Astrology for Beginners - Workshop 4

By: Sue Stacey

The Sun moves into the 30 degree section of the Zodiac belt of Libra late of Saturday (GMT) 23rd September 1995. Libra is the sign of harmony and balance and ruled by the planet Venus. So is this the time of the year when we feel harmonious, feel balanced? Does the placing of Libra in the chart, whether Sun sign, personal planet (Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars) or the Ascendant, indicate that we are congenial, contented and compatible with everyone we meet? Sorry - not quite that simple! Libra is a sign that seeks harmony but can often, in a perverse way, be the creator of discord - for the quality of Libra is to balance - and you can only balance that which is æout of balanceÆ.

Think of the garden see-saw. There is no fun, no amusement when there is perfect balance. The fun is pushing again the barriers, creating an imbalance. Libra enjoys the discussion, enjoys debate and seeks contest, all so that it may be the one to find the solution, find the balance and agreement within the situation and be seen to be the bringer of harmony.

In previous Workshops we have looked at the placement of æpersonal planetsÆ within a sign. For this of course it is necessary to have a calculated Birth Chart. However, never forget that if we are born on Earth, which for the purpose of this Workshop I will assume that we are(!), we are all surrounded by the belt of the Zodiac signs and therefore each and everyone of us is affected in some way by each of the signs. The area of life to which each sign will be working in your life is interpreted from the Chart, but it is easy to forget that all of us is in some way ætouchedÆ by the energies from each Zodiac sign.

The Sun Sign shows our 'essence' - the core of who we are and when the Sun is in Libra a person will be born understanding that life is not as balanced and harmonious as if first seems. Within a Libran there can be a belief that they are here to solve the solutions to the world! (Margaret Thatcher is a Sun Libra).

The Moon draws inwardly, to our past, to our Mother and to our inner-consciousness. With the Moon in Libra we were shown from the very beginning that there are always two sides to everything. Libra Moon signs often look towards others for their emotional well-being- 'if you are happy and content, so am I'.

Mercury is the planet of communication - and in Libra this is an indication of a soft voice, smooth words and a love of debate. Mercury is also coloured by the surroundings and Libra is an Air sign - therefore an interest and talent in languages and accents is likely.

Venus is said to rule Libra - and the vibrations of harmony and balance are shown through manners, mode of dress, house interiors and partnerships. There is a great sensitivity to being in situations that are not harmonious and balanced and 'feeling unwell' can often be traced to a partners choice of decor or clothes.

Mars - the 'God of War' finds the energies of Libra can be best used to become a Champion for a cause - this may manifest in finding a role as a school governor, local councillor or debating the issues at a National level. Finding the balance will be seen as a challenge and issues that need such attention will best appeal.

The 12 Houses - Keywords - Areas of Life

Next Month: Focus on Scorpio and the planet Pluto, the planet of Transformation! Pluto has been in Scorpio since 1984 and has brought many changes to our consciousness. Pluto finally leaves the sign of Scorpio on 24th October 1995 and enters into the far-reaching sign of Sagittarius. Some will choose to sleep through these energies - the choice is ours - but, I believe, if we can come out of the fog and trust, the new horizons that we can create for ourselves and the World and will be the start of so many wonderful new adventures never before even dreamt of!

Focus on Virgo

Workshop 1

Workshop 2

Workshop 3

Sue will be happy to provide personal readings and chart interpretations by arrangement.

She can be contacted on - (+44) (0)1702 468961, Fax +44 (0)1702 589472

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