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Copyright, Reproduction
Copyright This program is freeware.
Cycle of 5th has the copyright of this program.
The author does not assume the responsibility to any result of generation by this program.
The author does not owe the obligation of version up.

Reproduction Re-distribution is not accepted.

Link to Web site

Please link to http://www.cycleof5th.com/


ü@Mail of inquiry, etc. to info@cycleof5th.com

Special Thanks
  • Wakatsuki
  • Shingo Yamada
  • Lucky no Mamahaha
  • Makizushi
  • Kazama
  • tetigo
  • Hidenari Takeda
  • no about
  • kazz
  • iroha-uta
  • éëéïéàéäéÖ
  • adac
  • Tomoyuki Takahashi
  • Norihisa Shimazu
(Sorry, titles omitted)
SoundEngine-Mailing List
A mailing-list for the question and argument about SoundEngine, its relative software, DTM, recording, and mastering, or general communication.

Please refer to SoundEngine-Mailing List for detail.


Copyright 2001-2003 Cycle of 5th All rights reserved.