Astrology for Beginners - Workshop5

By: Sue Stacey

SCORPIO - the sign of intensity, of depth beyond imagination, of power, of sex and of desire. The Sun enters the Sign of Scorpio on 24th October each year - and this year, 1995 - with added energies of a Solar Eclipse - i.e. a New Moon in Scorpio - lining up with the Sun. This can be seen as the image of a man and a woman sharing a bed - the Sun being the Male energy, the Moon is the Female energy - emotions are heightened, energies are jumping - nothing can stay the same for long. This eclipse follows the Lunar Eclipse (Moon in Aries, Sun in Libra) of 2 week before - and the imminent change of the planet Pluto - who is leaving the sign of Scorpio, where it has been since 1984, to enter the open spaces of Sagittarius. What a powerful party there is transpiring at the present time out amongst the stars! I believe that Astrology helps us to understand that if we are willing to TRANSFORM we can all be part of that party. Trusting that all that is happening about us, within us, is not by chance - but part of the journey that we are making through life. NOTHING IS BY CHANCE, is also a message many of us will have read and understood and æfeltÆ when reading CELESTINE PROPHECIES (James Redfield).

To imagine the energies of SCORPIO in our chart is to trust walking through a dark room -trusting that there is a door that will lead you out into another corridor, trusting that there is a solid floor, trusting that nothing is hiding - waiting to devour you. Fear is a major ækey wordÆ for Scorpio - but it is that Scorpio will help us face our Fears - and acknowledge that FEAR is just 'FALSE EXPECTATION ABOUT REALITY' . Since 1984 the World has acknowledged that we do not have to live with Fear and I feel that the taking of responsibility for TRANSFORMATION (a wonderful 'Scorpionic' word!) is how we are all moving forward into a fabulous NEW AGE. Acknowledging the dark side of our nature is seen as Scorpio at work. But this message is that we all have the power to transform our lives and use energies for the good everyone. LIFE and DEATH issues, issues about SEX are all seen as Scorpionic - and over the past 12 years so much has changed and so many issues have been raised in the medical field and in the law courts and within our homes. Legal cases involving sexual abuse and the issues of AIDS are very visual - but on a more personal note, the ways that we now openly communicate with our friends and family and whereas 10 years ago parents may have been concerned about finding condoms in their teenagers pockets, now the issues are reversed and NOT practising æsafe-sexÆ is a much greater concern. Scorpio is the sign that deals with all of these issues.

So, lets look at Scorpio, as a Zodiac Sign, as a sign in which you may have a personal planet - but also remember - if we are born on Earth, we have a Birth Chart that has all the Zodiac Signs as a æbeltÆ around us. Somewhere every sign will be of significance in our lives. PlutoÆs transit into Sagittarius will affect us all - Jupiter has been heralding the way for the past 12 months, and now we are ready to move forward.

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For Previous Workshops

Workshop 1

Workshop 2

Workshop 3

Workshop 4

Sue will be happy to provide personal readings and chart interpretations by arrangement.

She can be contacted on - (+44) (0)1702 468961, Fax +44 (0)1702 589472

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