Preferences Dialog Box
TurboIRC allows you to modify it , depending on your preferences . The currently available options are :
Kick Messages : TurboIRC allows you to have multiple default kick messages . You can however select a different kick message when kicking . Attribute characters are also allowed , see Input
Default Ban Method : The default ban method when setting +b or /access deny . You have a total of 15 ways to set a ban on a channel . Note that you will still be able to change the ban type in real time .
Black List Script : The script TurboIRC will fire when a blacklisted user joins a channel *and* you are host or operator . You can directly modify this script in the Event
Beep options : These allow you to play sounds when certain events occur . Although you can do this using scripts , this is a faster method . If you don't specify a file , TurboIRC will play the system default sound .
All sounds are played asynchronously , i.e. TurboIRC does not wait for the sound file to be played to continue execution .
Translate PIRCH ops : PIRCH users send a notice to all @'s in a room with the /opnotice command , in that format : -CHANOPS- #room:message . TurboIRC enables you to automatically translate such a notice . If you do not select this , the notice will be handled as a normal notice , and it will be forwarded to the current window , or to all windows ( depending on your settings )
Translate VIRC ops : The same as PIRCH ops , for Visual IRC « .
Destroy Window On Kick : When you are kicked and this box is on , TurboIRC will destroy the channel window . This event is not default or locked , it will be fired after the default events and custom events have been processed .
Auto Rejoin On Kick : When you are kicked and this box is on , TurboIRC will send a join command . This event is not default or locked as well .
Destroy All If Disconnected : When you are disconnected from the server , TurboIRC will destroy all windows of that server . Please note that TurboIRC will always destroy them if you manually quit by using /quit , or close manually the server window . Note also that for the "Reconnect on failure" option in Comment Dialog to work , this option must be OFF .
Warn On Extended Channels : TurboIRC will send you a warning if you are in IRCX mode and you join a channel which has +d , +e , +f , +z or +x . Check the Control Dialog and the IRCX draft
Auto Join On Clone Channel : TurboIRC will send a join command if it receives a CLONE message from the server . For this mode to work , you must be in IRCX and owner or host in a +d channel which has set +l ( user limit ) mode . This event is not default or locked .
Recognize hyperlinks : This will underline & translate text that starts with http:// , www. , ftp:// or mailto:
Show tip of the minute : This shows the Tip of the minute , every time you start .
Show services errors : This shows all services errors ( Finger ,Ident , Nuke ) . For example , you will see an error if you already run a Ident server within another program and you attempt to start the Ident Service .
Auto accept file transfers : TurboIRC will automatically accept a file transfer if this is selected . Be careful of the files you receive !! They might contain viruses . Also note that when a DCC session is established , the user knows your IP address !
Auto accept DCC chats : The same with File Transfers , for DCC chats .
Ignore +f IRCX instruction : TurboIRC will ignore the NOFORMAT (+f) IRCX instruction when this is selected , and he will continue formatting the received messages . See Channel Control for more about the +f .
Auto start FINGER , IDENT , NUKE service : TurboIRC starts automatically these services when it runs . For more information , see Services .
Auto join favorite channels : This joins favorite channels at startup . See Joining a channel
Play eceived sounds : This plays all the sounds that are received with the CTCP SOUND.
Input releases away : When you have used the /away command to be away , anytime you send anything with the keyboard the program removes the away status .
Show service requests : This shows you when a program used the service you started . For example , some servers require the Ident service to be run to allow you to connect . You shall see that request from the server . With this option enabled , you will see also any nuke that someone tried to do to you .
Quit Message : Your default QUIT message . TurboIRC enables you to change this if you type /quit without a quit message
Finger Reply : The string that TurboIRC uses to reply to FINGER CTCPS . This is also used from the FINGER service . See Services .
Voice Frequency : The default voice frequency when voice chatting . For more information , see TurboIRC VOICE utility .
KTP Mail Server : The mail server used by default , when you establish a transfer using KTP . See KTP .
FilesDir , SoundDir , LogDir : The paths that your files , sounds and logs are saved .
Ident String : The reply that TurboIRC should return upon a Ident request .
Auto connect to servers signed as <startup> : This will automatically start the connection with the servers that you have "auto connect" in the Connect Dialog
Immediately send after paste : This one will send all the text you are pasting to the input window without pressing enter first . If you remove it , you need to press Enter to pass what you have pasted.Most IRC Clients do the auto-enter by default , TurboIRC allows you to choose .
See also :