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ANSI Art File  |  1992-08-27  |  3KB  |  640x2080
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OCR: The following comment was taken from the IBM conference on Smartnet. Current ly my ComputerTalk conference is being feed into it. A reader was commenting on his love of DOS. Dave Langlois was responding to that comment with the following article: I have just recently joined this conference. I have read with interest your views on Windows and DOS. While I am only one man, and I can only have one man's opinions, I would like to share my personal opinions with you and for all to read. First, I should probably tell you a little about myself. I make my living writing software, developing systems and relational databases for corporate clients here in the D.C. area, and, yes, I have contracted for the Federal Government. I am "labeled" as a Senior Systems Engineer/Analyst, CICS/DB2 Specialist. I hold a couple of Ph. D. degrees and, yes, one of them is in Computer Science. I have NEVER considered myself to be an "expert" in anything. Why? Because with all that I have learned, I have much more to learn. I have worked extenseively, over twelve years with DOS, and four years with Windows, and have found that Windows is nothing more than pretty pictures on a screen for people who can't or won't read. Windows is much like a "security blanket" for these users. It is useless, but nice to have around in case we might have to use it. Windows is an "expert" environment for hanging your PC whenever you try to execute an application. It is, also, very good for keeping the RESET button on your PC in perfect functional order. Other than that, I see, ABSOLUTELY, no need for it. IT is a dog with hard disk space, a memory hog, that does nothing but cause >ig problems. And, if your PC is on a LAN, WAN, or netted with a mainframe, get on your knees and pray for a storm to knock out all the hardware !!!! On the other hand, DOS has always and forever worked. Granted, one has to be able to read more than just "See Dick run''! There are some big jords when using DOS, but then, you can actually USE it, and be productive! Isn't THAT what PC's are all about? Some of the big words in using DOS are, of course, Abort? Delete? Are you sure ?, files, and here is a really big word: directories! Holy Moses, now that takes some reading skills, doesn't it? Of course, there will always be the people who disagree with this opinion. DOS is worth its' weight in gold. For people who think Windows is great, obviously have no TRUE understanding of what a PC is, or what a PC is all about; but then, that is not MY fault. I am just the guy who writes the software that make computers do what they think they should do! BTW, I love it; the work is great. So, I am happy that there are people out there who can't or won't read; it makes my job that much easier in the end. Windows is something that nobody needs. Respectfully, Dave Langlois