apps out there, but getting by free and good ones is not that easy. That is why I am sharing The10 Coolest Mac OS X Apps You Might Not Know About (But Should). Read each entry in the list and see which tool suits your needs best.

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Yahoo says Apple’s iAd will fail, but they buy them

Remember earlier this week when Yahoo CEO took a shot at Apple and its iAds? She really should have checked her backyard before spewing. In an interview with Reuters, Yahoo CEO Carol Bartz commented on Apple’s iAd service. “That’s going to fall apart for them,” Bartz said about Apple’s iAd service. “Advertisers are not going [...]

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Let Them Eat Cake... Macbook Cake [Delicious]


Someone named Shelby got a totally awesome Macbook birthday cake. I wonder if a real one popped up out of the middle, like one of those bachelor party strippers. Oh no, they messed up the QWERTY keyboard lettering. More »

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First Google Voice App Hits the App Store

silverpig writes "The first Google Voice app has hit the app store, and it's called GV Connect. Providing a front end to the Google Voice service, GV Connect allows users of devices running Apple iOS platform to have a native app with which to interact with Google Voice. What will be interesting to note is the order that these apps are approved in. I know Sean Kovacs was first out with GV Mobile back before Apple banned Google Voice, and while he is in the approval pipeline, this other app has some first mover advantage. I wonder what it means when Google gets their app officially approved, as surely it'll be free."


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Keep your CPU under control with App Tamer

It's been a little while since we've heard from St. Clair Software, makers of the well-known system utility, Default Folder X (which we've covered before). You may recall that we caught up with St. Clair Software developer Jon Gotow at WWDC '09. Well, he's got something new to announce today: App Tamer, a system utility for keeping CPU-intensive applications under control.

App Tamer is similar to some other utilities, in that it allows you to "freeze" selected applications so that they use up zero CPU time, leaving more processing power for other applications. What makes App Tamer special is AutoStop, which pauses and unpauses frozen...

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Steve Jobs engaging in e-mail argument with college...

A Long Island University student, going by the name of Chelsea Kate Isaacs, allegedly received several argumentative e-mails from Steve Jobs after she criticized the company's Media Relations Department, according to correspondence posted on Gawker. The student claims to have repeatedly called the PR department asking for a quote regarding iPad use in academic settings, but the company representatives allegedly did not bother to respond....

Steve Jobs - Apple - Pioneers -...

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Queues form as Apple launches iPad in China

Hundreds queued on Friday morning as Apple's best selling iPad tablet device officially went on sale in China.


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This Week's Best Apps [Apps]


In this week's rip roarin' round up: Windows, on your iDevice; stop motion animations, created; frogs, cared for; Sims, following their dreams; cooking, made almost easy enough for me to do; Google Voice, on your iPhone, and much more! More »

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Rumor: Apple working on parts for iPad 2

Here's a fun rumor to give you something to dream about this weekend. Digitimes is reporting that Apple is on the hunt for parts for the iPad 2. The company is reportedly in the validation stage with a few suppliers for touch-based displays and reinforced glass, prepping production on a second generation iPad for a launch in early 2011.

That's all we've got -- there's no details on what new features the iPad might have (although a camera would be an excellent guess) or any other way it might differ from the current model, but it looks like most of the speculation has been on target so far. There's still quite a while to wait (and honestly, I'd still recommend buying an iPad if you want one right now -- next year is still a ways away, and...

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LG Electronics CEO resigns after smartphone struggles

After struggling to compete with the iPhone and other high-end smartphones, LG Electronics chief executive Nam Yong resigned Friday.

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Best Buy CEO: death of notebooks is "greatly...

Best Buy chief Brian Dunn tonight reversed course on claims that the iPad cut notebook sales in half at his stores. In a statement, he did see "shifts in consumption patterns" towards the Apple tablet but characterized it more as an "incremental opportunity" than the market redefining shift it was first thought to be. He didn't accuse the WSJ of misquoting him but likened his view on notebooks to Mark Twain's after the legendary false obituary....

Best Buy - Wall Street Journal - ...

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Remains of the Day: Don't change the channel

The reason you won't find Warner Bros. TV shows on the Apple TV? It's an idealistic stance. (Of course, that idealism is fueled by money.) Then there's a journalism student who has a bone to pick with Steve Jobs and Microsoft says it's next project will be even huger than the iPad.


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Google Voice Apps Return to the iOS App Store

After banning all Google Voice-related apps from the App Store, Apple's Google Voice moratorium appears to be over.

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Stuffit Deluxe 2011 features drag-and-drop toolbar

Smith Micro Software has released Stuffit Deluxe 2011 for Mac, featuring a 64-bit optimized Stuffit Engine, improved compression, Stuffit Destinations for easy file transfers, plug-ins for iPhoto and Aperture, and a new licensing plan that includes a free Windows license....

