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Web Spinner Tutorials

Tool Bar Menu

File Bar

Page Bar

Align Bar

Preview Bar

Conponents Bar

Components Bar

Components Bar provides the tools to create and edit the various Objects on a web page.

Select button is used to return to Select Object Mode after zooming the display or editing an Object's geometry.

Resize button is used to move the points on a Polygon.

-When locked, an Object can not be moved or scaled until unlocked. This is useful for preventing accidental editing of an Object.

Rectangle and Ellipse buttons will create a square and circle in the center of the display. Use your cursor to move and scale these Objects. (see Transforms)

Polygon button is used to create polygon shapes. Press the left mouse button to create or append a point to the polygon. Holding the left mouse button down while moving your mouse will drop points at regular intervals. Terminate a closed polygon by re-selecting the first point. Terminate an open polygon by holding the shift key when creating the final point. (see Transforms)

Sprite button is used to import a bitmap. Multiple browser compatible file formats are supported.

Edit Object button is used to change the name, position and scale of an Object. It is also be used to assign a URL link, Mouse Over event and other operations.

Shading button dialog provides the ability to apply color, texture maps and patterns to an Object's geometry.
