
Positive Whole NCN Spirit GIB
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Welcome to the World Transformation web space!

The overall theme here is to make the world a better place, to see things in a positive light, to stand up for one's rights, to pursue self-improvement and greater freedom, to have fun and to learn new things about life, the universe and everything.

Magellan 4-Star
Site This site is honored to be the recipient of the main 1995 Social Innovation Award. It was selected as the Deep or Unusual Site of the Day July 28th, Spider's Pick of the Day July 30th, and Fruit Tree's Pick of the Week November 24th. Top 5%

This area is maintained by Flemming Funch <> and you are accessing it in one of three different locations. Either on the World Transformation site at, operated by myself, or on the New Civilization Server One at, operated by Joachim Steingrübner <>, both in California, or you will find it on Video On-Line in Italy at Please use the site that is closest or that appears most accessible to you.

There is a large amount of information, documents and links here. Stuff to enlighten you, provoke you, surprise you, inform you, and engage you. Stuff to link you up with the accelerating network of a transforming world.

Last update: 19 June 1996

Blue RibbonThis site supports the blue ribbon campaign.
Read the Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace.

Sections at this site:

* Positive Vibrations - (40+) random kindness and other optimistic and inspirational stuff. Humor, kids stuff.
* Whole Systems - (100+) principles for dealing with the big picture and everything in it. Exploring dynamic, live systems with many interrelated parts. Nature, communities, technology, life.
* New Civilization - (250+) resources and networking contributing to the creation of a better world. Alternatives to the old ways. People who have visions for a better future and who are working on creating it.
* Spiritual Evolution - (50+) planetary changes, channeling, astral projection, metaphysics and more.
* Global Ideas Bank - (1000+) hundreds of the best ideas for social innovation collected from all over the world. Categorized by subject. Rate how you like the ideas.
* Transformational Processing - (500+) a system of personal development, providing methods of assisting others through communication in achieving more clarity in their lives.
* Sovereignty - (50+) privacy, state citizenship, untaxing, freedom, survivalism. How to arrange one's affairs so that one is more in charge of one's own destiny.
* Links - (200+) Check out the list of sites exchanging links with World Transformation. If your site it pointing here, you can Add a Link.
* ** What's new at this site ** - (300+) links and pages recently added. In chronological order.

The numbers you see in parenthesis after many links, (100+), is an attempt to tell you how much stuff you will find there, i.e. how many links there are in the page you would go to, either to documents within that site or to other sites.

Some links are marked with a if the materials are stored within this site and with a if it is an outside link.

If you have any comments or questions concerning this site, please drop me an email message. I am always interested in feedback. However, be aware that I get 2-300 messages per day, so if you send me something lengthy you might not get a prompt reply.

About Flemming Funch.

Access the search engine meta-index (40) to find something elsewhere on the net.

Check out my Cutting Edge Uses of the Web (50+) page for pointers to some of the technological advances happening on the Web.

If your browser does Live3D VRML, check out the 3D homepage.

These pages are best viewed with Netscape Navigator.