StuffIt - IPhone - WWW - Plug-ins -...

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iOS devs: Get a TUAW discount at Voices That Matter...

The Voices That Matter: iPhone Developers Conference is just around the corner, and TUAW wants to make sure that every dev has a chance to attend. That's why Pearson Education, publisher of a number of iOS development tomes, is offering a $150 discount to TUAW readers, a 22% discount off of the usual conference price of $695.

This year's conference will be held in Philadelphia on October 16th and 17th, and features a number of top authors, such as Aaron Hillegass, Steve Kochan, and our very own Erica Sadun. Mike Lee will be giving a keynote address titled "Making Apps That Don't Suck," something that all TUAW app reviewers wish...

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News: Apple Patent Application Could Let iPod touch...

Apple has filed for a patent covering an accessory that could allow iPod touches to make phone calls, or a device like the iPhone to connect to two separate mobile phone networks at the same time. 


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Analysts dispute talk of iPad's impact on PC...

The death of the PC industry at the hands of Apple's iPad has been greatly exaggerated, analysts said.


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GV Connect app for Google Voice now available

GV Connect, the Google Voice client for the iPhone and iPod touch that caused quite a stir when it was pulled by Apple last year, has unexpectedly returned to the App Store. Developer Andreas Amann resubmitted the app last week following Apple's new documentation on App Store acceptance.

GV Connect is now available in the App Store for a cool $2.99.

TUAWGV Connect app for Google Voice now available originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Fri, 17 Sep 2010 18:05:00 EST. Please see our...

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Found Footage: A clever iPod nano name badge

Although my Apple addiction usually means that I have to run out and buy whatever new shiny thing has flown out of Cupertino, I've been able to resist getting one of the new iPod nanos. My iPhone plays music and movies, and I don't wear watches, so I really haven't been impressed.

Until now, that is. tipster Huey from Smack Dab Studios sent us a link to the video you see above. It's a simple idea; create name tag images, move them to the nano, then play them in a slide show while the nano is clipped to your pocket or lapel. The result? Something that will definitely capture the eyes of people you meet.

It's certainly an attention-getter, and it's a lot better than those sticky "HI, My Name Is Steve" labels that they love to hand out at meetings and get-togethers. Of course...

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Addictive Flight Doodle iPhone Game Is Free For...


Flight Doodle is a whimsical and addictive iPhone game and it's free all day long. So head over to the App Store now and take advantage of the deal before the clock chimes midnight. [iTunes via...

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CBS Sports to stream 2010 SEC games on iPhone for...

CBS Sports has announced it will stream its entire 2010 Seoutheastern Conference (SEC) home football schedule live on the CBS Sports Mobile iPhone app.


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Steve Jobs' Email Pissing Match with College...

Steve Jobs is known for replying to random emails sent to his personal Apple email address. Well, a college journalism student from Long Island emailed him about a problem she had with Apple's PR department. Jobs' response? 'Leave us alone.'

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Rowmote Pro update adds support for multi-touch...

Regular Rate and Rhythm Software have updated their flagship product Rowmote Pro to v3.2, adding support for true multi-touch gestures -- allowing iOS devices such as iPhones, iPod Touches and iPads to control both Apple and third-party apps on a Mac or a pre-2010 Apple TV, in a manner similar to a Magic Trackpad....

Apple - Windows - Shareware - Graphics -...

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iBless Torah provides a mobile trainer for Bar/Bat...

On the eve of the most important holiday in the Jewish calendar -- Yom Kippur, the day of atonement -- it's traditional for observant Jews to seek forgiveness for the wrongs they have done to friends and family over the past year.

For me, it's far too late to atone for my slack study habits back when I was preparing for my Bar Mitzvah, but perhaps I can help out some struggling Hebrew school students out there with a quick pointer to the $1.99 iBless Torah app, a learning assistant specifically for the rite of passage for 13-year-olds.

iBless Torah includes the traditional blessings that kids learn & chant during their ceremonies, with audio assistance and word-by-word indications. I checked with the nearest available rabbinic authority -- my wife, whose ...

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O2 slashes data caps for iPad broadband plans

O2 has informed many of its UK customers that the company's iPad broadband plans have been modified with lower data caps. When the device was first launched, O2 allowed subscribers to use 3GB of data for £15/month or 500MB of data for £2/day. The monthly plan has been dropped to a 2GB allowance, while the daily option only offers 200MB of usage....

Apple - IPhone - IOS - IpodTouch -...

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Google Voice apps return to the App Store

Apple's promises of re-allowing Google Voice apps was honored today as Andreas Amann's GV Connect (free, App Store) became available once again. The title is "much faster than using the web interface" and gives access to outbout calls, text messaging and voicemail. It works with both the iPhone and iPod touch, although the iPod as expected can't take inbound calls....

Google - Search - Search Engines -...

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Apple Finally Approved a Native Google Voice iPhone...


Ever since GV Mobile was pulled from the App Store, we've been hoping for its return. And while Apple has not approved that particular third-party app again, they did approve GV Connect. It's three bucks, available now, and looks great....

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iTunes Instant: Search iTunes at high speed thanks...

If you've heard of Google's instant search, then you'll be right at home with iTunes Instant. We're all aware that iTunes doesn't have the most friendly of search engines, but thanks to youthful developer Stephen Ou, searching the iTunes store just got a whole lot easier.

iTunes Instant doesn't just give you suggestions or recommendations as you type in a search query, it actually gives you real-time search feedback (album and artwork in this case) as you enter a query, character by character. Possibly the best thing about iTunes Instant is that it's the work of Ou, a 15-year old based in the Bay Area in California. According to TheiLoop, Ou developed iTunes Instant in under three hours, using Apple's own Search API.

Ou says...

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HP upgrades 1080p pocket camcorders with V5020u

HP today quietly slipped out another model in its newer pocket camcorder range. The V5020u shoots at the same 1080p as earlier models but appears to add gyroscope-based image stabilization to get a sharper image. The screen is smaller at two inches, but it can snap five-megapixel still images....

HP - Camcorder - 1080p - Hewlett-Packard -...

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4chan Users Organize Surgical DDoS Strike Against...

4chan publicly announced a coordinated DDoS attack against the MPAA in retaliation for the hiring of an Indian based software firm, which carried out similar attacks on The Pirate Bay and other file sharing sites. The following image was released to the Internet, instructing users on exactly what needs to be done to carry out the attack on 9/17 @ 9PM EST.

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External Link: Google Sued for Pressuring Android...

Google makes Android out to be an open platform, in contrast to Apple's closed one. But a lawsuit filed by Skyhook Wireless, a firm that turns Wi-Fi signals into geographic coordinates for mobile devices, alleges that Google pressures handset makers by threatening to withhold access to the Android app marketplace, use of the phrase "Android-compatible," and full access to Google apps on the phone. Skyhook says Google forced Motorola and another phone maker to break deals or risk those losses.


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Justin.TV live streaming iPhone app now available

Livebloggers, rejoice! Justin.TV, one of the world's most popular live video streaming services, has released its new app for the iPhone and iPod touch in the form of an upgrade that enables live video to stream from the device. Both the app and service are free, but the app only works on devices with a camera. Streaming is done over WiFi or 3G, depending on availability.

Thanks to Kristi Evans for the tip!

TUAWJustin.TV live streaming iPhone app now available originally appeared on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) on Fri, 17 Sep 2010 16:45:00 EST. Please see our...

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MacJournal for iPhone 1.1 gets organization,...

This writing and blogging client for iPhone and iPod touch gains new organization tools, easy bullet list formatting, a more streamlined sync process, iOS 4 support, and other perks.


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China gets the iPad

As you can see in the video above, China finally got the iPad (officially) this week, and Mac fans there were pretty excited about it. The device went on sale this morning at the Apple Stores in Beijing and Shanghai, and hundreds of people stood in the rain -- one man was there waiting for two days. He's the guy in the "I buy iPad" t-shirt, I think, and good for him; looks like it worked out all right.

Only the Wi-Fi models are on sale so far, 5588 yuan (US $826) for 64gb, 4788 yuan ($712) and 3988 yuan ($590) for 16gb. iPads have been available in China so far only through the "gray market," unauthorized resellers from other countries. Early reports from the stores say that the iPad is selling better than the iPhone first...

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Use SpamSieve for fixing missing 'New Mail...

One of Mail's ongoing problems has been the lack of the "New Mail" sound being played when new messages arrive. There have been numerous fixes that have surfaced for tackling this problem, and though they will work for some people, the root of the silent New Mail sound problem has not yet been pinpointed so the fixes do not necessarily help everyone.

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Briefly: Best Buy iPod exchange, live...

Best Buy has launched a new trade-in program, offering people instant credit in exchange for older iPod models. Those interested should check the company's website for an estimate of their iPod's value, along with information on any exclusions that might apply. To receive an actual evaluation of a device, people must bring a player to a Geek Squad counter at a US Best Buy store. After the condition of an iPod is checked, an appropriate gift card should be handed out....

Justin.TV - IPhone - Shopping...

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Panasonic GH2 design leaks out with 16MP sensor,...

Panasonic's first real second-generation Micro Four Thirds camera, the GH2, has leaked with what appears to be authentic details. The camera would have an SLR-style body with a swivel screen like the G2 but would upgrade to a brand new, effectively 16-megapixel sensor. Specs compiled by 4/3 Rumors would have the GH2 widen the light sensitivity to ISO 12,800 and switch on support for 1080i 60FPS video, and possibly 1080p in an out-of-spec mode....

Apple - IPhone - Panasonic Corporation...

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Free on iTunes: Game Center Edition: FarmVille, Farm...

Apple’s new Game Center has potential, but only three free games; FarmVille, Farm Story, and City Story. Vern Seward takes a brief look at all three in this installment of Free on iTunes.


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Etc: If you want your own fat wristwatch built with...

If you want your own fat wristwatch built with a 6th-gen iPod nano, check out this DIY tutorial by Brian Chen.

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PlayOn now available for iPad with Wi-Fi and 3G

Good news for all PlayOn users who own an iPad. Engadget is reporting that as of this week, joining the iPhone and iPod touch, PlayOn has released a much anticipated software update allowing you to stream content to your iPad, too.

With the power of Safari and HTML5, you can now watch streaming content from such providers as Hulu, Netflix, Comedy Central, ABC, CBS, MTV and ESPN3 (and many more) over Wi-Fi and 3G by visiting PlayOn's web based app.

To harness the streaming power of PlayOn you need a running version of Windows (to get it setup) as well as a subscription to PlayOn's Premium service. If you haven't used PlayOn before, or you're not...

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Fake Scriptable Web Browser Is the Real Deal

A Web browser that can be automated through scripts that you create without writing any code - how cool is that? It's plenty cool (and plenty easy), and you may have lots of uses for it; you just don't realize it because the idea is so revolutionary.


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Apple Stock Watch: Retail PC Notebook Sales Fall,...

PC Notebook sales in the retail space have dipped for the first time, and Morgan Stanley analyst Katy Huberty believes the iPad is responsible for most of that dip. The analyst looked at data from NPD and found that growth began decelerating in March of 2010, shortly after the iPad was announced. In August, slowing growth actually turned to a 4% decline in retail notebook PC sales.


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3M unveils pocket camcorder with built-in projector

3M has just unveiled a new pocket camcorder that has a built-in pico projector, the Shoot 'n' Share CP40. It can throw up images and videos up to 65 inches in size at VGA resolution, though it has the ability to record 720p videos or five-megapixel photos. While there is just 14MB of built-in memory, a microSDHC memory card slot lets users add up to 32GB of storage, good for about 20 hours of video....

projector - Handhelds - IPhone -...

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Facebook Places goes live in the UK

Facebook Places have gone live in the UK and it enables users to share their locations with their friends.

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Outpost 2 becomes first Basecamp client for iPad

A major new version of this Basecamp client brings a number of new file handling features and address book integration. It also adds a completely new iPad interface, making it the first Basecamp client for iPad.


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iPad wine list boosts sales in high-end restaurants

When the iPad was originally announced (and, heck, when it was rumored), lots of us were dreaming up different ideas for how the iPad might revolutionize the way written content is consumed. There were books, of course, including comics, magazines and coursebooks. This is the first time, though, where I've seen a different kind of print medium successfully making the jump to digital: restaurant wine lists.

One upscale restaurant in Atlanta, for example, has decided to take its very extensive wine list and bring it over to the iPad, as the New York Times reported. The restaurant uses iPad-specific software to display its wine list, along with information on each wine, including ratings, pricing and pairing suggestions. Like traditional menus, the iPads are handed out to diners. The result of the switch is pretty impressive: wine sales shot up 11% from the first...

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Samsung Galaxy Tab U.S. Carrier Release Dates Leaked?

Samsung's Galaxy Tab is undoubtedly the iPad-killer hopeful. There have been dozens of tablets announced since Apple's did so with their iPad early in the year, but few have received as much attention as Samsung's Galaxy Tab. It's possible that the acclaim of the Galaxy S has rolled over the Tab, and now Samsung's relishing the opportunity...

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Etc: Warner Bros CEO Barry Meyer said his company...

Warner Bros CEO Barry Meyer said his company won't be offering TV rentals for 99¢ because the price is too low and might hurt sales of full seasons.

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AP, previous Ars coverage

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iPod nano 6G’s secret “iTerm” diagnostic mode...

The sixth-generation iPod nano contains a hidden “iTerm” Diagnostic Mode and separate Disk Mode similar to previous-generation iPod nano models, iLounge has discovered. Due to changes in its buttons relative to the prior Click Wheel iPod nanos, the new iPod nano’s hidden modes are activated with a slightly different button…

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Dear Aunt TUAW: RSS in the clouds

Dear Auntie TUAW,

I'll admit it... I'm a news junkie. Podcasts, RSS feeds, the works!

RSS feeds are what I am wondering about today. You see, I like to skim my RSS headlines, read the feed items that catch my eye, and not have any items automatically delete or disappear. My current setup is using Mail's RSS functionality and then manually deleting the articles I don't want. I'm fine with that, heck, ... I prefer it that way. But ever since I got my shiny, new iPad, I've been wondering if there is a better way. See, I like to read RSS feeds on my morning and evening commutes. (Don't worry, Auntie, ... I take the train.) Hence, my problem. I read and delete or read and save an article on my iPad, but then I have to manually reconcile my feeds with those on my home computer.

Ideally, what I'd like to do is have an RSS client "in the cloud" and then be able to access it from my iPad, my Mac, and maybe even my work computer and my BlackBerry. Basically have it...

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EA to Support Android Gaming [Android]


According to EA's Chief Financial Officer Eric Brown, EA has decided to push the Android platform in addition to the iPhone. Citing his own market projections, Brown said that they expect the "a lot to happen" in Android's future. More »

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John Martellaro's Blog: Particle Debris (wk....

In this week’s medley of technical news debris, John looks at the subtleties of replacing Mark Hurd at H-P, dismissing Apple TV objections, gigabit Internet to the home, how the iPad is changing medical school at Stanford, Apple sales to college students, the too-precious iPod nano, Steve Jobs caught throwing stars, the unforeseen future of the PC and a neat blog by Scott Adams — with worrisome implications.


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iSwifter Brings Flash Games To the iPad — Sort Of

itwbennett writes "Peter Smith is blogging about the free iSwifter app, which aims to solve the 'no Flash games on iPads' problem. The app, which is currently available for the iPad and planned for the iPhone and other devices, 'streams Flash games to your iPad. You run the app, which contacts iSwifter servers, which are actually running the Flash. Ideally, the effect is identical to running the app directly from a web page.' Smith tested the app and calls it an 'interesting idea,' but an imperfect solution — at least right now."


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Microsoft's Kudo Tsunoda: Kinect will "...

Microsoft Game Studios manager Kudo Tsunoda set up an unofficial battle between Apple and Microsoft with an argument today that Kinect will beat the iPad for sales. Following good pre-orders, the former Fight Night developer said to Gamasutra that the Xbox 360 motion controller's holiday sales would "blow away" those of the iPad. He cited NPD data that the Xbox was already outselling the PS3 and Wii as evidence that Kinect is likely to surge when it becomes available on November 4....

Microsoft - Kinect -...

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Apple now selling refurbished iPads starting at $449

Apple, for the first time since the iPad went on sale, is now offering the hardware refurbished with a $50 discount from its online store, as availability of the product continues to improve.

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Deal Brothers: Refurbished 15” MacBook Pro 3.06GHz...

The Deal Brothers noted that Apple is offering a refurbished 15” MacBook Pro 3.06GHz Intel Core 2 Duo for $2039, which includes free delivery and one year of AppleCare.


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FaceTime-equipped iPad expected no later than first...

Suppliers are already gearing up in preparation for the next-generation iPad design, according to a number of display component vendors currently undergoing validation with Apple. DigiTimes says those suppliers believe the updated iPad will ship by the second quarter of 2011, though some rumors have pointed to an earlier launch during the holidays to capitalize on FaceTime compatibility.

DigiTimes names TPK Touch Solutions, Wintek, Cando, and...

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PhotoFast's PowerDrive SSD Tops 1400MB/sec read...

Forget about SATA 6Gpbs, the PowerDrive-LSI slides into a x8 PCI Express 2.0 slot and serves up blistering fast transfer speeds you won't get from your SATA controllers. We're talking up to 1,400MB/s reads and up to 1,500MB/s writes...

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Apple now offering refurbished iPad Wi-Fi units

Apple is now offering a number of refurbished iPad units via its online store. Currently, refurbished units are limited to Wi-Fi-only models, and offer a $50 discount over the retail price of the respective new-in-box units. This marks the first time that Apple has offered refurbished models of its…

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Verizon teases 4G, to sell devices at Best Buy

Verizon today put up a teaser page for its upcoming 4G service. The site doesn't offer clues as to a launch window but does mention the benefits of the network, such as its promised 5-12Mbps of bandwidth and the lower lag inherent to LTE. Prospective subscribers can sign up to be notified when the network reaches 30 cities in the fall....

BestBuy - Domain Names - Disputed Domain Names -...

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News: Pref File Confirms New Apple TV Runs iOS

A preference file has, at last, confirmed that Apple’s new Apple TV model is running iOS. Previous models of the Apple TV ran a version of Mac OS X, and there has been speculation about what the new model, which was introduced during a media event on September 1st, was running. According to a report from TUAW, the answer is iOS.


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Apple opens up refurbished iPad sales

Apple has begun selling the first refurbished iPads through its US online store. The tablet has been on the market for over five months, but until today there has been no option of an official second-hand discount. Refurbished iPads are covered by a one-year warranty, and also include new batteries and outer shells....

