The Weaver Issue No 14 March,1996(1)

The Weaver

Issue No 14 March,1996

"Let no one deceive himself
If any one among you thinks that he
is wise in this age
let him become a fool
that he may become wise
For the wisdom of this world
is folly before God"
(1 Corinthians iii, 18-19)


To be a Wizard

READERS' LETTERS - Your Views and News

Images, Backgrounds and Artwork - Stephen Harper, Sergio Navarro and Alex Campbell

Last month we introduced a discussion group weaver-talk. If you would like to join please email with the message subscribe weaver-talk or include your request in the feedback forms at the bottom of this index.

Special Features

SUFI WISDOM - the one who is really wise recognizes that though there are many different ways of understanding wisdom, wisdom is one and cannot be many. By: Hidayat Inyat Khan - Representative-General of The International Sufi Movement and Pir-o-Murshid of its Inner School

SACREDNESS AND CREATIVITY - another creation of harmony and beauty by Ayesha Foot in the search for a sacred space in which creativity can be found. (This is a jpeg file.For gif format)

EMOTIONS - By L.A.Baldwin - Anger,sadness, hopelessness, despair, amusement; - Objectivity, gives us the power to observe ourselves, and our lives with greater clarity. As a bonus, there is a priceless treasure to be found in objectivity - humor.

AN IMAGE OF REALITY - AN EXISTENTIAL TRAVEL OF CHANGE - By: Lars Berg - "What is Gestalt Therapy?" Individual Gestalt Therapy is a process that develops from an encounter in the moment, with a unique human being. Here we follow that process.

CHAKRAS, AURAS AND ENERGY FIELDS - By: Valerie Iravani - A personal journey into unknown territory.

NATURE TRAIL - With Michael Cohen - In earlier times, the word for air was psyche. Psyche also means spirit and mind. A hands-on challenge for learning to think sensitively

THE HOPI MESSAGE - An address given by Thomas Banyacya to the General Assembly of the United Nations - Submitted by The Alpha Institute

THE RESPONSIBILITY OF FERTILITY - By: Christopher Brown -Truth, Path, and Future - three words that weave a story in any language.


A RESPONSE TO EMERSON'S HARVARD DIVINITY ADDRESS -By: Arthur P Patterson - a fascinating study - His initial criterion for effective spiritual mentoring is amazingly simple; it has to do with a conscious relation to nature.

"BEYOND DUALITY: THE ART OF TRANSCENDANCE" - a treasure house of magical arts.

Our Regular Workshops


NLP - METAPROGRAMMES 3 - A continuation of this fascinating series on Neuro Linguistic Programming, useful for our personal and business life. THE NLP INDEX - A summary of these workshops given by Joseph O'Connor and Ian Macdermott.


STARSTUFF - ROWENA WALL -more articles from Rowena in next month's issue



Our aim is to make this magazine interactive. You can help us by sending your views and comments. We will include these in next month's issue. Views and news to

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