Function List

Here are all TurboIRC supported functions . Functions take some parameters , calculate a result and return it . The parameters can be integers or strings , and the return values also are strings or integers , or even nothing ( void )

To clear the functions , I sorted them by category . The first word is the return type of the string , and it is int , string ,or void . Then the function name , and then any optional parameters .

All function names are case-sensitive !

  1. IRC Functions
  2. TurboIRC Functions
  3. String Functions
  4. Sound Functions
  5. File Functions
  6. Directory Functions
  7. Dialog Box Functions
  8. Ini File Functions
  9. Window Functions
  10. User Functions
  11. Menu Functions
  12. Clipboard Functions
  13. Registry Functions
  14. Drawing Functions
  15. Socket Functions
  16. Math & Calculating Functions
  17. HTML Dialog Boxes and JavaScript functions
  18. External Call Functions
  19. Address Book Functions


1.IRC Functions

These functions handle IRC things .

GetClientMode returns a string describing your client mode , for example "ix" ( look NickModes ) .
Example : string Str = GetClientMode()

GetCurrentWindowName returns the name of the window that is active .
Example : string Str = GetCurrentWindowName()

GetChannelMode takes a channel name as a parameter and returns the Channel Modes .
Example : string Str = GetChannelMode("#MyChannel")
Example with two functions :

  1. string CurName = GetCurrentWindowName()
  2. string CurMode = GetChannelMode(CurName)

GetChannelTopic returns the topic of the specified channel .

GetChannelM/Q/O/VpCount , returns the number of members / owners / hosts / voices in a channel . Example with a script :

  1. string CurName = GetCurrentWindowName()
  2. int zM = GetCurrentMpCount(CurName)
  3. /addtext %CurName% Heyyyy this channel has %zM% members !!

GetWindowType accepts a name and returns 1 if it is a server window , 2 if it is a channel window , 3 if it is a query window , and 0 if no such window was found

GetNickCount accepts a channel name and returns the nicks found . The same with GetChannelMpCount() .

GetNickLevel acceps a channel name and a nick name . It returns 1 : The nick is a member in the channel . 2 : The nick has voice in the channel . 3 : The nick is a channel operator . 4 : The nick is a channel owner . 0 : The nick was not found in the channel .

GetFormattedNick accepts a channel name and a number . The number is an index from 0 to GetNickCount() - 1 , to indicate which nick should be returned . The nick is returned with any prefix it might have .

GetNick , is the same with GetformattedNick , except that any preffixes are removed .

GetCurrentNick , accepts a channel name , and returns the nick that is currently selected , in a zero base ( first nick = 0 , second = 1 etc ) . This is the same with sending a LB_GETCURSEL message with SendMessage function to the nick list box . If it is no nick selected , it returns -1 . If the Toggle parameter is 1 , the hilight is removed from that nick . That allows a script to process multiple selections from the Nick List . If the Toggle is 0 , the nick is still hilighted .

IsOwner , IsHost and IsVoice , accept a channel and a nick and return 1 if the nick is owner/host/voice respectively in the channel , otherwise return 0 .

IsOp accepts a channel and a nick and returns 1 if the nick is owner or host in the channel . IsOp is provided for PIRCH-mIRC-other IRC users . All those IsXXXX functions are superseded by GetNickLevel .


2.TurboIRC Functions

These functions are TurboIRC special functions .


Mask takes a mask and removes the starting : , that the servers append to the mask .Rarely used because having a mask with : in a parameter , for example $0 , you may use "$0" + 1 to by pass the first : character . Mask is only useful when you need to use a mask within a line that starts with / or \ ( and there the "$0" + 1 is not converted ) .

GetMask allows you to convert a mask to the desired type . For example, if you have a mask Nick!Ident@port.domain , you may want to set * as the nick or ident or domain . The type can be an integer from 0 to 14 , as in the Preferences dialog box .

NickFromMask , IdentFromMask and IPFromMask take a mask in the form of nick!ident@domain , and return the nick , the ident and the domain , respectively . These functions are useful only if that mask is returned in a place other than $0 ( See Script Parameters ) , because if the mask is in $0 , you can access it with $nick , $ident , and $IP , respectively . Almost all server events that contain a user mask , they place it in $0 .

DefaultBanFromMask takes a mask and returns a string that represents your Ban Method . For example , if you have set your ban method to *!*@domain , the function will convert a mask from e.g. MyNick! to *!* .

FindWindowFromTitle takes a window name and returns the relative position in the WOPTIONS structure . The WOPTIONS structure is an internal TurboIRC structure to hold window information . You need this value to call GetWOPTIONS function . The other FindWindowFromTitle version has you to give a server number . For the current server number , you can use the $servernumber . If you want to specify another server , it is your responsibility to know witch number has the other server . Warning : The number returned from FindWindowFromTitle is valid only while no new window has been created or an old window has been destroyed . If your script creates/destroys windows , be sure to recall FindWindowFromTitle to get the correct number of a window , to call GetWOPTIONS .

MessageBox shows a message to the user . The first parameter is the message , and the second is the caption of the message box . The third parameter can be 0 , so the MessageBox displays only an "OK" button , or 1 , so the MessageBox has an "OK" and a "CANCEL" button . If you specify 0 , MessageBox always returns 0 .If you specify 1 , MessageBox returns 0 if the user pressed the OK button , or 1 if pressed the CANCEL button . Message boxes have the MB_SYSTEMMODAL window style to ensure that the user will view them .

Random returns a random integer , in the range you specify . If you specify 1000 as the range , the return value will be from 0 to 999 .

LOWORD and HIWORD take an integer and return the low or the hi 16 bits , respectively .

SecondsToTime takes an integer describing seconds and converts it to a string describing the equal time .

UNIXTime takes an integer describing seconds and converts it to a string describing the date and time . UNIX - style times assume that the time starts from Jan 1, 1970 .

GetTickCount returns the milliseconds that have passed since Windows started . You can use this value to compare times if you don't care about the time , but the difference between scripts .

CreateTemporaryFile returns a file that is guaranteed to NOT exist . You can safely then use CreateFile() ( check File Functions later )

GetWOPTIONS takes the number of a window ( as returned from FindWindowFromTitle ) and a string parameter that describes which window parameter should be returned . GetWOPTIONS is an extended function that you will need only if you mess with Window Functions ( see later ) , and very extended scripts . GetWOPTIONS returns a string or an int , depending on the value you will ask . Possible Parameters are :

  1. "Type" : This returns an integer desrcibing the type of the given window , as the GetWindowType() returns it .
  2. "ServerNumber" , returns the server number of a window .
  3. "Frame" , returns the Window Handle for a window . You can use this value to create new windows with Window Functions , that are owned by this handle .
  4. "Menu" , returns the MenuHandle for that frame . You may modify it using the Menu Functions .( Returns 0 if no menu )
  5. "Window" , returns the Child Handle for a window . The child handle contains all the controls that the window has . Using the GetDlgItem with the child ID's of this handle , you can take the window handles of the controls . The child ID's are 101 for the view , 102 for the Input Edit Box , and 103 for the list box .Using the handles that are returned from GetDlgItem , you can direct send messages to those controls . But , you may use also the following strings to directly request the handle of such windows .
  6. "View" , returns the window handle of the view
  7. "Input" , returns the window handle of the input window
  8. "ListBox" , returns the window handle of the list box ( valid only on channel windows )
  9. "Tab" , returns the window handle of the window's tab bar .
  10. "StatusBar" , returns the window handle of the window's status bar .
  11. "ButtonQ" , "ButtonO" , "ButtonV" and "ButtonK" , return the window handles of the channel window's +/- owner , host , voice and kick/ban push buttons respectively .
  12. "Title" , returns a string that has the title of the window .
  13. "Timer" , returns 1 if the window contents have not been read , or 0 if they have been read .
  14. "IsActive" , returns 1 if the window is active ( i.e. is a live channel or a server window .Query windows are always active ) . Otherwise , it returns 0 .
  15. "IsLogging" returns 1 if the window is being logged , and 0 if it is not . ( See Logging )
  16. "LogSaveAttr" returns 1 if the log saves the line attributes , and 0 if not . ( See Logging )
  17. "LogWriteTime" returns 1 if the log saves the time , and 0 if not . ( See Logging )
  18. "LogWriteDate" returns 1 is the log saves the date , and 0 if not . ( See Logging)
  19. "LogFile" returns a string describing the file used for logging ( See Logging )
  20. "ChannelTopic" is valid only for channel windows ( those that have Type = 2 ) . It returns the channel topic string .
  21. "ChannelMode" . The same with topic, returns the channel mode string .
  22. "TargetNicks" , returns a string that has a list of the nicks that the messages are currently targetted . See Targetting for details . Valid for channels only .
  23. "IsFormattingDisabled" is only for channels with the +f in their mode ( See IRCX draft ) It returns 1 if the +f instruction is enabled ( See also Channel Control) , and 0 if not .
  24. "HasWarned" , returns 1 if the user has been warned that a channel is extended . ( See Channel Control for details on "warnings" ) . Otherwise , it returns 0 .
  25. "IsSecure" , is valid only for queries ( Type = 3 ). It returns 1 if the query is secure ( See Security) , otherwise it returns 0 .

You can call GetWOPTIONS with any window number , within the range of 0 and $totalwindowsactive . If you call GetWOPTIONS with a number out of range , GetWOPTIONS will return nothing .

If you want to find a window that has a specific option , you can call GetWOPTIONS for all the windows you 'd like , until you find the number needed .


GetCCWOPTIONS takes the number of a dcc window ( as returned from the special event OnDCCMessage ) and a string parameter that describes which window parameter should be returned for the DCC box . GetCCWOPTIONS returns a string or an int , depending on the value you will ask . Possible Parameters are :

  1. "UseSender" : The assumed nick that the sender has.
  2. "UseReceiver" : The assumed nick that the receipient has.
  3. "Frame" , returns the Window Handle for a window . You can use this value to create new windows with Window Functions , that are owned by this handle .
  4. "Menu" , returns the MenuHandle for that frame . You may modify it using the Menu Functions .( Returns 0 if no menu )
  5. "Window" , returns the Child Handle for a window . The child handle contains all the controls that the window has . Using the GetDlgItem with the child ID's of this handle , you can take the window handles of the controls . The child ID's are 101 for the view , 102 for the Input Edit Box , and 103 for the list box .Using the handles that are returned from GetDlgItem , you can direct send messages to those controls . But , you may use also the following strings to directly request the handle of such windows .
  6. "View" , returns the window handle of the view
  7. "Input" , returns the window handle of the input window
  8. "Title" , returns a string that has the title of the DCC window .
  9. "Timer" , returns 1 if the window contents have not been read , or 0 if they have been read .
  10. "IsActive" , returns 1 if the dcc window is active . Otherwise , it returns 0 .
  11. "IsLogging" returns 1 if the window is being logged , and 0 if it is not . ( See Logging )
  12. "LogSaveAttr" returns 1 if the log saves the line attributes , and 0 if not . ( See Logging )
  13. "LogWriteTime" returns 1 if the log saves the time , and 0 if not . ( See Logging )
  14. "LogWriteDate" returns 1 is the log saves the date , and 0 if not . ( See Logging)
  15. "LogFile" returns a string describing the file used for logging ( See Logging )
  16. "IsSecure" , is valid only for queries ( Type = 3 ). It returns 1 if the query is secure ( See Security) , otherwise it returns 0 .
  17. "Socket" , returns the DCC socket value . Socket is guaranteed to be the same till the DCC session terminates .

Please note that you cannot assume that the window number is the same anytime you call the GetCCWOPTIONS , but you can assume that the socket value is correct .

GetGOPTIONS returns information about general options , that are not listed in PREF.INI so you can get them with INI Functions . It returns a string or an integer , depending on what you are asking :

  1. "Instance" : This returns the instance handle of currently TURBOIRC.EXE running . Use it with Process Functions
  2. "Main" : This returns the handle of the main window . Use it with Window Functions .
  3. "Menu" : Returns the menu of the main window .
  4. "PopupMenus" : Returns the handle to TurboIRC's popup menus .

In case you want to modify the Popup Menus , you can check TurboIRC.RC , the resource script file included with your TurboIRC package , to see how the menus are placed .


GetSOPTIONS , is the same about GetWOPTIONS , but it returns not window-parameters , rather than server status parameters . GetSOPTIONS takes a number that must describe a Server Window in WOPTIONS structure . The $servernumber always holds the number of the current server . Possible parameters of the value are :

  1. ReconnectOnFail : Returns an integer 1 if the configuration is that the connection should be re-established after a failure . If it is not , it returns 0
  2. RealName , User1 , User2 , User3 , EMail : The login information returned in strings .
  3. Address : Returns the string of the address of your server ( not the server name )
  4. Port : Returns a number describing the port the connection was made
  5. Socket : Returns the socket of the server , use it to Socket Functions
  6. Echoing : Returns int : 1 if echoing is set ( that is : the messages from the server are shown ) , and 0 if echoing is NOT set .
  7. AutoInviteChannel : This returns a string describing the channel you were last invited . The string is 0 if you were not invited , OR you used Shift+F6 to join the channel before calling GetSOPTIONS() .
  8. KeyPressed : This is set to 1 when you pass something to the server using the input window. This value is never set to 0 , unless you set it manually with SetSOPTIONS .
  9. IsAway : Is 1 if you are in away ( used with /away ) , otherwise it is 0

GetSOPTIONS allows you to see if there is currently a dialog active . This way you are able e.g. to permit a script to lock the process if TurboIRC is using a dialog to format the output . The parameters are

  1. IsMaskWaiting : Is 1 if TurboIRC uses the WHOIS or the KICK dialog to get a mask
  2. MaskNotifyWindow : Returns the HWND of the WHOIS or the KICK dialog box
  3. MaskType : Is 1 if KICK , 0 if WHOIS
  4. IsSilenceWaiting : 1 if the silence dialog is active
  5. SilenceNotifyWindow : The HWND of the silence dialog , if active
  6. IsAccWaiting : 1 if the access dialog is active
  7. AccNotifyWindow : The HWND of the access dialog , if active
  8. IsPropWaiting : 1 if the prop dialog is active
  9. PropNotifyWindow : The HWND of the prop dialog , if active
  10. IsBlistWaiting : 1 if the ban list dialog is active
  11. BlistNotifyWindow : The HWND of the ban list dialog , if active
  12. IsListWaiting : 1 if the list dialog is active
  13. ListWindow : The HWND of the list dialog , if active
  14. IsWhoWaiting : 1 if the who dialog is active
  15. WhoNotifyWindow : The HWND of the who dialog , if active

In case you want to modify any of the dialogs , your TurboIRC.RC file in the TurboIRC package shows you each dialog box and how it has the controls arranged .

