Astrology for Beginners - Workshop 6

By: Sue Stacey


Also in this Workshop


Charles and Diana - Charts

Every moment of time is unique - the energies, the vibrations, the people we are with, the places where we live - nothing is ever exactly the same. An astrological birth chart is a capture of a time, a moment in space and therefore every event that we log, every birth that we draw up a chart for is unique. The ability to interpret a birth chart is what every student of Astrology is aiming for and for me this is a process of 'building' - a good Taurean word! You start with a vision (i.e. the whole chart) and to create that vision, you have a plan. Starting with the groundworks, we learn the Key Words for the Zodiac Signs, the Planets, the Houses and then we build to the ground floor level with understanding about the relationships between the planets (i.e. the ASPECTS) and add extra rooms with the Progressions, Transits, Lunar Phases, Mid-points and many more extra-over details. If a student can understand the need for the good foundations, a strong house can be built. Trying to build the 1st floor studio may be more exciting and visually creative, but it cannot be established without the groundworks.

In this month's workshop, to follow the previous pattern of looking at the appropriate zodiac sign for the month and how the personal energies can affect us, we shall explore Sagittarius. But first a look at ASPECTS.

The relationship between planets - ASPECTS- are very important ingredients in the birth chart. An ASPECT is determined by the number of degrees that separate two points - planets and angles. (An 'angle' refers to the Ascendant, Descendant, M.C. I.C.) Aspects create certain vibrations and listed below are the most commonly used aspects: (the 'orb' is the allowable margin of an aspect, each Astrologer must find 'what works for them' - below the orbs used are what I have found to be most useful. (When interpreting a Birth Chart, I imagine that the planets are children in a playground - and the ASPECTS are indication of who plays with who - and also what games they are playing.)

Conjunction = 2 planets sharing the same degree - orb 8-10 degrees

Opposition = 2 planets 180 degrees apart, orb 8 - 10 degrees

Sextile = 2 planets 60 degrees apart, orb 6 degrees

Square = 2 planets 90 degrees apart, orb 8 degrees

Trine = 2 planets 120 degrees apart, orb 8 degrees

Quincunx (or inconjunct) = 2 planets 150 degrees apart, orb 4 degrees

(For information of how to get a free detailed sheet of Astrological symbols, or details of having your Personal Chart calculated, fax name and address to 01702 460932)

To explain how to use ASPECTS, a brief look at 2 Charts - those of Charles and Diana, from the British Royal Family. Never seemingly to out of the newspapers and as astrology students I feel that there is a lot we can learn from their charts.

For Previous Workshops

Workshop 1

Workshop 2

Workshop 3

Workshop 4

Workshop 5

Sue will be happy to provide personal readings and chart interpretations by arrangement.

She can be contacted on - (+44) (0)1702 468961, Fax +44 (0)1702 589472

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