This web page has been designed to work with a browser that supports Dynamic HTML or Cascading Style Sheets
Page Bar

The Page Bar is used to Create and Delete html pages in your project.

-The 'Page Editor' can be used to add a timed link to your page.

-Use the Page Combo Box to select a Page to edit.

-The Object Combo Box displays all Objects included in this page.

-The Append and Insert Button can be used to create a new page.

-The Cut, Copy and Paste Page buttons are used to delete and duplicate the current page.

-The Zoom button is used to zoom the display In or Out. Move the cursor to the desired location and press the left button to zoom in on that spot. Use the right mouse button or Shift-Left to zoom out. Select the arrow button from the Tools Bar to restore normal operation.

-The Restore Normal button is used to restore your page to its normal view after zooming or scrolling th display.

-The Background button is used to apply a color or background image to the page.

-The Audio button is used to apply midi music to the page.
Web Engine Tutorials

Tool Bar Menu

File Bar

Page Bar

Object Bar

Preview Bar

Conponents Bar

Align Bar