The number that GetSOPTIONS return if you request "socket" , is guaranteed to be valid until the specified server is dead . TurboIRC uses this value to append to files that hold user information , to be stored in ..\DYN ; When a user sends you a command , OR you add or modify a user using /setuserlevel and other Default Aliases , the user information is stored separately for each server in a file in DYN directory under TurboIRC directory . The file name starts with SU and the next is the socket number , e.g. SU27.DAT . The 27 is the value of the socket that is guaranteed to be unique until the server connection is dropped .You can use the DYN directory to store files dynamically , within your scripts .


SetSOPTIONS allows you to modify some server options . It is the same as GetSOPTIONS , except it has an additional int/string parameter describing which option should be changed . Only the following options are available with SetSOPTIONS:

  1. ReconnectOnFail
  2. EMail
  3. AutoInviteChannel
  4. Echoing
  5. KeyPressed

Here is a script example to set you automatically away after 5 minutes of non-inputting text .
Use this script e.g. in the Timer30Seconds Special Event to auto /away .

  1. int IsAway = GetSOPTIONS($servernumber,"IsAway")
  3. // Are we already away ?
  4. if (IsAway == 1)
  5. /destroystaticvariable TimeOut
  6. return
  7. endif
  9. staticint TimeOut = 0
  11. // Get value
  12. int IsPressed = GetSOPTIONS($servernumber,"KeyPressed")
  14. // Reset to 0
  15. SetSOPTIONS($servernumber,"KeyPressed",0)
  17. // If it is zero , increase TimeOut
  18. if (IsPressed==0)
  19. TimeOut += 1
  20. // else , destroy all of the script statics
  21. else
  22. /destroystaticvariable TimeOut
  23. return
  24. endif
  26. // Now check if the TimeOut reached 10 (= 5 minutes )
  27. if (TimeOut < 10)
  28. return
  29. endif
  31. // Set Auto Away :)
  32. /away I am OFF LINE !!!!
  33. /destroystaticvariable TimeOut

IsMatching , is the function that the whole TurboIRC capture-mechanism on events and IRC translations is based on . IsMatching matchs a given text with a given pattern , and returns 1 if they match , or 0 if they don't . Both pattern and text can have wildcards in them . IsGlobal performs the matching globally ( see the example for details ) if it is 1 , and if CaseSensitive is 1 , the comparison is case-sensitive .


GetParameter accepts a string that has space-delimited strings , and returns a string based on the integer argument ( zero-based ) . GetZParameter does the same , and returns the rest of the parameters supplied . For example

string MyS = GetParameter(0,"Hi there")

this returns "Hi" to MyS .

string MyS = GetParameter(3,"Hi there my lovely friend")

this returns "lovely" to MyS .

string MyS = GetZParameter(3,"Hi there my lovely friend")

this returns "lovely friend" to MyS .

AddCRLF appends the cr,lf characters to a string and returns the new string . The cr,lf characters are the special characters to break a line . This is useful when you want to write information to a txt file and you want to break the line . Note that AddCRLF adds the crlf only if the characters do not already exist . Do not assume that applying 2 times AddCRLF will result to a 2 line breaks .

RemoveCRLF removes the crlf from a string . The CRLF is removed only if exist , of course .

FileToBase64 reads a file ( specified in the first argument ) , and creates a new file ( the second parameter ) that represents the contents of the first file , encoded with the Base64 method . This function is useful if you want to send a mail and you want to attach the file . The function returns 1 on success and 0 on error . The function fails if the second file already exists .

Base64ToFile is the reverse of FileToBase64 . It creates a normal file based on the converts of a Base64-encoded file .

3.String Functions

These functions handle strings .

FindStringPos searches in the first string , to find the second string . If the string is found , it returns a number describing the 0-based position that the string was found . If not , it returns -1 .

FindExStringPos is the same , but the string to be found must be whole word only . If you use 1 in the IsComma parameter , the function will assume that values that are separated with "," are whole words in the string .

strcpy returns the string parameter . This is not generally in use because strings can be assigned values using the = operator .

strncpy takes the string parameters , and returns a string that may be shorter than the original depending on the num parameter .
Example : string MyStr = strncpy("hello there",5)
This makes MyStr hold "hello" , because only 5 characters are copied .

strlen returns the string length , the total characters in the string .

atoi returns an integer expression of a given string . For example , if you pass a string "523" then the integer returned will be 523 . If atoi cannot convert the given string to an integer , it returns 0

strcat takes the first argument , appends the second to the first and returns the result .
Example : string MyStr = strcat("Lost +","Found")
MyStr now contains "Lost + Found"

strncat is the same with strcat , but you have to tell the function how many characters from the second string will be appended to the first string .
Example : string MyStr = strncat("Lost + ","Found",1)
MyStr now contains "Lost + F"

strcmp compares two strings case-sensitive . If the strings are equal , it returns 0 .

strncmp is the same , but you must specify how many characters should be compared .
Example : strcmp("Hey","Heyy") will not return 0 , but strncmp("Hey","Heyy",3) will .

stricmp and strnicmp are the same functions with strcmp and strncmp , but they compare case-insensitive .

strlwr takes the parameter and returns the same string , converted to lower case letters . Other characters are not affected .

strupr does the conversion to upper case letters .

strrev takes a string and returns the reverse image .
Example : string MyStr = strrev("hi")
MyStr now contains "ih"

strstrip takes a string and removes attributes , e.g. Bold/Italic/Underline . This is useful when you want to get rid of IRC attributes in strings . The attributes that will be removed are specified in the second parameter , that can be a combination of :

Specify -1 to ensure that all attributes will be removed .

strrep replaces a string within another string . It takes a string as the first parameter . The second string is the value that should be replaced, and the third is the value that will be placed . The last integer should be 0 , to indicate that the function should not research the replaced string to perform another replacement . If you use 1 , strrep will do multiple replacements . WATCH out ! If your new string contains also the first string , strrep will crash your TurboIRC . For example , strrep("hi there", "hi","hii",1) will crash , because "hii" contains "hi" .

sprintf , is an extended function that takes a pattern and creates a string based on the arguments . All pattern commands begin with % and next is a value desribing a parameter . For example

string MyStr = sprintf("%i",5)

this creates a string "5" to store in MyStr . With sprintf , you can create strings that contain also integer expressions , as well as to format the values . For example :

MyStr = sprintf("Hello there this is number %i",5*4)

sprintf is very powerful command if you have some values to an INI file for example

  1. Name1 = "file"
  2. Name2 = "data"
  3. Name3 = "help"

instead of continuously creating "Name1" "Name2" etc strings , you can create a loop inside the script , that increases an integer variable , and then use sprintf to create the name . For example

  1. int Z = 1
  2. string Text = ""
  3. :cont
  4. Text = sprintf("Name%i",Z)
  5. // do other functions that require NameX here
  6. .
  7. .
  8. Z += 1
  9. if (Z == 100)
  10. return
  11. endif
  12. goto cont

This loop will be executed for 100 times , and the Text variable will be assigned Name1 , Name2 ... Name100 . If you are a C++ programmer , you know about sprintf and printf , and you can use it very well to enhance your TurboIRC scripts . Unfortunately , there are too many sprintf commands and patterns , that I cannot describe here ... only the %i might be useful to you . sprintf can also take more than 1 argument , for example

Text = sprintf("The result of %i * %i is %i !",3,4,12)

this creates : "The result of 3 * 4 is 12 !"

OR , more professional

  1. int z1 = 4
  2. int z2 = 3
  3. string Text = sprintf("The result of %i * %i is %i !",z1,z2,z1*z2)
  4. /addtext $server ***Results are : %Text%


4.Sound Functions

These functions handle sounds .

FindSoundFile takes a filename and searches to match 1st , in TurboIRC directory , 2nd , in the directory you install sounds ( default SOUND under TurboIRC directory ) , and in the Windows MEDIA directory . If the file is not found , it returns an empty string, otherwise it returns the path of the file found .

GetSoundType returns 1 if the file is WAV , 2 if the file is MID , and 3 if the file is MP3 . Otherwise it returns 0 . Remember that this version can only play WAV and MID files .



5.File Functions

These functions handle Binary and Text Files . If you need to handle INI files , see section 8

CreateFile creates a new file , or opens a file . The first parameter is the filename of the file to create . If you want to be sure that you will create a new file , use CreateTemporaryFile() to get a new file name . The Access parameter is one of the following :

The CreationDistribution parameter is one of the following :

If successful , CreateFile returns an integer that you will need to access the file in other File Functions . If it fails , it returns 0 .

In case that you are a Windows Programmer , FILE_SHARE_READ and FILE_SHARE_WRITE are also passed to CreateFile .

ReadFile , reads some bytes from a file ( max 4096 per once ) . It returns a string containing the bytes read . The first parameter is the file handle , as returned from CreateFile . After a successful read , the file pointer is updated ( See SetFilePointer )

WriteFile , writes to the file handle ( as returned from CreateFile ) , some bytes . The function reads the bytes from the string supplied , and the bytes to be written is the second parameter . The function does not return a value . The file pointer is also updated .

SetFilePointer allows you to set the position from which the next WriteFile or ReadFile is start . The first parameter is the file handle . The second are the bytes to move , and the 3rd is one of the following :

Example : SetFilePointer(FileHandle,1,0) will set the pointer to the beginning of the file plus 1 .

SetFilePointer returns the current file pointer . You can use that to find the size of a opened file , like that :

int Size = SetFilePointer(FileHandle,0,2)

This places the pointer to the end of the file . BE SURE to restore the file pointer to its original value .

CloseFile , closes a handle opened by CreateFile()

DeleteFile , deletes a file . The file must be closed to delete it . For example DeleteFile("MYFILE.DAT") will fail if the file is opened .

ExistsFile , returns 1 if the file you supply exists in the disk , otherwise it returns 0

GetFileExtension , accepts a file and returns its extension . You may use that function to check which files that you get via DCC transfers should be executed with /shellexecute .

GetFileSize , accepts a file and returns its size . This function does not require the file to be opened like SetFilePointer .

FullToShort returns only the filename from a full path & filespec .

AppendText appends the second parameter ( a buffer ) to the file ( the first parameter ) . The file must be closed . AppendTextCRLF does the same , but it adds also a "crlf" ( line feed & carriage return after the line . AppendFile reads a file ( second parameter ) and appends it to the first file . All these functions return 1 on success .

CopyFile copies the first file to a second file . If the last parameter is 1 and the second function already exists , the function fails ( returns 0 ) , otherwise the function succeeds .

MoveFile renames the first file or directory to a second name . The function returns 1 on success.



6.Directory Functions

These functions handle directories .

CreateDirectory creates the directory you supply . The directory can be a relative to the directory path , such as ".\HEYYY" , or a full path . The function returns 1 on success and 0 on failure .

RemoveDirectory is the same , except that it removes the directory you supply .

GetCurrentDirectory returns a string containing your current directory . If you plan to change directories , you MUST reset the current directory when your script finishes .

SetCurrentDirectory sets the current directory . If you don't reset the directory when finished , you will encounter weird things .


7.Dialog Functions

These functions handle dialogs .

AskInput , shows the user a dialog and request an input . Title is the dialog title , and Prompt is the prompt to enter the text . Default is the initial string to be displayed . If the user clicks ok , the function returns the text typed . If clicks cancel , an empty string is returned .

GetSelection , is an extended function that allows you to prompt a user to select between selections . The Prompt is the prompt , and Sel1 , Sel2 are possible selections . You can use up to 5 selection strings . When the dialog box is created , the first selection is the default . Once the user presses OK , the function returns 1 , 2 , 3, 4 , or 5 describing which selection was selected . If the user presses Cancel , the function returns 0 .

Example :

  1. int T = GetSelection("Please select an option:","I am male","I am female")
  2. if (T == 1)
  3. /addtext $server ***User is M
  4. return
  5. endif
  6. if (T == 2)
  7. /addtext $server ***User is F
  8. return
  9. endif
  10. /addtext $server ***WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE ???
  11. return

GetColor , shows the user a color dialog box , prompting him/her to choose a color . The color value is returned as the result of Red , Green and Blue attributes (RGB ) . Use of GetColor is good only when you want to manage colors that TurboIRC supports via the ^G input ( See Input ) .

GetMIRCColor , shows the user the color dialog box , but on return , it converts the selected color to a mIRC color , returning 0 - 15 as the result of the color . If the color cannot be converted , it returns -1 . The user should select one of the custom colors provided to ensure that the color will be converted .

GetOpenFile and GetSaveFile shows you the Open...or Save As... dialog box , allowing you to choose a file for opening or saving . The title is the title of the dialog box . Flags are a combination of the following values :

#define OFN_READONLY 0x00000001
#define OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT 0x00000002
#define OFN_HIDEREADONLY 0x00000004
#define OFN_NOCHANGEDIR 0x00000008
#define OFN_SHOWHELP 0x00000010
#define OFN_ENABLEHOOK 0x00000020
#define OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE 0x00000040
#define OFN_NOVALIDATE 0x00000100
#define OFN_ALLOWMULTISELECT 0x00000200
#define OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST 0x00000800
#define OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST 0x00001000
#define OFN_CREATEPROMPT 0x00002000
#define OFN_SHAREAWARE 0x00004000
#define OFN_NOREADONLYRETURN 0x00008000
#define OFN_NOTESTFILECREATE 0x00010000
#define OFN_NONETWORKBUTTON 0x00020000
#define OFN_NOLONGNAMES 0x00040000 // force no long names for 4.x modules
#if(WINVER >= 0x0400)
#define OFN_EXPLORER 0x00080000 // new look commdlg
#define OFN_LONGNAMES 0x00200000 // force long names for 3.x modules
#endif /* WINVER >= 0x0400 */

The values are in HEX , so you must convert them to decimal before using .

The file the user selected is returned as a string . If the user press "cancel" , an empty string is returned .


8.Ini Files

These functions handle INI files . To handle a text of a binary file ,check File Functions above .


GetString takes a string from an ini file . The first parameter is the section you search in ( e.g. [params] )be , the key is the key that you will take its value . The default is the string that wil returned if the key is not found in the ini file . The . last parameter is the ini file to search in

GetInt is the same , but in converts strings to integers , if the conversion can be done . For example , if you have a key containing the string "43" , GetInt will return 43 , and GetString will return a string "43"

SetString sets a key value in the ini file . The ToAdd parameter is a string to set . If you want to set an integer value , convert the integer to a string value using sprintf ( see string functions above ) and store it with SetString .

Note that if you set a string to PREF.INI , you may force TurboIRC to reload the preferences using /reloadoptions .

IsInIni takes a section of an INI file and searches all key values to find the value given (case insensitive) . If a key is found , it is returned , otherwise the function returns an empty string .

IsMatchInIni takes a section of an INI file and tries to match all key values to match the given pattern . If a key is found , it is returned , otherwise the function returns an empty string . For the IsGlobal and Case parameters , see function IsMatching


9.Window Functions

These functions handle Windows . They enable you to direct create and communicate with existing windows . These functions require the knowledge of Windows API programming , but some useful parameters will be discussed here .

CreateWindow creates a window . This function calls directly the CreateWindowEx() WinAPI function . Some of the parameters are discussed below

ExStyle , is the extended style of the window . The most usual style is WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES ( equal to 16 ) , that causes a window to receive WM_DROPFILES ( equal to 563 ) messages when a user drags + drops a file to that window .

Class , is the string describing the window class . The class is what type the window would be . It can be any registered class name , like "button" , "edit" , "listbox" , "combobox" . TurboIRC has 3 more classes for you to use .

Title , is the window title

x,y,w,h are the x , y , weight and height of the window . You can use CW_USEDEFAULT for them ( = -2147483648 ) to order the window placement to be the default .

Style is the style of the window . If you create a frame window , the style might have WS_MAXIMIZEBOX , WS_MINIMIZEBOX , WS_BORDER etc ( all those values in HEX are in WINUSER.H file , included with your TurboIRC package ) .If you create a window other than frame , but to be in that frame window , the style should at least include WS_CHILD .

Parent , is the handle to the parent window . If you create a frame window , the parent can be either 0 , or a handle to a TurboIRC window ( get the handle by the use of GetWOPTIONS ) .If you create a child window , the parent should be the handle of the owner window .

ID , is the window ID . If it is a frame window , this is the menu handle as returned from Menu Functions ( see below ) , if you want the frame window to have a menu ( otherwise , set it to 0 ) If it is a child window , this ID can be any number to indentify the child window between the other child windows . Using GetDlgItem with that ID , will return the window handle of that window .

BgColor is the background color of the new frame window .


SetWindowHandler , is the mechanism for windows to catch and handle messages . For example, assume that you have created a frame window , and a push button inside , with the child ID = 101 . When you press this button , it sends a WM_COMMAND (=273) message to the frame window , and the first parameter of the message has the 101 in the low word . To fire a script when this message occurs , you use :


Please note that SetWindowHandler can be used only for messages that are received by the frame window , if a child window sends it to it . If the child window does not send a message to its parent , you won't be able to process it .

Whenever a WM_COMMAND is posted , the script will be fired , regardless of the value of the message parameters , wParam and lParam . If you used something else except a -1 , the script would be fired only if the message parameter match the argument .

Because you may have for example more than one control in your frame window , you need to check which control send the WM_COMMAND . Scripts that are message handlers have at

  1. $0 : the script name
  2. $1 : the window handle that received the message
  3. $2 : the message received
  4. $3 : the first message parameter
  5. $4 : the second message parameter

with a WM_COMMAND , the first parameter's low word contains the ID of the control . For example , if you had 2 buttons with 101 and 102 ID's , you could fire the same script for the two clicks . The script would start as follows :

  1. if (LOWORD($2)==101)
  2. goto ProcessFirstButton
  3. else
  4. goto ProcessSecondButton
  5. endif

Other messages , like WM_CHAR , send different data to their parameters . Please check the WinAPI documentation to learn all message parameters .

Useful message is also WM_CLOSE , posted when a user clicks the X to close the window . You script then might ask him before using the DestroyWindow .

Script Window Handlers should return an integer as a result . What this integer would be , depends on the message sent . For example , a WM_COMMAND message requires a 0 to be returned .

Up to 100 message handlers can be installed . When you install a message handler , BE SURE to delete it when you don't need it . Deleting a handler is done with SetWindowHandler , with the same parameters , and "" as the script to be executed . Your handler will then be removed .

All frame windows are automatically recognize the WM_CLOSE message and destroy themselves , unless you add a special handler for this message .

DestroyWindow , destroys the window that it takes as the parameter .

SendMessage , is used to directly send a message to the window .The message comes with 2 parameters , to describe the requested message and it returns an integer . The parameters depend on the message to send . For example , a WM_SETTEXT can be send to a control , to set the caption , and WM_GETTEXT can be send to a control to get the caption . If your message returns a string , as WM_GETTEXT , you should use LSendMessage , that copies the string to your variable . ( For those messages , however , there are the SetWindowText and GetWindowText to simplify your scripts ) .

The following example takes the server window's text , adds "Hey there" to the end and re-sets the server text

PostMessage ,does the same with SendMessage , but it does not wait for the window to process the message to return something . It returns immediately .

SetFocus , sets the keyboard focus to a window . The window , or the parent of that window must be activated first to get the focus ( See SetForegroundWindow )

SetForegroundWindow sets the foreground window from the handle you pass to it .

GetFocus returns the window that currently has the focus .

GetForegroundWindow gets the current foreground window .

GetDlgItem returns a handle to a child window of a frame window , based on the child ID . For example , if you create a frame window that has a button inside with the ID 101 ( as passed to the CreateWindow ) , then you can use GetDlgItem with the frame handle and the 101 to return the window handle of the button .

GetWindowText accepts a window handle and returns its text . The text is not returned if bigger than 4096 bytes . The same as sending a WM_GETTEXT to the control

SetWindowText acceps a window handle and a string , and sets the window's text to that string .The same as sending a WM_SETTEXT to the control .


10.User List Functions

These functions handle User Lists.

GetUserIdent and GetUserDomain return the Ident/Domain of a nick name . For these functions to return something , this user must have sent you at least one message , otherwise they return an empty string .

GetUserLevel , GetUserEnemyLevel and GetUserFriendLevel return the user Level,EnemyLevel,FriendLevel . Those values have no meaning in TurboIRC , but you can use them as definitions of a user . The user must have sent you at least one message for these functions to return something . The value returned is always 0 , except if you change it using /setuserlevel ( see Default Aliases ) . These are just a quick-help levels . For the most advanced handling and user-leveling , you can use GetUserData .

GetUserData returns a specific integer of that user . You can assign up to 100 integers to a user ( index 0 to 99 ) , with /setuserdata . These integer values can help you in scripts . If the index is > 99 , GetUserData returns 0 .

GetUserString returns a specific string of that user . You can assign up to 4096-total byte strings to a user ( index 0 to 4095 ) with /setuserstring . These string values can help you in scripts . If the index is > 4095 , GetUserString returns an empty string .

It is important to know that the user information is stored under a directory DYN under TurboIRC directory . Also , all information is updated when a user sends you a message that he/she changes nick .


11.Menu Functions

These functions handle Menus

GetMenu returns the menu handle of an existing window . Use the GetWOPTIONS to get a handle to a TurboIRC window . Do not use GetMenu to get a menu handle of a child window , since child windows do not have a menu . Do not assume that when GetMenu is applied to a child window , it will return the Identifier of that window ; Use GetDlgItem instead .

DrawMenuBar redraws a window's menu . You need to call this function if you modify an existing window menu .

GetSubMenu accepts a menu handle and a zero-based relative position to that menu , and returns the handle of the new menu . This function is used when you want to get the menu handle of a popup menu that is inside another menu .

CreateMenu returns an empty menu handle . This function is the first one you will call to create a menu of a new window .

CreatePopupMenu returns an empty popup menu handle . You can fill this menu with items with AppendMenu , and then include it to the main menu you get from CreateMenu .

DestroyMenu destroys a menu handle . If your menu is assigned to a window , you need not to call DestroyMenu - The menu is destroyed when you call DestroyWindow .

AppendMenu enables you to fill a menu with items . The first parameter is a handle to an existing menu . If Type is 0 , then you append a simple menu . If Type = 1 , you append a popup menu .The ID is the menu identifier value if it is a simple menu ( this ID will be sent with the WM_COMMAND message , see SetWindowHandler ) , and an existing popup menu handle if you append a popup menu . The last parameter is the string that will be shown .

DeleteMenu deletes the Pos value from the given menu . If Type is 0 ,Pos is the ID value to the menu . If Type is 1 , Pos is the zero-based relative position of the menu .

The following example creates a window that has a popup menu and this popup menu has a simple menu in it :

  1. int hOwner = GetWOPTIONS($servernumber,"Frame")
  2. int hMenu2 = CreatePopupMenu()
  3. AppendMenu(hMenu2,0,101,"Test")
  4. int hMenu1 = CreateMenu()
  5. AppendMenu(hMenu1,1,hMenu2,"TestPopup")
  6. int hW = CreateWindow(1808,"frame","Test Of MenuWindow",281735168,50,50,311,250,hOwner,hMenu1)

The first line gets the window handle of the server window . The second line creates an empty popup menu , that is filled with a simple menu named "Test" and ID = 101 in line 3 .

Line 4 Creates a menu , and fills it with the popup menu we created in line 3, in line 5 .

Line 6 creates a window , child of the server window , with the assigned menu .

In that case , we need not to call DrawMenuBar , because the window is assigned the menu AFTER the menu is created .


12.Clipboard Functions

These functions handle the Clipboard .


GetClipboard returns the contents of the clipboard . Only strings are returned . If a string is larger than 4096 bytes , it is truncated . Because the Windows Clipboard can be changed any time from another application and there is no guarantee that GetClipboard will success , it is recommended to use GetInternalClipboard

GetInternalClipboard returns the contents of the TurboIRC internal clipboard . This function is guaranteed to success and the contents of this internal clipboard can be changed only from TurboIRC , not from other applications

SetClipboard and SetInternalClipboard place the given string to the Windows or Internal Clipboard . It is recommended here to use SetInternalClipboard as well , guaranteed to success .

GetClipboardBitmap saves any bitmap stored in the clipboard to a file . The file must be new , or the function does nothing .


13.Registry Functions

These functions handle the Windows Registry . These allow you to create keys & subkeys and store values with more flexibility than handling INI files . The Registry Functions are advanced functions ; if you don't know what the registry is , simply don't try to use them .

Please note that under WindowsNT , you may not be able to use the registry functions due to security restrictions .

RegCreateKey creates a new key , or opens an existing key . If the ParentKey is 0 , TurboIRC will create the new key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/TurboIRC . The name , is the name of the key . If the key already exists , the function opens it . If the key does not exist , the function creates it . The function returns a handle to the key

RegDeleteKey deletes a key . The key must not have sub keys . If ParentKey is null , the key that is deleted is HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/TurboIRC/Name , that the Name is the Name parameter . Otherwise , the function deletes a key that has the parent the ParentKey .

RegCloseKey closes a key . You must call this to free key resources and memory .

RegSetKeyValue sets a key value . You can set multiple values for a key , this is about the same as a Section in INI files . Key , is the key to save information . Name , is the entry name to save . Type is 0 , if you are about to save an integer value ; in that case , the Value must be an integer . If Type is 1 , you save a string value .

For example , "RegSetKeyValue(ParentKey,"A String Is Here",1,"String Demo")

this creates an entry named "A String Is Here" under ParentKey , and stores to it "String Demo"

RegGetKeyValue returns a key value . The function returns either an integer or a string , depending of the type of the "Name" .


14.Drawing Functions

These functions enables you to draw text , lines , rectangles , ellipses and Image Files in your custom windows . in order to use these functions you must create a frame window and set a handler to WM_PAINT message ( = 15 ) . Your handler can then use the drawing functions . Windows posts a WM_PAINT message each time your window needs redrawing . TurboIRC handles WM_PAINT internally before firing your script to ensure that the message won't be re-sent again until needed .

GetDC returns the DeviceContext for the given window . This device context is used by other drawing functions as an identifier where to draw . After use , you must free the DC using ReleaseDC otherwise Windows may lock up .

GetWindowW and GetWindowH return the width and the height of a window available for drawing .

Rectangle makes a rectangle in the DC , with x,y,w,h the coordinates of the rectangle . Pen is a color value ( you can get it with the ColorTester or the GetColor function ) to draw the rectangle , and Brush is a color to fill the rectangle . Ellipse does the same , but it draws an ellipse ( that is bound by the rectangle x,y,w,h )

TextOut writes text to a certain x,y of the DC . Color is a value describing the text color and BgColor is the background color . If you specify -1 , then the text is drawn transparently , otherwise TurboIRC uses the given value to fill the background .

UpdateWindow forces a WM_PAINT message to be sent to the given window . You can use this function from your script to force redrawing of the window .

LoadImage allows you to load a picture from a file . TurboIRC can load images from BMP , JPG , JIF , RLE , DIB , TGA , PCX ( Thanks to K.Nishita 's library - look the Copyright Page ) . LoadImage returns a handle to use in DrawImage . Be sure to free the image you loaded with FreeImage after the use .

DrawImage draws an image from LoadImage to a DC . The starting position is x,y and if you specify w,h that are less than the actual image width and height , the image is "truncated" . If they are larger , the image is just shown .

FreeImage frees an image loaded by LoadImage .



15.Socket Functions

These functions allow you to transfer information with other servers or TurboIRC or other socket-capable machine throught the Internet . The integer values of identifies like SOCK_STREAM can be found in winsock2.h which is included in your TurboIRC help files . By default , when you create a socket , it acts synchronously ; that means that if you attempt to fire a connection with connect() , the function won't return until the connection attempt has succeeded ( or failed ) . This can cause TurboIRC to hand for a while . You can use WSAAsyncSelect to enable "asynchronous" level of a socket , but this requires a custom window to process messages from the sockets .


socket creates a new socket based on the given protocol . Windows Sockets 2.2+ support many types of protocols , however the most useful protocol is SOCK_STREAM , that allows you to communicate with other machines in the internet . socket() returns 0 if it cannot create the socket .

#define SOCK_STREAM 1 /* stream socket */
#define SOCK_DGRAM 2 /* datagram socket */
#define SOCK_RAW 3 /* raw-protocol interface */
#define SOCK_RDM 4 /* reliably-delivered message */
#define SOCK_SEQPACKET 5 /* sequenced packet stream */

These are the values fom each socket type .

connect establishes a connection . The first parameter is the socket returned from socket() . The target string is either a domain name , or an IP address that describes the remote machine . The port number is the port the connection will be made . connect returns -1 on error .

connect by default waits for the operation to be completed before returning . On a non-blocking socket ( asyncronous ) , the function returns -1 and you may wait for a FD_CONNECT message to be posted to your window ( that you used with WSAAsyncSelect) to proceed with connection . On success connect returns 0 .

bind is used when you want to "listen" for an incoming connection . It binds the socket to the specified port . The listening must be enabled with listen , and incoming connections are accepted with accept . The remote side must use connect to your IP address and use the same port you used in bind .On success bind returns 0 .

listen sets a socket in "listening" mode . You can use then accept to accept incoming connections.The socket must first be bound with bind . On success listen returns 0

accept accepts an incoming connection on a listening socket . accept returns a new socket that can be used then , for transferring data . If you call accept on a blocking socket , the function waits until there is a connection . To avoid this , use WSAAsyncSelect with FD_ACCEPT , so the first time accept is called , it will fail , and your window will receive a FD_ACCEPT message when there is an incoming connection to be accepted . On error , accept returns INVALID_SOCKET ( -1 )

send sends data to a socket . The socket must be either connected successfully with connect() , or it must be create after a successful accepted connection with accept() . It sends the passed buffer , with the length passed as the 3rd parameter . send returns the number of bytes sent , or 0 or SOCKET_ERROR if fails . Type type of the transfer can be zero , to indicate normal data . If you place 1 , it indicates OOB ( Out Of Band ) data . OOB data may be faster than normal data , but if you want to communicate with services as mail server , ftp , etc , you MUST use normal data . Use OOB only when you want to establish a connection with a machine that is KNOWN to support OOB .


recv receives data from a socket . The socket must be either connected successfully with connect() , or it must be create after a successful accepted connection with accept() . The function cannot receive more than 4096 bytes at once . When there are no bytes to receive , recv() waits for them on a blocking socket . Use WSAAsyncSelect with FD_READ , and your window will receive FD_READ when the socket is ACTUALLY carrying data to be read . recv returns the buffer read , or an empty buffer if fails . Note that on a non-blocking socket, you must check the error result with WSAGetLastError . If it is WSAEWOULDBLOCK , then there is not actually an error - just wait for a FD_READ message . For the type of the recv , check above send() .

closesocket closes the socket . After closesocket , the value no more represends a socket handle.

WSAGetLastError returns the last error value after a socket operation . Possible error values are:

#define WSABASEERR 10000
* Windows Sockets definitions of regular Microsoft C error constants

* Windows Sockets definitions of regular Berkeley error constants

You can check the WINSOCK.HLP for such error codes , included with your TurboIRC package.

WSAAsyncSelect is a very special function . It allows you to set a socket to non-blocking mode . That means , that your script won't "stuck" when you try to use recv() and there is no data to be read . You can order TurboIRC to send a message to a window indicating the data to be read .

The first parameter of the function is the socket . The second is the window handle to receive the message . This must be a window created with CreateWindow "frame" class . The next is the message that the window will receive when the socket is ready for something . This value must be greater than 0x8000 ( 32768 )

The last argument is the mask that will handle the message . You can combine any of the following values :

#define FD_READ 0x01
#define FD_WRITE 0x02
#define FD_OOB 0x04
#define FD_ACCEPT 0x08
#define FD_CONNECT 0x10
#define FD_CLOSE 0x20

Examples :

When you have created a socket , you can then use WSAAsyncSelect with FD_CONNECT . When you try to use connect() , the function will fail and WSAGetLastError will return WSAEWOULDBLOCK . In that case , when the connect() operation is actually completed ,your window will receive a message , the same message you specified in the 3rd parameter . You must have used SetWindowHandler to handle this message .

The message is posted with the low word of lParam ( the first parameter ) having the event that is done , e.g. FD_CONNECT . The high word of lParam has any possible error code , and the wParam has the socket value , for which the asynchonous operation was completed .

FD_CONNECT is used when the socket is about to connected .

FD_READ is used when the socket has data to be read . If you read less data with recv() then , TurboIRC will repost a FD_READ message .

FD_WRITE is used when the socket can send data . Use WSAAsyncSelect after the last send() has failed .

FD_ACCEPT is posted when a socket is ready to accept incoming connection .

FD_CLOSE is posted when a socket is closed .

To cancel a WSAAsyncSelect , call it with hwnd , message and event set to 0

For more information on WSAAsyncSelect , check the WINSOCK.HLP included .

gethostname returns the current machine's local host name

gethostip returns the current machine's local IP address as a string in format

getsockaddr and getsockport return the local address & port of a socket

getpeeraddr and getpeerport return the address & port of the peer , into which the socket is connected .

setblocksocket cancels any WSAAsyncSelect and returns the socket to blocking-mode .



