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HTML to IPF conversion tool

,HTML -> .IPF conversion utility

Copyright (C) 1997 FRIENDS software, All Rights Reserved

In the middle of Mar, 1997 I downloaded a handy OpenGL API reference from Digital corp. WWW site. Alas, I hate documentation in HTML format since it takes too much time until browser gets loaded, beside this each such documentation is a big set of HTML files, which you should keep in a separate directory, otherwise you`re completely messed up. I don`t like this since I have really lots (around 40 megabytes) of documentation on my HD in the INF format, and everything fits in a single directory without worry. So I thought of a way to make an 'regular' OS/2 INF book from a bunch of HTML and GIF files.

So I took a look inside all those HTML files (believe me or not, I didn`t know the HTML language until that). Then I looked into OS/2 IPF (Information Presentation Facility) reference and - oh God! - I've seen almost the same tags, except that IPF tags are written using ':' in the beginning and '.' at the and, and HTML tags are written using '<' and '>' respectively. (Seems that OS/2 IPF language is a slightly enhanced and modified version of HTML 1.0, although maybe I`m wrong - it could be the Unix MAN format, I`m not familiar with it).

It took me about two weeks to complete the task (I have a job beside hobbies, you know :-). I first wrote a 'first-version' in one night (it was really SLOW), then I invented a neat way to parse HTML tags in REXX (if you`re interested - take a look at the tech info section or even directly to the REXX script), and then about a week I`ve added some bells & whistles (you know, they`re taking most of the time). And here is it, the first version of HTML2IPF.

This REXX script will convert a set of .HTML files into one big .IPF file. The .IPF file can be used as a input to IBM's IPFC (Information Presentation Facility Compiler) to create regular OS/2 INF files. One more usage for this is that you can use any of lots of available today HTML editors to create OS/2 books.

What's the pro and cons for doing this?

This document contains several topics: