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 Telix allows a usage log to be opened, which keeps track of
 calls you make and file that you transfer. This is handy for
 keeping a record of your long distance calls, for example. The
 Usage Log is toggled on and off with the Alt-U key. If it is
 currently closed, you are prompted for the name to open it to
 (TELIX.USE is the default). If it is currently opened, then it
 is closed. You may also set the Usage Log to be opened by de-
 fault at Telix start-up (via the Configuration Menu).

 Following is a sample portion of a log:

      88-05-17  00:12:41  Telix Usage Log Created.
      88-05-29  00:12:41  Telix Usage Log Opened.
      88-05-29  00:13:06  Connected with : TBoard
      88-05-29  00:13:06  ++ At phone #  : 123-4567
      88-05-29  00:13:06  ++ Settings    : 2400,N,8,1
      88-05-29  00:14:53  Hangup command selected.
      88-05-29  00:16:25  Connected with : Joe's BBS
      88-05-29  00:16:25  ++ At phone #  : 1-987-654-3210
      88-05-29  00:16:25  ++ Settings    : 2400,N,8,1
      88-05-29  00:17:17  Download using Telink protocol.
      88-05-29  00:17:19  ++ File : D:\DL\ZTC100.ARC
      88-05-29  00:41:09  ++ Chars per second : 165
      88-05-29  00:41:11  ++ File : D:\DL\SRC100.ARC
      88-05-29  00:58:26  ++ Chars per second : 165
      88-05-29  00:58:28  ++ File : D:\DL\OPT100.ARC
      88-05-29  01:22:54  ++ Chars per second : 165
      88-05-29  01:23:11  Hangup command selected.
      88-05-29  01:23:12  Exiting Telix.
      88-05-29  01:23:12  Telix Usage Log Closed.

 The log is quite simple in form and easy to understand. Lines
 that start with '++' are a continuation of the previous line.
 Following is a listing of possible entries:

      Key       Log Entry
      ----      -----------------------------------------------
      Alt-U     Telix Usage Log Created.
                Telix Usage Log Opened.
                Telix Usage Log Closed.

      Alt-D     Connected with : (entry name)
                ++ At phone #  : (phone number)
                ++ Settings    : (comm settings)

      Alt-R     Download using (name) protocol.
                ++ File : (pathname)
                ++ Chars per second : (CPS)
                ++ Transfer aborted.

      Alt-S     Upload using (name) protocol.
                ++ File: (pathname)
                ++ Chars per second : (CPS)
                ++ Transfer aborted.

      Alt-H     Hangup command selected.

      Alt-X     Exiting Telix.

 The entries on the right are related to the commands shown on
 the left. Note that a script file has the ability to stamp
 text into the Usage Log, so other entries are possible.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson