iOS Reference Library Apple Developer

System-Provided Buttons and Icons

To promote a consistent user experience (and to make your job easier), iOS provides numerous standard buttons for use in navigation bars and toolbars, and icons for use in tab bars.

This chapter describes the standard icons and buttons available to you and provides guidelines on how to use them appropriately. You should familiarize yourself with the buttons and icons in this chapter regardless of the type of application you’re developing, so that you can:

Using System-Provided Buttons and Icons

iOS makes available many of the standard toolbar and navigation bar buttons, tab bar items, and general-use buttons used throughout the built-in applications. You can see a handful of standard toolbar buttons in the Mail toolbar, shown in Figure 10-1.

Figure 10-1  Standard buttons in the Mail toolbar

Buttons such as the Refresh, Organize, Trash, Reply, and Compose buttons shown in Figure 10-1 are used consistently in many of the built-in applications, so users are well-acquainted with what they mean and how to use them. This means that if your application supports these functions, you can take advantage of users’ familiarity to streamline the application’s user interface. It also means that if you associate these buttons with other tasks, you’re likely to confuse and irritate users by promising functionality they expect, but delivering something else.

In addition to the benefit of leveraging users’ prior experience, using system-provided buttons and icons imparts two other substantial advantages, specifically:

It bears repeating that to realize the advantages of user familiarity, shorter development time, and semantic consistency of the user interface, you must use the buttons and icons appropriately. Specifically, this means that you should use a button or icon in accordance with its documented meaning and recommended placement, and not according to your interpretation of its appearance. See “Standard Buttons for Use in Toolbars and Navigation Bars,” “Standard Icons for Use in Tab Bars,” and “Standard Buttons for Use in Table Rows and Other User Interface Elements” for meaning and placement information for the system-provided buttons and icons.

Interface Builder makes it easy to use the system-provided buttons and apply system-provided icons to your controls. See the appearance-related information in “iOS Interface Objects” in Interface Builder User Guide for guidance.

If you can’t find a system-provided toolbar or navigation bar button or tab bar item icon that has the appropriate meaning for a specific function in your application, you should design a custom button or icon. “Icons for Navigation Bars, Toolbars, and Tab Bars” gives some guidelines to help you do this.

Standard Buttons for Use in Toolbars and Navigation Bars

iOS makes many of the standard buttons users see in toolbars and navigation bars available to you. These buttons, shown in Table 10-1, are available in two styles, each of which is appropriate for the specific usages described here:

As with all system-provided buttons, you should avoid using the buttons described in Table 10-1 to represent actions other than those for which they are designed. In particular, avoid choosing a button based on its appearance, without regard for its documented meaning. See “Using System-Provided Buttons and Icons” for a discussion of the reasons why it’s important to use these icons correctly. (Information on symbol names and availability for these buttons is available in documentation for UIBarButtonSystemItem.)

Table 10-1  Standard buttons available for toolbars and navigation bars (shown in the plain style)




image: ../art/UIButtonBarAction.jpg

Opens an action sheet that allows users to take an application-specific action


image: ../art/UIButtonBarCamera.jpg

Opens an action sheet that displays a photo picker in camera mode


image: ../art/UIButtonBarCompose.jpg

Opens a new message view in edit mode


image: ../art/UIButtonBarBookmarks.jpg

Show application-specific bookmarks


image: ../art/UIButtonBarSearch.jpg

Display a search field


image: ../art/UIButtonBarNew.jpg

Create a new item


image: ../art/UIButtonBarTrash.jpg

Delete current item


image: ../art/UIButtonBarOrganize.jpg

Move or route an item to a destination within the application, such as a folder


image: ../art/UIButtonBarReply.jpg

Send or route an item to another location


image: ../art/UIButtonBarStop.jpg

Stop current process or task


image: ../art/UIButtonBarRefresh.jpg

Refresh contents (use only when necessary; otherwise, refresh automatically)


image: ../art/UIButtonBarPlay.jpg

Begin media playback or slides


image: ../art/UIButtonBarFastForward.jpg

Fast forward through media playback or slides


image: ../art/UIButtonBarPause.jpg

Pause media playback or slides (note that this implies context preservation)


image: ../art/UIButtonBarRewind.jpg

Move backwards through media playback or slides


In addition to the buttons shown in Table 10-1, you can also use the system-provided Edit, Cancel, Save, and Done buttons shown in Table 10-2 to support editing or other types of content manipulation in your application. (Information on symbol names and availability for these buttons is available in documentation for UIBarButtonSystemItem.) These buttons are suitable for both navigation bars and toolbars, and are available in the bordered style only. If you specify the plain style for one of these buttons, it will be converted to the bordered style.

Table 10-2  Bordered action buttons for use in navigation bars




image: ../art/UIBarSystemItemEdit.jpg

Enter an editing or content-manipulation mode


image: ../art/UIBarSystemItemCancel.jpg

Exit the editing or content-manipulation mode without saving changes


image: ../art/UIBarSystemItemSave.jpg

Save changes and, if appropriate, exit the editing or content-manipulation mode


image: ../art/UIBarSystemItemDone.jpg

Exit the current mode and save changes, if any


Standard Icons for Use in Tab Bars

iOS provides the standard icons described in Table 10-3 for use in tab bars. Information on symbol names and availability for these icons is in documentation for UITabBarSystemItem.

As with all standard buttons and icons, it’s essential to use these icons in accordance with their documented meanings. In particular, take care to base your usage of an icon on its semantic meaning, not its appearance. This will help your application’s user interface make sense even if the icon associated with a specific meaning changes its appearance. See “Using System-Provided Buttons and Icons” for further reasons why it’s important to use these icons correctly.

Table 10-3  Standard icons for use in tab bar tabs




image: ../art/UITabBarBookmarks.jpg

Show application-specific bookmarks


image: ../art/UITabBarContacts.jpg

Show Contacts


image: ../art/UITabBarDownloads.jpg

Show downloads


image: ../art/UITabBarFavorites.jpg

Show user-determined favorites


image: ../art/UITabBarFeatured.jpg

Show content featured by the application


image: ../art/UITabBarHistory.jpg

Show history of user actions


image: ../art/UITabBarMore.jpg

Show additional tab bar items


image: ../art/UITabBarMostRecent.jpg

Show the most recent item


image: ../art/UITabBarMostViewed.jpg

Show items most popular with all users


image: ../art/UITabBarRecents.jpg

Show the items accessed by the user within an application-defined period


image: ../art/UITabBarSearch.jpg

Enter a search mode


image: ../art/UITabBarTopRated.jpg

Show the highest-rated items, as determined by the user


Standard Buttons for Use in Table Rows and Other User Interface Elements

iOS provides a few buttons for use in table rows and other elements. These buttons, described in Table 10-4, should be used semantically correctly, as with all standard buttons and icons. In particular, avoid choosing a button based on its appearance, without regard for its documented meaning. See “Using System-Provided Buttons and Icons” for a discussion of the reasons why it’s important to use these buttons correctly.

Although the detail disclosure button is usually used in table rows, it can be used elsewhere. For more information about this button, see “Detail Disclosure Buttons.” iOS also provides a set of controls for use in table rows only; for more information about these, see “Table-View Elements.”

For more information on symbol names and availability for these buttons, see documentation for UIButtonType. (For information on the symbol name and availability for the detail disclosure table-view element, see documentation for UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailDisclosureButton.)

Table 10-4  Standard buttons for use in table rows and user interface elements




image: ../art/UIButtonTypeContactAdd.jpg

Display a people picker to add a contact to an item


image: ../art/UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure.jpg

Display a new view that contains details about the current item


image: ../art/UIButtonTypeInfoDark.jpg

Flip to the back of the view (usually in a utility application) to display configuration options or more information.

Note that the Info button is also available as a light-colored “i” in a dark circle.


Last updated: 2010-08-03

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