
Hello, nice of you to drop by! The picture of me is a bit old, but it is still pretty much how I look.

Who am I? I am still trying to find out, so I am afraid I can't quite tell you. But, I am interested in many different things, and I am doing many different things. They do seem to fit together in a bigger scheme, but I am not always sure how.

I am a counselor, so I see clients and help them with their personal development, through various alternative approaches, some of which I have developed myself.

I philosophize about things, so I've spent a fair amount of time exploring the mysteries of life and the universe and everything.

I am a writer, and you will find a lot of articles of various kinds that I've written at this site. Mostly it is about how systems work and how things could be made better.

I do improvisational acting. Mostly as a way of exploring creativity and spontaneity.

I make computer programs. I have designed and managed various developments of large computerized systems.

I am a comprehensivist. I aim at having a rounded view of everything at the same time. I am good at synthesizing complexity and making it simple. At least that is what people tell me.

I am a networker and a catalyst. I link people together and connect people up with ideas and resources they might need. I am quite happy with good things coming out of what I do, even if I am not personally involved.

I am not particularly interested in money. I do most of the things I care about for free. However, if you do happen to have a lot of money I wouldn't mind if you sent some of it my way so that I can worry even less about it.

I am an incurable optimist, so therefore, most of what I talk about will imply that things can and will get better. I seem to be able to see a positive meaning in just about anything. My positivism isn't so much because I ignore the downside of life, as it is because I confidently believe that the way we think and feel about things has a lot to do with creating the world that we live in and will live in.

I will also usually insist at seeing issues from several angles at the same time. That doesn't necessarily mean that I am confused, but rather that I think that matters are best explored by examining all relevant viewpoints. Also, great truths are often found hidden in the apparent paradoxes of life.

I believe that life, the universe and everything inherently is meant to be good and fun and exciting. I believe that the meaning of life is to explore and discover and to have a good time with whatever you are excited about exploring.

I think that everybody has a fundamental right to be free to choose for themselves. Any person is free to play or not play any game they choose. Anybody can pursue whatever they honestly feel is the right thing to do, as long as they don't stop others from doing the same.

I consider myself having come to this planet with a mission to change it for the better. I am of course not alone in that, so I am very happy to cooperate with anybody else who would also like to see this world transform into something more and better.

This is me and my wife Birgit and our kids Zachery and Marie-Therese.

All of us except for Zachery are born in Copenhagen, Denmark. We've been living since 1985 in Los Angeles.

If you want to, you can send a message to Flemming or Birgit or Marie-Therese or Zachery from here.

Our postal address is:

17216 Saticoy Street #147
Van Nuys, California Republic
Postal Zone 91406, United States

Phone: 1-818/774-1462, Fax: 1-818/344-9747

See you around!

Read an Inner View with me at Chelle's Cozy Corner.

And, if you want to know more, look at some more of my various interests and pastimes.