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 Creating Data Text Files from your Documentation.

     An Expert Help Database is created from two different kinds
     of files:

          Data Text Files
                   Contains the text that appears in the
                   display window of the Expert Help Engine.

           and the.....

          Menu Link Control File
                   Defines the menu structure of the Database.

     You write the text that will appear in your database into
     data text files. Each data text file is then compiled into
     an intermediate file that is highly organized, indexed, and
     cross-referenced. All intermediate files will be linked together
     to create the finished database.

     In addition to the data text files that contain the text of
     the database, you need to write a single menu link control
     file that defines the menu structure of the database, and
     names the menus and menu items. The Database Composer's Menu
     Linker then uses this control file to stitch all the compiled
     (intermediate) object files into a single Expert Help Database

     All data text files are standard ASCII. You can name source files
     with any extension you wish (or none at all), except `.NG' or
     'EH", which is reserved for the compiled and linked databases of
     the Norton Guides and Expert Help and `.NGO' or '.EHO, which is
     reserved for compiled object files.

    Press the Gray + key to proceed to the next topic (long entry).


See Also: Database Design Data Text Files Short and Long Entries Creating Entries Character Attributes Adding Comments to Data Files.
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson