+ <Item Name="S_MSG_MVDWarning" Value="Selected MVD file allready exists. MVD support in SubtitleProcessor is limited\nonly to essential minimum and some extended information may be lost.\nDo you want to overwrite the existing file?" />
moved from frmSaveDialog, with items (they aren't changed), only the group caption changed a little
* grpMdvdOptions Caption="MicroDVD options"
moved from frmSaveDialog, with items. The items have 'MDVD' appended to the control name:
<cbSaveDefaultMDVD Hint="Save default style using the {DEFAULT}{} tag" Caption="Save {DEFAULT}{}" />
<cbSaveStylesMDVD Caption="Save styles" />
<cbSaveOverridesMDVD Caption="Save line styles" />
<cbSavePositionsMDVD Caption="Save line coordinates (X,Y)" />
+ captOriginalFmtDesc Caption="Save subtitles in the same format, in which they were loaded"
+ grpOriginalFormat Caption="Original format:"
+ captSRTOptions Caption="SRT (SubRip) format has no configurable options"
frmSaveDialog - removed completely
It was a legacy dialog docked to the configuration form
+ btnSplitSubtitle Hint="Split selected subtitle"
+ btnSubStart Hint="Jump to the start time of the selected subtitle"
+ btnSubEnd Hint="Jump to the end time of the selected subtitle"
+ btnSubStartTop Hint="Jump to the start time of the selected subtitle"
+ btnSubEndTop Hint="Jump to the end time of the selected subtitle"
+ tbSeeking hint="Movie position control"
+ S_HEADER_SubtitleNo
+ S_HEADER_MainSubtitles
+ S_HEADER_SecondSubtitles
* S_SUB_Main" Value="First"
* S_MSG_MainSubsNotLoaded" Value="First subtitles not loaded."
* btnAddLine Hint="Add subtitle to bottom subs"
* btnDelLine Hint="Remove subtitle from bottom subs"
* btnJoinLines Hint="Merge selected subtitle in bottom subs with next subtitle"
* btnSplitLines Hint="Split selected subtitle in bottom subs"
* btnSearch Hint="Search for text in bottom subs"
* btnTimesDown Hint="Copy timestamps from top to bottom"
* btnTimesUp Hint="Copy timestamps from bottom to top"
* btnTxtDown Hint="Copy text from top to bottom"
* btnTxtUp Hint="Copy text from bottom to top"
+ btnAddLineTop Hint="Add subtitle to top subs"
+ btnDelLineTop Hint="Remove subtitle from top subs"
+ btnJoinLinesTop Hint="Merge selected subtitle in top subs with next subtitle"
+ btnSplitLinesTop Hint="Split selected subtitle in top subs"
+ btnSearchTop Hint="Search for text in top subs"
* captVersion Caption="Created for version:"
* captAuthor Caption="Translation author:"
+ grpPlayer Caption="Player"
+ cbDisplayBothSubtitles Caption="Display both 1st and 2nd subtitles (ignore position in style)"
+ rgMainSubPosPlayer Caption="Position of first subtitles"
+ grpTranslator Caption="Translator"
+ rgMainSubPosTranslator Caption="Position of first subtitles"
* btnPreview Hint="Show full screen"
+ captBrightness Caption="Brightness (Alt)"
+ captContrast Caption="Contrast (Ctrl)"
+ captGamma Caption="Gamma (Shift)"
* grpMainSubtitles Caption="First subtitles"
* btnSubtitles Hint="Open selected file as first subtitles" Caption="Open as first subtitles"
* btnMdvd Hint="Open selected file as Movie description (movie and first subtitles will be loaded)"
* btnSaveSub Hint="Save first subtitles"
* miMainSub Caption="First subtitles"
- cbPlayAfterSeek
+ captMaxMRU
+ btnSplitSubtitle Hint (frmEditor)
+ btnMergeSubtitles Hint (frmEditor)
- S_MSG_WannaSplitSub
+ S_MSG_WannaJoinSubs
* TrackBarZoom Hint
+ new form frmSplitSUbtitle
+ btnPrevSubtitle Hint (frmPlayer)
+ btnNextSubtitle Hint (frmPlayer)
- btnLoadSub (frmMain)
- btnLoad2ndSub (frmMain)
- btnLoadMovie (frmMain)
- btnLoadMVD (frmMain)
+ miMainSub Caption
+ miOpenMainSub Caption
+ mi2ndSub Caption
+ miOpen2ndSub Caption
+ miMovie Caption
+ miOpenMovie Caption
+ miMovieDescription Caption
+ miOpenMVD Caption
<grpMainFPS Caption="KΘpkocka seb. (FPS)" />
<captFps Caption="A kΘpkockasebessΘget a film hatßrozza meg.\nAz FPS-t csak akkor lehet megvßltoztatni,\nha nincsen film bet÷ltve. Hasznßlhat≤ a jßtΘkid⌡ korr., \nill. a lejßtsz≤ mintavΘtelezΘsi rßtßjßnak beßllφtßsßra." />
<cmbFrameRate Header="KΘpkocka/mßsodperc" />
<grpLanguage Caption="Nyelv" />
<!-- changed 5.4.9.b1 --><captVersion Caption="╔rv. e verzi≤hoz:" />
<cbSplit Caption="A kΘpszΘlessΘgnΘl hosszabb sorok t÷rdelΘse" />
<rbMergeAlways Hint="Mindig egyesφtse a r÷vid sorokat" Caption="Mindig" />
<rbMergeOnSplit Hint="Csak akkor egyesφtse a r÷vid sorokat, ha ugyanabban a feliratban nΘhßny hossz· sor meg lett t÷rve" Caption="Csak ha pßr hossz· sor meg lett t÷rve" />
<rbNeverMerge Hint="Soha ne egyesφtse a r÷vid sorokat" Caption="Soha" />
<cbExcludeMerge Hint="Ne egyesφtse a megadott karakterrel kezd⌡d⌡ sorokat" Caption="KivΘve az φgy kezd⌡d⌡ sorok:" />