16.Math and Calculating Functions

These functions allow you to perform mathematic and other calculations . When a function returns a float number , TurboIRC formats it to a string . To limit the length of the string , you can use the round function to strip the digits and then to show it . If you just want to keep the integer value , do an atoi to the strings .

abs convers an integer to its absolute value , e.g abs(-1) gives 1

asc convers the first character of the given string to its numeric ASCII value , e.g. asc("a") will return 97 , the ascii value of 'a'

chr converts a given integer to the appropriate string , e.g. chr(97) will return "a"

sin/cos/tan/asin/acos/atan return sine,cosine,tangent and the arc values of those in a string .

fact returns the x! value , for example fact(4) will return 1*2*3*4 = 24

sqr returns a string describing a root square value of the given integer

pow returns the power of the first int to the second , e.g. pow(3,5) will return 243

log / ln return the 10th based and the natural logarithm of an integer

_log returns the logarithm on a given base , e.g. _log(10,2) will give the log of 10 with 2 as a base .

round strips a string from decimal points , e.g. round("3.14159",2) will return "3.14"


17.HTML Dialog Box Functions

Now we come to the super feature of TurboIRC , the ability to load dialog boxes that contain HTML , and to be able to transfer parameters through scripts using JavaScript . This feature has no match in any other known IRC Client . To use these HTML functions , it is necessary to know to create a HTML page ( for example , with Microsoft FrontPage ) , and optionally , to use Java Scripts .

Important : Please note that TurboIRC calls the internal Microsoft Library to display the HTML . It does not display HTML itself , so I am not responsible for any bugs that are found in the HTML Library . Please be sure that you have installed Internet Explorer 4.0 or better , to use the HTML library.

ShowHTMLFile is only useful when you just want to show the user a HTML file . If you need to use JavaScripts to pass to and get parameters from the HTML file , you must use the functions starting with HTML_ . ShowHTMLFile does not require you to use any of the functions that start with HTML_ , but once you have loaded the HTML Library with HTML_Load , you should continue using HTML_ functions .

Most cases a simple /run or /shellexecute would be better if you just want to show a HTML file .

HTML_Load is used to load the HTML Library to show the HTML dialog box . This function must be called before any other HTML Dialog Function is called . The library must be freed with HTML_Free after use . On successful loading , HTML_Load returns 1 otherwise it returns 0

HTML_SetArgs sets the dialog box initial argument . This value is placed in the "window" object's "dialogArguments" property . Using JavaScript , you can access this property like window.dialogArguments . You can format a buffer to pass multiple arguments using sprintf() . Important : If you don't have any arguments , you still need to call HTML_SetArgs , passing an empty string .

HTML_Show shows the passed HTML file in the dialog box . This file can be any HTM - compatible file , with Javascripts , Java applets , frames ,etc. If the dialog box could not be shown, HTML_Show returns 0 , otherwise it returns 1 . You must either give a FULL path of the filename ( do not give a file like test.htm , just give c:\myfiles\...\test.htm ) , or give an internet address of a HTM file , example . The function does not return until the user has closed the HTML dialog box .

HTML_GetArgs returns the dialog box window.returnValue property . You can use JavaScript to set this property , in order for TurboIRC to return it . If there is no such property , HTML_GetArgs returns an empty string .

HTML_Free frees the HTML Library that loaded with HTML_Load . You must call HTML_Free after the use of the HTML Library to ensure that all HTML stuff is cleared .


18.External Call Functions

TurboIRC has the great feature to give you the oportunity to create your own-language script and to use it ! This will be done with Dynamic Link Libraries ( DLLs ) .

To use the feature , you must build a DLL with your preferred language , usually C++ . You need to make the function name that will do the thing exported , so TurboIRC can find and load it . TurboIRC loads exported-by-name functions .

Your function must be exported with the Win32 exporting way ( _stdcall ) as follows ( C Syntax is shown here ) :

extern "C" void _export _stdcall function_name(const char* Input,char* Output)

Extern_Call is the function used with direct call . Extern_Call accepts the module DLL name and the exported function to call . The module does not have to be a DLL file , it can be also an EXE file , or any other executable win32 module ( DRV , SCR etc ) . External_Call pass the InputBuffer to your function . If you wish to pass numbers or something more than a buffer , fill in the buffer with sprintf() . External_Call does not return until your DLL has finished processing. External_Call will then return a string , which will be the same with the Output parameter your function has to return a value . On error , External_Call returns an empty script .

Warning : you must ensure that your DLL function works correct before you attach it to TurboIRC . If your DLL crashes , TurboIRC might crash as well . This TurboIRC function is recommended only for experienced programmers and it should not be used when you can do something using regular scripts .

The TurboIRC.EXE includes a test exported function to use with Extern_Call . You can call it as follows : Extern_Call("TurboIRC.EXE","Test_Extern_Call","MessageTitle") . This displays a message box , that has a message with the "MessageTitle" as the title .

The other external call functions are used when you need to pass a certain handle to the function . For example , you may need your DLL to manipulate a socket connection you 've created with TurboIRC . Using sprintf to the input buffer and passing the handle will have no effect , because handles are only used within the same process - your DLL is an external process . In order to pass a handle ( which may be a file handle , socket handle , etc ) , you need to do the following :

  1. Load the library you want with LoadLibrary . This returns an integer describing the instance of the library . To free the library , you must pass that integer to FreeLibrary later.
  2. Use DuplicateHandle to duplicate a handle . The first argument is the handle that you need to duplicate , the second is the instance of the library that FreeLibrary returned .
  3. Use the handle returned by DuplicateHandle with sprintf , to pass it to the exported function .
  4. Use LibraryCall to call the exported function with the passing buffer .
  5. Use FreeLibrary to free the library when no longer needed .

DuplicateHandle 's Inherit mode can be 1 or 0 . 1 means that the new handle is inheritable , 0 means that it is not . If one doesn't work , try the other .

Check your Windows documentation . Don't expect that DuplicateHandle will convert ALL types of handles . TurboIRC calls DuplicateHandle in a way that all possible access will be given to the handle . DuplicateHandle returns 0 if the requested convertion could not be completed .The following calls the Test_Extern_Call with the built-in external call test function of TurboIRC .

  1. int Lib = LoadLibrary("TurboIRC.EXE")
  2. S = LibraryCall(Lib,"Test_Extern_Call","MessageTitleBooHaHa")
  3. FreeLibrary(Lib)
  4. /addtext ! ***output : %S%

Of course , you can get the TurboIRC.EXE handle w/o calling LoadLibrary , because TurboIRC is already running . You can get it with GetGOPTIONS("Instance")


19.Address Book Functions

With Address Book Functions , you can get information from TurboIRC address book to your scripts . Since the address book is saved to an INI file , you can still get the information using INI functions , however TurboIRC provides a simple way with ABGet() .

ABGet accepts a user name ( the same you entered in the "New" dialog of the editor or the name you used with /_ab ) , and returns a string describing :

  1. The Names section of the address book , if RetrieveFlag is 0
  2. The Mails section of the address book , if RetrieveFlag is 1
  3. The Addresses section of the address book , if RetrieveFlag is 2
  4. The PhoneNumbers section of the address book , if RetrieveFlag is 3
  5. The WebPages section of the address book , if RetrieveFlag is 4
  6. The Notes section of the address book , if RetrieveFlag is 5

Note that the string returned from ABGet might have multiple lines inside it .