Hardware od firmy Dialogic Corporation pat°φ mezi nejÜpiΦkov∞jsφ produkty z oblasti poΦφtaΦovΘ telefonie. Produkty lze struΦn∞ rozd∞lit mezi hlasovΘ karty, faxovΘ karty, karty pro p°ipojenφ do telefonnφch sφtφ a konferenΦnφ produkty.

HlasovΘ karty (voice boards)
Euro-ISDN BRI karty
DM3 karty (DM3 boards)
FaxovΘ karty (fax boards)
Sφ¥ovΘ telefonnφ karty (network interface boards)
KonferenΦnφ karty (Conferencing boards)
Open CT Server Software

Euro-ISDN BRI karty

BRI/2VFD - The BRI/2VFD board is a two S0 port (four channel) ISDN BRI voice/data processing board with Dialogic DSP-based Group 3 fax support. Each port is a four-wire S/T interface to the ISDN network, supporting two 64 Kb/s B channels for voice/data transmission, and one 16 Kb/s D channel for use as a signaling channel.

The BRI/2VFD board is designed around the proven Dialogic dual processor architecture and consists of three main sections: the ISDN BRI network interface, the voice and fax processing engine, and the data processing engine. The ISDN network interface is the electrical and functional link between the BRI/2VFD board and ISDN BRI network. The purpose of this interface is to transmit and receive voice, fax, data, and signaling information to and from the ISDN network. The Dialogic System Software and Software Development Kit for Windows NT (native) provides support for the BRI/2VFD board. This package contains a set of tools for developing complex multichannel applications. In addition, a Dialogic Fax Development Package is available. The fax interface is designed to work consistently with Dialogic standard Release 4.X voice and call processing interfaces.
Bli₧Üφ popis tΘto karty p°φmo od v²robce

BRI/SC - The BRI/SC Series interface boards complements Dialogic Single and DualSpanÖ Series of voice and digital network interface boards, which all provide ISDN Primary Rate Interface (PRI) Service. Applications developed using the API for ISDN PRI access can be extended easily to access BRI with the BRI/SC Series. Developers can design SCbus-based solutions with the ISDN service that best suits their needs, PRI or BRI. The BRI/SC Series are ISA AT form factor boards that install into a single 16-bit expansion slot.

An Intel i960« RISC processor running up to Layer 3 of the ISDN protocol stack handles up to 32 simultaneous voice and data calls. Onboard HDLC controllers enable the host PC application to signal to the ISDN network or local station set device over the D channels. API commands support call setup, tear down, hold, and retrieve functions. The ISDN feature set supported on the BRI/SC Series includes ITU recommendation I.310 Elementary Functions and the most commonly used I.250 Supplementary Services. Provisions for communicating with a BRI station set display are also included.

BRI/SC series consists two boards - BRI/80SC board has 8 2B+D ISDN BRI interfaces and BRI/160SC with 16 2B+D ISDN BRI interface. BRI/SC series interface boards can be easily connected through SCbus with other Dialogic voice resources boards and create full featured systems. For full functionality of BRI/SC boards is necessary additional devices like Power Supply module, Shielded break-out box and shielded cable.
Bli₧Üφ popis tΘto karty p°φmo od v²robce

 CTI-PRO is a Dialogic Authorized Distributor Address:
CTI-PRO s.r.o.
U V²staviÜt∞ 9 / 229
170 00, Prague 7
Czech Republic

Sales Department
Technical Department

Office hours: 9:00-18:00
+ 420 2 3337 5343
+ 420 2 3337 2622
+ 420 2 3337 4464
+ 420 2 3337 4477[fax]