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  Adding Comments to Data Files.

    Comments are lines that the compiler and linker ignore entirely.

         'text of comment                                               

         The single quote must be the first screen column. Use two single
         quotes at the start of the line if you want a line in your long
         entry to start with a single quote.

    You can add comment lines to data text files and the menu link control
    file by starting the line with a single quote. A comment can be a whole
    line only. You cannot add a comment at the end of a line of text in a
    long entry, or on the same line as a bang command (e.g., !short or
    !file). Comments are ignored by both the Database Composer's compiler
    and linker. (They also ignore blank lines, except those found in long
    entries, where they are part of the text.)


See Also: Database Design Creating Data Text Files Data Text Files Short and Long Entries Creating Entries Character Attributes Adding Comments to Data Files.
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson