HTML2IPF will recognise a limited number of HTML tags; basicaly this is a subset of HTML 2.0. However, keep in mind that I never seen an complete HTML 2.0 specification, so maybe I`m somewhere wrong :-)
If you think HTML2IPF is ignoring some tags, you can enable debug logging (-D+), in this state HTML2IPF will track all unrecognised tags into a file named HTML2IPF.LOG.
So, what features of HTML documents are kept (basically) intact in the resulting INF book? Here is a list of HTML tags supported by HTML2IPF (however, keep in mind that some of them are simply ignored):

<HTML> & </HTML>
This tag is not required by HTML2IPF although it is a good practice to put it in every document. Note that like any normal browser (;-) HTML2IPF has some HTML extensions; notably to this tag:
<META ...>
This tag is simply ignored
<HEAD> & </HEAD>
The text marked as the title of the first (INDEX) HTML file is taken as overall document name.
<BODY ...> & </BODY>
This pair of tags marks the body of the document; any 'advanced' things like background colors and bitmaps are ignored since IPF doesn't support them.
<H1> & </H1>
<H2> & </H2>
<H3> & </H3>
<H4> & </H4>
<H5> & </H5>
<H6> & </H6>
The H1 through H6 headings are emulated using 'big' fonts; you can change the fonts used to mark headings by changing the initial values of the Global.Header1Font, Global.Header2Font etc. at the start of the REXX script; in the same place you can change the default font for book (by default HTML2IPF uses default system font; this in most cases is the System Proportional font if you haven`t added a PM_SystemFonts -> DefaultFont key in the OS2.INI file); you can change it to WarpSans Bold for a nicer looking books; however this font has not been supplied with OS/2 versions prior to 4.0.
<I> & </I>
<B> & </B>
<U> & </U>
<EM> & </EM>
<CITE> & </CITE>
Italic, Bold, Underlined, Emphasis and Citations are supported using IPF's :hp#. & :ehp#. tags. Citation is equivalent to Italicized text.
<TT> & </TT>
<CODE> & </CODE>
The <CODE> tag actually does the same as <TT> tag; TypeWriter font is emulated with System VIO font; you can change this by replacing the initial value for Global.ProportFont in the start of the REXX script.
<P> & </P>
The <BLOCKQUOTE> tag is treated like the new-paragraph tag
The break-line tag is supported
The horizontal rule is emulated with a row of 80 '─' (0xC4) characters.
<OL> & </OL>
... <LI>
Ordered lists are fully supported by HTML2IPF
<UL> & </UL>
<MENU> & </MENU>
... <LI>
Unordered lists are fully supported by HTML2IPF. The <MENU> tag is treated in same manner as <UL>
<DL> & </DL>
... <DT> & <DD>
Descriptive lists are fully supported by HTML2IPF. Note that HTML language allows lists with <DD> tags only and IPF language doesn`t, so empty :dt. tags are inserted in these cases.
<PRE> & </PRE>
Preformatted text is supported via the :cgraphic. & :ecgraphic. tags of IPF
<A> & </A>
<A HREF=> tag is supported only for local files; if tag references a remote file (i.e. starts with something like ###://), HTML2IPF will add them to a chapter called 'Internet links' to the end of the book. Every link in this chapter will launch Web Explorer (if you want to use a different browser, change the Global.WWWbrowser variable at the beginning of the script).
<A NAME=> tag is ignored since IPF lacks the possibility to reference links inside same section.
The IMG tag is partialy supported; it works only to embed pictures and simple links (i.e. when the IMG tag is surrounded by <A HREF=...> ... </A> pair). Image maps are not supported by HTML2IPF although IPFC supports them in its own fashion.
Other limitation is that IPFC accepts only OS/2 BMP files as image files; however, most images on the net are kept in GIF or JPEG formats; because of this HTML2IPF uses an external image converter (I used the demo version of Image Alchemy for OS/2 - it must be available somewhere on archive. If you know of other (preferably free) image conversion tool (which can be used automatically from command line), please mail me.
If you don`t have the Image Alchemy see tips`n`tricks section for a work-around.
This is just ignored
This tag is emulated using the IPF tag :lines align=center., i.e. the text is treated as pre-formatted. If you don`t like this behaviour, you can disable centering at all using the -CENTER- command-line switch.
... <TR> & </TR>
... <TH> & </TH>
... <TD> & </TD>
IPF tables are much more limited, so HTML2IPF will mostly strip any 'extra' things such as images (IPF does not support them), un&ordered/descriptive lists (same), line breaks and some other. Table headers (<TH>) are imitated with a underlined font (first I tried to do it using a bold font, but IPFC displays tables with different font widths distorted). The only neat thing supported in tables are links. Centered tables are not supported; if HTML2IPF encounters a table in <CENTER> context, it disables centering during table processing. IPFC can display a 'Out of memory' message when processing really big tables - sorry, it`s not my fault.

Here is a example of a not too complex table which will be so-so well transformed into IPF language:

Heading 1-1 Heading 2-1 Heading 3-1 Heading 4-1 Heading 5-1
Heading 1-2 Cell 2-2 Cell 3-2 Cell 4-2 Cell 5-2
Heading 1-3 Example link to title page missing photo

picture example (as I said, IPF does not support pictures inside tables)

Heading 1-4 Bold text in a IPF table will cause distorted tables so avoid such things if you`re planning to convert HTML files into INF. Theoretically, this can be fixed automatically (i.e. HTML2IPF will ignore such tags in tables), but for now I don`t see why I should do it If you want such a feature, please mail me.

One more example of a HTML which converts so-so good with HTML2IPF you can find, say, on Netscape Navigator for OS/2 Warp unofficial homepage (I found it while looking for testcases :-). Try to convert it, you never seen such a pretty INF file :-) Actually, it contains some unrecognised by HTML2IPF tags (you can see this in DEBUG+ state) but they`re not too important for the overall look.

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