Apple - Macintosh - IPhone - Companies -...

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Adding artwork to multiple songs in iTunes 10

iTunes 10 has a cool new feature that allows you to create a Smart Playlist based on whether or not your music has artwork. To use it, simply set "Has Artwork" to "is false" when creating the playlist. You can (optionally) add "Media Kind: is Music" if you want to avoid seeing podcasts, movies, and other items that don't have artwork.

I recently decided to clean up my iTunes library. This involved taking all of the music out of the iTunes library and only adding back music that I knew I really liked. I was also making sure the metadata was accurate, including the artwork. I had been adding the artwork via TidySongs, but it had been acting a bit unreliably and claiming that iTunes was not responding (the developers tell me there is a new version available for Windows and a new Mac version is due "soon"). So, I started adding...

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Warner Bros. execs find Apple's 99 cent TV show...

Executives with Warner Bros., producer of numerous primetime network TV shows, believe that Apple's 99 cent prices TV show rentals need to be more expensive.

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Kindle ad goes on the offensive against the iPad (...

Amazon's taken a leaf out of Apple's advertising book (Mac vs PC, anyone?) by going head to head with the iPad maker in the most recent Kindle television ad. Most noticeably, the spot delivers a low blow to the iPad's comparatively poor screen visibility in direct sunlight. As far as ads go it's rather ingenious, taking some of the best tricks out of the old advertising, uh, book.

In short, a guy sunbathes in a gray t-shirt (geeky), but can't quite read his "iPad" due to the sunlight. On the deck chair next to him lies a beautiful, bikini clad woman sunbathing while reading her Kindle with a pair of sunglasses on! The geeky guy asks the beautiful woman how she's reading in the sunlight, she confidently...

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Gibson releases 3 acoustic guitars to celebrate John...

On October 9, 2010, John Lennon would have been 70 years old. To celebrate the occasion, Gibson partnered with Yoko Ono to release three new acoustic guitars. Made by the luthiers at Gibson’s Montana acoustic guitar facility, the Lennon guitars represent three periods of the musicians life and career. The first guitar is a Vintage [...]

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The World’s First Rapid-Charge Electric Bus (videos)

The Proterra EcoRide BE35, dubbed the ‘Ecoliner,’ will be entering the fleet of Foothill Transit, which is said to be the first transit agency in the United States to use a rapid-charge electric bus. It will be traversing line 291 between the Los Angeles County cities of Pomona and La Verne.

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Feeds into Reads: Transforming RSS into Beauty

Do long lists of continually changing RSS items in a newsreader bore you? Has feed reading reached the end of its lifespan? New approaches on the iPad suggest a major change.


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Spotify still without any US deals

Spotify's problems getting US deals may still be ongoing if claims from music industry sources are accurate. None of the major labels have signed deals and might not have time to make one before the end of the year, the contacts told CNET. Publicly, Spotify has been insisting it was close to striking a deal for much of the year....

Spotify - Apple - Streaming media - Sonos -...

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iPhone Monkey Island Special Editions Just a Dollar...

They're not quite Guybrush Free-pwood (Hiyo!), but The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition and Monkey Island 2 Special Edition: LeChuck's Revenge are both on sale for just $0.99. What's more, the awesome iPad version is half off, at $4.99. [Joystiq]

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How to: Turn your old watch into a nanowatch

Sure, you could just buy a "carrying solution" for the new square iPod nano, but where's the fun in that? Wired shows you how to turn your old wristwatch into a nanowatch -- just take the old strap off, and use the nano's clip to attach it all together. Of course, it depends on your old watch strap, but even if yours doesn't work quite as well as the one that Wired uses, I'm sure a weekend with some Crazy Glue and a few spare parts would probably do it right.

Brian Chen is exactly right -- Apple should totally get behind this nanowatch thing. Add some apps and a camera to the nano's little square touchscreen, and that'd turn it into the real Dick Tracy product. I think it'll take a while (Apple likely doesn't want to fragment the iOS line too much too...

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Computing with Bifocals: Me + Mac = TMO

September is usually a milestone month in my family. My twin and I celebrate our birthday as does our younger brother. It was also the month that our parents, who were married for 69 years, were married. But this particular September is causing a bit of reflective time.


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10:40 for iPhone Updated

If you’ve never checked out, it basically lets anyone share a video feed online using their webcam, or other video input. Some people broadcast them playing video games, or have full-blown shows with regular schedules, like This Week in Tech.

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Samsung Galaxy S (Android) sells 2 million by next...

Samsung already said it has sold more than 1 million Galaxy S Android handsets but the company just said that it will hit the two million mark by the end of next week. That’s pretty darn impressive.

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Analysis: iTunes 10, at Last, Auto-repairs Broken...

Back in March, I called Apple to task for overlooking a serious problem in iTunes. Links to items in the library could become broken, for no apparent reason, and it was a tedious process to manually repair those links.  The readers agreed. Now, in iTunes 10, Apple has introduced a long-awaited auto-repair function.


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Android users like ribs, iPhone users like chicken

Stop the presses! The fanboy wars are about to get really ugly because a new, super-important survey from said Android owners prefer pork ribs while Apple iPhone owners prefer chicken.

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Rumors hint at new Dresden, Shanghai Apple Stores

Details on two more international Apple Stores may have emerged. The most concrete information comes from real estate sources, who say that Apple's third Shanghai store will be based in the nearly-completely Henderson Metropolitan building on Nanjing East Road. The facility will have five levels of retail space below its office sections, and be relatively close to the heart of Shanghai's major shopping district, along Nanjing West Road....

Apple - Asia - Shanghai -...

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Apple 27-inch LED Cinema Display now on sale

Apple’s new 27-inch LED Cinema Display finally has a shipping date. Unveiled in July, the monitor sports some of the goodies you’d expect if you’re familiar with the 27-inch iMac: a 2560 by 1440 resolution, a 178 degree viewing angle, and a built-in iSight camera.


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Register now for MacTech 2010, $50 off for TUAW...

Registration has begun for the inaugural MacTech conference, taking place from November 3-5 in Los Angeles, CA. The conference is a three-day series of sessions covering IT, programming and development, and it will feature presentations by lots of Mac and tech luminaries, including Wil Shipley, Daniel Jalkut, Mike Lee, and a keynote by none other than Andy Ihnatko. And if that's not enough, there will also be an evening out at the Griffith Observatory, as well as a party featuring the opportunity to go bowling and raise some money for charity with MacTech Bowl.

If MacTech 2010 sounds like your idea of a good time, check this out. As a media sponsor of the conference, TUAW has a special discount for our readers; you can go to this registration URL and get your ticket...

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Report: DOJ nears deal with tech firms on staff...

The U.S. Department of Justice is nearing a settlement with technology vendors including Apple, Google and others over an investigation of their hiring practices.


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An iPhone Fart App Release History [Humor]

The ever-clever McSweeney's takes a look at 12 releases in the life of an iPhone fart app today. It's satire! But scary how close it hits to home:

Version 1.3.1 (Apr 10, 2009) – "Gross Fart" will now last the standard 7 seconds, as opposed to the 4 hour non–stop continuous fart.

Version 1.4.0 (Jun 20, 2009) – "Realistic fart smell" feature removed from app, deemed impossible.

That's a taste; head here for the full hilarity. [McSweeney's]

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App Tamer halts your apps to speed up your Mac

Reduce CPU usage and improve your battery life with St. Clair's exceedingly clever App Tamer utility.


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External Link: Wear Your iPad Around Town

If you find yourself carrying your iPad around town a lot, there are plenty of cases that will hold it. But what if you just want to drop it in your pocket and go, as you would an iPhone? For that you'll need a jacket or vest from Scottevest. They look pretty normal, but you'll still rack up a lot of geek points.


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Morgan Stanley: Apple's iPad consuming 25% of...

A new model demonstrating the notebook sales trends over the past year shows a significant market-wide decline since the introduction of Apple's iPad.

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Quick Look Review: Free Your Hands With...

Joby has released a version of it’s popular Gorillamobile for the iPhone 3G and 3GS. What is a Gorillamobile you ask? It’s certainly unique, and it’s certainly funny looking. But basically, it’s a flexible tripod that attaches to just about anything.


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Nokia C3-01 Touch & Type smokes the qwerty

The C3-01 Touch & Type is certainly not lacking when it comes to top end technology, it has standard Wi-Fi, a 3.5mm headphone jack, FM radio,

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Why No Warner Bros. On Apple TV? Not Enough Dough [...

Warner Bros. exec Barry Meyer admits the obvious: their content won't show up on Apple TV's because the price wasn't right. WB scoffs at the new, cheaper rental plan—not the first time they've thrown their weight around online. [All Things D]

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iPad launches in China to mild interest [u]

(Updated with Shanghai response) Today's official Chinese launch of the iPad has generated only mild interest, Fortune observes. Although a number of reporters are said to have gathered at the Beijing Apple Store this morning, only about 100 customers lined up. "Plenty" of Wi-Fi-only iPads are claimed to have been in stock; the 3G model is not yet being sold by Apple in China....

China - Asia - Apple -...

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Consumer Reports app 'not recommended'

You'd think that Consumer Reports, judges of all things good and bad in autos, electronics, frozen food, etc. (not to mention smartphones) could get its own app right.

After a late August update, the free app has more crashes than a bad day at the Indy 500. Want to see the problem? Just tap on "Electronics," which is one of the categories at the bottom of the screen. Kaboom! I thought it was just me, but everyone I know with an iPhone 4 has had the same problem, and the iTunes store reader feedback is overflowing with bad reviews and complaints about this bad behavior. Your mileage my vary, but the bug is pretty widespread.

After almost a month, Consumer Reports should have gotten a problem like this one sorted out, but there it sits. The...

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Using Color to Increase Participation

The effective use of color in design has a proven impact on readability, conversion and engagement both online and offline. Sometimes subtle changes in color for headlines and direct response cues can significantly increase a reader’s overall impression of the communication.

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iLounge Weekly coming shortly, sign up today

The latest edition of iLounge Weekly, our weekly newsletter covering all things iLounge, is coming later today. iLounge Weekly is a summary of the week’s best news, reviews, and feature articles we’ve published, and it also features giveaways and iPod accessory discount offers from various companies. There’s still plenty of…

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Campaign Urging Facebook to Unfriend Coal Gathers...

Supporters of the campaign to 'unfriend coal' has now grown to more than half a million strong and in addition to employing straight ahead techno-rational arguments, a new video from Greenpeace takes a more humorous tack.

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Intel said cutting chip prices to goose demand,...

Intel is slashing processor prices to keep demand alive and possibly to offset the iPad effect, Canaccord Genuity analyst Bobby Burleson said today. The chip producer was reported in checks as having cut prices by half on Atom, Core i3, Core i5 and Core i7 chips and by 15 percent for some chipsets. The move was predicted to fuel short-term demand, though it would come mostly from computer builders stocking up....

IPad - Companies - Web Design and Development -...

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Samsung Galaxy Tab: Hands On

The first real Android tablet contender, the Samsung Galaxy Tab, may provide a serious challenge to the iPad.

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Griffin, Prophetik team on Folio for iPhone 4

Griffin Technology and sustainable fashion house Prophetik have teamed up to create their first product, the Folio case for iPhone 4. The Folio is a hand-stitched bifold wallet-style case, made from leather taken as byproduct from existing manufacturing processes, and featuring open access to all ports and controls and…

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News: Feds Working on Apple, Google Anti-poaching...

The U.S. Department of Justice is apparently in late negotiation talks with Apple, Google and several other tech companies over allegations that they agreed to not hire each other’s employees to keep wages from climbing. The negotiations stem from complaints that the companies had anti-poaching agreements, and wouldn’t cold-call competitor’s employees with job offers.


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Apple, Google may settle in US antitrust probe of...

Apple, Google and other technology companies are said to be in negotiations with the U.S. Department of Justice for a potential settlement regarding an antitrust investigation of anti-poaching agreements.

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Introducing the App Hall of Fame!
App discoverability continues to be a real issue. With the fast churn of apps in the App Store, an app has only a few weeks of promotional life in it before it‚Äôs largely forgotten. There are a few things developers can do to fix that, but those... | Read more »
Gobliiins Are Coming
In the midst of the huge Q4 launch schedule, the cult classic, Gobliiins, as well as the rest of the trilogy, are being ported to the iPhone in all of their original glory. The Goblins trilogy was a quirky Atari/Amiga game series from the early 90‚Äôs... | Read more »
myPhoneDesktop – Chrome to iPhone Extens...
Anyone who has used myPhoneDesktop knows that it is a fantastic tool for streamlining your onscreen workflow. Instead of having to type line after line into your phone directly, you can use myPhoneDesktop to type from your computer directly into... | Read more »
Classes Review
Developer: Dustlab Price: $0.99 Version Reviewed: 2.4.7 iPhone Integration Rating: 3 out of 5 stars User Interface Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Re-use / Replay Value Rating: 3 out of 5 stars Overall Rating: 3.33 out of 5 stars | Read more »
AutoVerbal Talking Soundboard Pro helps...
Being able to speak and communicate with others is something that many of us take for granted. It‚Äôs not so easy for many folks though, in particular for individuals with autism spectrum disorders, as well as those who have suffered various brain... | Read more »
Pocketbooth Review
Developer: Project Box Price: $0.99 Version Reviewed: 1.0 iPhone Integration Rating: 4 out of 5 stars User Interface Rating: 4 out of 5 stars Re-use / Replay Value Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars Overall Rating: 4.17 out of 5 stars | Read more »
Get Your Roast Right With ‘Time To Roast...
Roasting meat, in the cooking world, is about as simple as it gets. The greatest roast recipe I‚Äôve ever found is from Michael Ruhlman‚Äôs website, with the recipe titled, ‚ÄúThe World‚Äôs Most Difficult Roasted Chicken Recipe.‚Äù | Read more »

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