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Object Bar (IMS Professional)

The Object Bar is initially located below the File Bar and includes an 'Object Editor' button for accessing the Object Editor property sheet and 6 Combo Boxes for displaying the name of the object and the names of the components currently belonging to the object.

See the help files on Understanding Objects for a detailed description of this basic element?

The Object Edit button will display the Object Editor dialog. This property sheet provides several pages. The Components Page allows you to change the different components of the object. The Position, Rotate and Scale Pages provides the ability to precisely position the Object on the Page. The Anchor Page provides the ability to assign a URL link directly to the Object. The Options Page provides several additional options including visibility.

The Object Combo Box can be used to change the name of the current Object while the drop down button can be used to select a new Object. The following five edit boxes will display the current objects Geometry, Shading, Sound, Action and Behavior components. Selecting a new Object on the current page will automatically update the elements of the Object Bar.

The Lock/Unlock button can be used to lock an Objects transformations so that it can not be accidently move or scaled while editing.
Web Engine Tutorials

Tool Bar Menu

File Bar

Page Bar

Object Bar

Preview Bar

Conponents Bar

Align Bar