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 Pressing Alt-M while in Terminal Mode will cause Telix to dis-
 play the Misc. Functions menu

                  +-| Misc. Functions ------+
                  |                         |
                  | Send Modem Init string  |
                  | Send Auto-Answer string |
                  | 80x25 screen            |
                  | 80x43 screen            |
                  | 80x50 screen            |
                  | eXit                    |
                  |                         |

 To re-send the Modem Init string defined in the Modem and di-
 aling page of the configuration Menu, select the first option
 of the Misc. Functions Menu.

 To send the Modem Auto-Answer string defined in the Modem and
 dialing page of the configuration Menu, select the second op-
 tion of the Misc. Functions Menu. If this string is properly
 defined, the modem will be placed in auto-answer mode.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson