Astrology for Beginners - Workshop 6


By: Sue Stacey

Sagittarius - the Archer - the Zodiac sign which is associated with the planet of adventure, Jupiter. Sagittarius is open-minded discussion, of long-distance travel - (definitely for me the "Star Trek - New Generation" adventures). Those born between November 23rd and December 22nd of each year will have their Sun Sign in Sagittarius, but remember, we are all born on Earth, we are all surrounded by the Zodiac belt - we all have the energies of Sagittarius working somewhere in our lives.

Personal planets (or an "Angle) in Sagittarius indicates that the individual seeks freedom in all things - freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of physical movement. Try and fence someone in who has a 'strong' Sagittarian chart (buying a watch for a Sagittarian, so that they may arrive home for dinner is a definite "no-no" and may leave you with a permanent empty place at the dinner table. Plan a holiday (no organised Tours of Europe please!) - offering minimal detail and you will win their heart - offer to pay for a months phone bills so that they can 'surf the net' - wonderful idea; create boundaries, build fences and you will soon be receiving a Post card from some far away destination. Sport is a wonderful use of the Sagittarian energy and well as any involvement in "foreign affairs".

Jupiter is the ruling planet of Sagittarius, and Jupiter is EXPANSION - it indicates growth. Sagittarians, as all Fire Signs (i.e. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), will make something appear far larger than it really is. Sagittarian Ascendants will normally have long thighs - giving them the appearance of being tall (no matter what the tape measure says). The Princess of Wales has a Sagittarian Ascendant, which is conjunct the natal position of Mars in Charles's chart. This is a positive aspect between the two charts - and Diana will draw to her those with Sagittarius strong in her chart so that she may find the doors that open into a world of freedom, travel and adventure.

For everyone the planet Pluto, by Transit, moved into Sagittarius in November 1995 - indicating a time of change, of boundaries (especially those in Religion and Higher Education) being dispensed with. On a personal level we are all experiencing the vibrations that will bring us into a new level of honesty and freedom of speech. Sagittarius cannot hide information - and commitments will be made on a clear and open format. Our newspapers and television programmes will especially be full of the breakdown of barriers that protect and restrict in Religion. Sagittarius needs to open the pages of the book - and Pluto looks at what is necessary to keep in and what is necessary to leave behind. If something in our lives no longer has value then we will be able to recognise this and unload our suitcase. However, if we recognise a valuable asset that we have, then Pluto in Sagittarius will acknowledge and offer all room for expansion and success.

For Previous Workshops

Workshop 1

Workshop 2

Workshop 3

Workshop 4

Workshop 5

Sue will be happy to provide personal readings and chart interpretations by arrangement.

She can be contacted on - (+44) (0)1702 468961, Fax +44 (0)1702 589472

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