[^^Up^^] [Menu] [About The Guide]
hang-up                         How to hang up
capture file                    Recording input to a disk file
printer echo                    Recording input to the printer
usage log                       Recording usage of Telix
scroll-back                     Reviewing previous screens
keyboard definitions/macros     Saving commonly typed sequences
dos shell                       Running DOS commands
dos command                     Running one DOS command
editor                          Calling up your editor
dos and file functions          Running common DOS commands
screen image                    Saving an image of the screen in a file
the translate table             Translating incoming/outgoing characters
chat mode                       Chatting with another BBS user
clear screen                    Clearing the screen
local echo                      Toggling local echo
add line feeds                  Adding line feeds to received lines
break signal                    Sending a BREAK signal
doorway mode                    Send raw keyboard data to serial port
Reinitializing the modem        Send modem control strings
setting the screen size         Setting the number of lines on the screen

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson