More Options dialog

There are more options for you to play with in this dialog box .

Auto respond to CTCP PING,TIME,FINGER,File Transfers,Chat/Voice Requests : Setting these to on is preffered to answer to CTCP requests . Note that you will still decide IF you will finally accept a transfer or a request ; Toggling the options to "OFF" won't give you the opportunity to accept/decline a request .

Auto log server/channel/query/dcc windows : This enables you to auto log windows . Place the name of the file you want to keep the log . For each * you place in the file , the window name is replaced .

Flood control : This is the minimum milliseconds that TurboIRC will wait before passing a command . Setting this value to 0 passes the commands immediately , that can cause a disconnection from the server . Usual values are 300 - 500 milliseconds .

Yield Message Number : This is the number of messages for script yielding . A good value is from 5 to 10 . Check Script Directives .

Max User Watch : This is the number of the maximum users that TurboIRC will keep a record for . If you see that your memory is decreasing , try to lower this value .

Taskbar view : This enables you to specify which windows you will see in the Windows Explorer's Taskbar .

ESC key action : This allows you to select what it will be done when you press Esc . The default is to clear the line , but you may also set it to close a window , or to minimize TurboIRC ( preffered from lazy ones that have work to do and they chat instead ! ).

Minimize key action : This allows you to specify what the minimize button will do . The first option will minimize all current windows , the second will do a Ctrl+F5 ( hide to an icon in the system tray ), and the third will minimize only the current window .

Warn for server disconnection : This will show you a warning if you try to close a server connection .

Alt+F4 Shuts down TurboIRC : If not checked , Alt+F4 will destroy your current channel , not the whole TurboIRC .

Apply Colors to Server Window : If this is enabled , your color adjustements in Metricswill be applied to Server Windows as well as to other windows . You may need to disable this option because most times the server does not include a color so if you e.g. select a dark color for the view , you cannot easily modify Server Window outputs .

Keep focus if text : Normally when TurboIRC creates a query window , it gives it the keyboard focus immediately . If this option is enabled , TurboIRC will check when it is about to create a query window , if you are typing text in the current window . If you do , that window will still have the focus after the query creation .

Use status bar : If selected , TurboIRC will use a status bar on every window it creates . Note that when you remove or select this style , existing windows are not affected .

Freeze Add Text : If this one is not selected ( default ) , TurboIRC will add text from its current thread to the screen , that means faster add text . This option should be changed to active , only if you have flood or freeze options while adding text . Setting this flag to on , orders TurboIRC to use secondary thread to write text . This will never freeze your machine , but you may run into mouse problems when copying or pasting .

Assume IP Number : Specifies your IP number . If you want to take your IP from your Windows configuration , leave the field blank . If you have a static IP you want to use , enter it there . If you have problems with automatic IP detection , use an asterisk . TurboIRC will find your IP based on your server connection then .

Assume Message Prefix : If you like to prefix your messages with e.g. a color , you can enter it here . Example if you have Ctrl+B there , all your messages in a channel , dcc , or query will be started with bold . This is not applied to messages that sent from server window , or to messages that start from / ( aliases ) .

Hilite Words : Enter a list of words, space separater , to order TurboIRC to replace them before typing . Formula is the method that TurboIRC should use to replace the text . For example, you may want to make word "fuck" bold and beep before . You can use Ctrl+DCtrl+B%sCtrl+B . In that case, word "fuck" will be replaced by Ctrl+D , then Ctrl+B, then "fuck" and then again Ctrl+B . Default TurboIRC's method is Ctrl+DCtrl+BCtrl+K4,8%sCtrl+K1,0Ctrl+B

See also:


