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 Pressing Alt-H will make Telix attempt to hang-up the modem.
 Unless this is disabled in the configuration Menu, Telix first
 attempts to hang up the modem by turning off a signal on the
 RS-232 port called the DTR line. This works with most modems.
 If this doesn't work, Telix then sends the hang-up string de-
 fined in the Configuration Menu to the modem. If this still
 doesn't work and Telix detects that you are still online,
 Telix will warn you. If Telix is consistently telling you that
 hang-ups fail even when they work, your modem is almost cer-
 tainly overriding the Carrier Detect signal.

See Also: online
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson