Tips and tricks

Well, not too much tricks at this time :-) Everything should go smooth in most cases, except for very complex HTML files, and mostly it`s not a HTML2IPF fault, but that of IPF :-)

Trick number one

You don`t have Image Alchemy. Well, this is not a extremal situation, though it will require a bit of manual work. All you have to do is to convert it with anything you have into a suitable BMP format, since HTML2INF will be glad too see that somebody already done the dirty job before him. "A suitable format" means that IPFC compiler recognises only OS/2 metafiles (these are unlikely to find on the net), and OS/2 v1.3 BMPs AKA uncompressed OS/2 BMP files. There are a lot of programs which do that, but if you have OS/2 Warp 4 installed, you don`t need any of them at all - Warp4`s multimedia subsystem can handle lots of graphic formats (although it often locks the desktop :-). You have to open the folder(-s) where reside all the images you want to convert, then mark them all (or at least a number of them), then right-click on any marked object and select Convert to -> Bitmap -> OS/2 v1.3. Note: DO NOT SELECT OS/2 v2.0 bitmap since this bitmap format is packed (with something like RLE, I guess), and IPFC will give an 'Invalid Format' error.

Too bad IBM didn`t included a simple REXX script to do this conversion - if someone knows how to do this, please urgently mail me!

Other way is to use PMView or PMJpeg or JView/JView Pro or any other available package which can afford this conversion. Well, I said enough on this topic.

Trick number two

This is rather a paragraph borrowed from IPF manual :-) If you have very large HTML files (really there are a few), you will be forced to split them into parts:

Do not exceed 16000 words, numbers, and punctuation marks between two consecutive heading tags in your source file. This includes blank spaces, but does not include commented lines. If the source file exceeds this limit, the compiler will generate an error message. To correct the error, use another heading tag.

You can either split the initial HTML file (and then process them automatically) or split it later before compiling with IPFC (and if you`ll have to reconvert HTML files you will be forced to do it again and again). Basicaly you should use a header tag deeper than its parent by one, i.e. if you`re splitting a :h2. chapter, you should insert somewhere in the middle an :h3. tag. The format for the tag is:

:h#. Chapter name

HTML2IPF inserts before each :h#. tag an comment like this:

.* Source filename: glspec.html

so you can easily track all chapters in the .IPF file by searching all lines beginning with a ".* Source" text

The biggest HTML file I`ve ever seen is \JavaOS2\docs\API\AllNames.html - its about 550K (wow!) size. Of course, it exceeds many times the pity limit of 16000 words and spaces. So, what I`ve done (this is a success story :-)

  1. I loaded this file into a browser and seen that it consists of about 26 sections named A to Z (alphabetical listing of all Java API functions). So all I have to do is to split that file into 26 subfiles and voila!
  2. First I had to separate the header from the proper API list. I saved the backup copy of the AllNames.html and proceeded. The header contains links to every of 26 section anchors, so I replaced anchor links by local links, and named the subsequent files AllNames_A.html ... AllNames_Z.html. Then I dumped each subsection into a separate HTML file, adding a standard header:
    <head><title>Index - A</title></head>
  3. And we`re done! If everything is correct, nothing more should be changed.
  4. Actually I had to insert some <HTML SUBLINKS=... NOSUBLINKS=...> tags (see the recognized tags section) to reorder a bit the paragraphs.

Trick number three

or the best way to rip HTMLs from the Internet :-)

I tried lots of rippers (AKA grabbers), but the best tool I`ve found is GNU WebGET. Actually I found it on but since now its directory structure is fully rebuilt, I cannot say where it will reside when you`re reading this text. It was in the /old/os2/unix directory, as far as I remember, and its archive name is GNU-WGET.ZIP.

It is operated from the command line (the best way for such a tool, I`d say) and permits to grab recursively, non-recursively, limiting domains, limiting extensions, fetching from ftp (even with reget) etc. A must-have. You will need an HPFS drive, though (you`re still running on FAT?! Shame on you! :-)

And last but not least, it is free of charge, and (of course) distributed with sources.

Maybe I`ll include it (only the executable) in future versions of HTML2IPF to convert HTMLs directly from Internet :-) You`ll have to point to an URL and the rest is history! Well, I`m not sure this is what people wants :-) Please mail me your suggestions regarding this.

Trick number four

...the program is so slow... it takes me all day to wait until at least something gets converted

Seems that you`re running Object REXX, not the classic REXX interpreter. For some unknown reasons Object REXX is *VERY* slow for big REXX scripts (on a ~500K HTML file HTML2ipf runs 8 times slower) than the classic REXX interpreter. If you`re running OS/2 Warp 4.0 you should simply run \OS2\SWITCHRX.CMD which will switch REXX interpreters. For OS/2 Warp 3 users you should follow the deinstallation instructions in the Object REXX.
One more example: it took me 6 minutes 40 seconds (400 seconds) to convert all Java for OS/2 API docs into .IPF format with classic REXX, and more than 3 hours (!!! on my P5/200, oh shit!) with Object REXX. This looks to me like something is trashing inside REXX kernel, since it begins converting very fast, but the more it works, the slower it is. At the end of second hour it took about 1 minute to convert a 1K HTML file!
And anyway, you`re in a multitask OS, isn`t it? Minimize the window in which it runs, and forget about it.

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