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     Short and Long Entries - The Basic Building Blocks of a Database

     Short and long entries are the basic "building blocks" of an
     Expert Help Database: Text appears in an Expert Help Database
     either as a list of short entries, or as a single long entry.

     A short entry is a single line of text. Short entries almost
     never appear alone; they are found as elements in a list of
     short entries. Each short entry can be thought of as an index
     pointing to a longer, more complete description, called a long

     The long entry is displayed by Expanding the short entry; you
     can think of the long entry as "lying under" the short. What
     you are reading right now is a long entry; if you press the
     Escape key, you will move up to the short entry above it.
     (From the short entry above this, press Enter to return here.)

     A long entry such as this one can be anywhere from one line,
     up to hundreds of lines long. A long entry is something like a
     chapter in a book, and the list of short entries like the
     table of contents.

         At any one time, The Expert Help Engine can display
         either a list of short entries, or a single long

     Long entries cannot be expanded. You can, however, include in
     a long entry references to other long entries, using the
     "!seealso" command. A "seealso" can refer either to a long
     entry in the same file (which means it's also part of the same
     menu item) or in another file.

     A short entry does not have to have a long entry under it
     (that is, a short entry does not have to be expandable). You
     can design a list of short entries so that some, none, or all
     are expandable.

     Instead of having a long entry under a short entry, you can also
     design short entries that expand to another list of short
     entries. There is virtually no limit to the length of a chain of
     "short entry points to list of short entries." (A long entry,
     however, can only appear at the endpoint of a chain.)

    Press the Gray + key to proceed to the next topic (long entry).


See Also: Database Design Creating Data Text Files Data Text Files Creating Entries Character Attributes Adding Comments to Data Files.
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