Here is the format of the HTML2IPF command line:

Usage: HTML2IPF [IndexFileName.HTML] {OutputFileName.IPF} {Conversion options}
+-|is the "root" .HTML file to start with
+-|is the output filename (usually with the .IPF extension)
{Conversion options}
+-+|are one or more of the following:
   |  Use (+) or don`t use (-) ANSI [C]olors in output
   |  enable (+) or disable (-) processing <CENTER> tags
   |  check (+) or process (-) HTML file (along with all recursive links)
   |  Handy for checking HTML files (along with the -DEBUG+ switch)
   |  In the -CHECK+ state no output file(s) will be produced.
   |  Enable (+) or disable (-) alphabetical sorting of all links
   |  belonging to same HTML.
   |  Include (+) or don`t include (-) [P]ictures in .IPF file
   \_ Enable (+) or disable (-) [D]ebug logging into HTML2IPF.LOG
Default HTML2IPF options:
You launch HTML2IPF specifying the root (index) file; HTML2IPF will try to follow all local links (theoretically I can extend HTML2IPF to follow even Internet links - but what for?) and incorporate everything into a single .IPF file; this file will have same name as the root (index) file except that its extension will be replaced by IPF.


HTML2IPF index.html -check+ -debug+
** or **
HTML2IPF index.html -ch -d

This example will check the syntax and the presense of all links found inside the index.html file (and all descendents). No output file will be produced

HTML2IPF index.html JavaBook.ipf -pictures- -sort-
** or **
HTML2IPF index.html JavaBook.ipf -p- -s- -co-

This example will produce the JavaBook.ipf file from the Index.html file, skipping all pictures and not sorting subheadings alphabetically.

HTML2IPF index.html -check+ -debug+ -colors- >html2ipf.out
** or **
HTML2IPF index.html -ch -d -co- >html2ipf.out

This example will check the syntax and links of the index.html file, redirecting program's output into the html2ipf.out file. The -COLORS- switch is used because otherwise ANSI color sequences will be also logged into the redirected file.

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