Chakras, Auras and Energy fields


Chakras, Auras and Energy Fields

By: Valerie Iravani

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March is the first month of spring where nature puts on her new apparel. Buds burst forth, crocuses have peeped out of the snow, and the grass is beginning to turn green with newness. The days are getting longer, and we are breathing a deep sigh of relief that winter is over (or almost). We wear sweaters instead of coats every chance we get, and start preparing for summer. We get busy with the activities held at bay since the Christmas holidays. It's as if new blood begins flowing through our veins.

March is a time when we see the world coming awake. The river is rising with melted snow, and the rushing noise calls us to attention. Nature's energy changes, and so does ours. Those who have the ability to see our energy fields (or auras) will tell you that they can see the changes. In fact, one woman I met spent a good portion of her life learning how "not" to see the colors and frequencies of all the auras around her. She had to learn how to screen out everything except what she wanted to focus on.

That was Jeraldine. We met last fall. Suzanne Wagner recommended her to me (of last month's article). Jeraldine's gift is seeing energy fields. She had had this gift since young childhood. She will tell you that she thought everyone was like this – that everyone saw intense color and activity all around. During adolescence, she learned how afraid people were of her ability, and that she saw things that others did not. For instance, no one likes to be found out in a lie, especially while they are in the middle of telling it. Jeraldine could see their energy patterns change as they uttered the lie. Needless to say, she stopped using her gift.

After many incredible life lessons, Jeraldine learned to protect herself and use her gift once again. She used her gift to help me look through my illusion of myself and to look at the reality of who I am deep inside, and forced me to admit it. When I called to ask for an interview, Jeraldine asked me to experience her work as well. Of course, I agreed.

On my way to meet Jeraldine for an aura reading, I remained skeptical about this "power". However, after Suzanne's intuitional reading, and the wonderful validation I received from it, I eagerly looked forward to anything I might learn. Who knew what might be revealed.

Again, I was surprised by the youth of my subject. Jeraldine was a petite woman somewhere around 40 years old. She had a carefree pixie hair style, with a hesitant smile. I saw a fragility in her face, and sensed an inward focus, as if she were working on a very important project. However, she was very professional and reassuring in ushering me into her office. Her space was the size of a small den, with comfortable pillow chairs and settee. The colors were creams, tans and whites, which were restful and calm, with a lovely hanging on one wall. It was a picture of a bhodisatva named "Tara", goddess of compassion, who will help you into the dark night of the soul, and help you arrive at the other side -- of significance in the Tibetan tradition.

The very first statement from Jeraldine was a statement I was to hear from every person I interviewed, who considers themselves a professional in whatever practice they teach. " I don't ordinarily suggest that anyone use my services," she said. "I don't believe in advertising. In fact, as you have experienced, I put up road blocks that screen out curiosity seekers. I'm hard to get hold of, and I charge a lot. Those who I work with will be teaching others. I'm sort of a teacher or teachers. All of my clients come through word of mouth referrals."

"But when you called," she continued, "I sensed such an openness in you that I felt compelled to offer you a session. Especially since you are going to be writing about it, it's important that you experience it." I told her that I was surprised that she sensed anything over the phone. However, I appreciated the opportunity to experience her work. It was a gift, and I was grateful for it.

"I see energy patterns," Jeraldine explained the process we would experience together. "Now, in terms of a human energy field, that would be called your aura. When I look at your aura, many different patterns, colors and frequencies emanate from your chakras (or energy centers). There are seven levels that radiate out from you. These seven energy centers regulate each aspect of your being, everything from survival to spirit; your career, sexuality, communication, emotion, power, will, or intelligence. They tell a lot about what's going on with your inner and outer self, and where you're headed."

"There are two dimensions of your aura I want to focus on today," Jeraldine continued. "The peripheral dimension is anywhere from a foot or two, or even more, out from your body. You can't see it because it's off the scale of light. This peripheral field has to do with your personality and how you relate and connect with life around you. People can feel that. They pick it up on many different intuitive levels. Each of our senses has an inter part, like inner hearing, inner seeing, or inner feeling. We pick up this information long before we physically realize it.

We'll look at what kind of patterns, colors and frequencies you have in your outer field as you interface with the world. The core auric field has more to do with who you are on a soul level. What kinds of gifts and talents did you bring into the world with you, and what is your purpose in life?

"How I see this is that I close my eyes from time to time," she explained, "and I tune into your frequencies or energy patterns. It's like picking up the waves of a radio station. All humans have the capacity to do this. It's just that some of us are more attuned to it or have worked with it more. As I see these energy patterns, because they are difficult to translate, I might use metaphors to tell you about what I see. Metaphors and poetry are the language of the soul, and it's difficult to talk about the energy field in logical, linear terms.

The four questions most people really have at these readings are: a) What is my purpose here?
b) How I make money in the world, and how I live, is that aligned with my soul's work?
c) Is the alignment of the four bodies, mental, physical, emotional and spiritual, correct, or am I scattered all over the map?
d) Am I connected to my guides, seen and unseen?

So that's what we'll talk about, and any other questions you may have. Does that about cover it?"

Jeraldine looked at me expectantly, and all I could do was be grateful. "That's exactly what I would like to know," I said. "And I couldn't have expressed it nearly so well." More hesitantly I added, "I would also like to know why I seem to scare or intimidate people. They seem to have a good impression of me, and trust me, but it's as if I scare them off. I think I'm just too intense for them."

Over the next two hours, Jeraldine told me that I was very intuitive and had been "reading" people energetically all of my life. However, I rushed by them quickly in order to avoid their energy mixing with mine. After all, life is confusing enough with adding other people's confusion on top of mine (it turns out that a lot of us do this). If I just slowed down, I would be able to understand people better, and still protect myself from taking on their energy patterns.

Next, I was told that my outer aura was in total chaos; it was coming apart and going through great transformation. She said, "It's like your moving from one house to another and everything is out of the cupboards and half in boxes. Or like a computer whose software is being rewritten, and part of the computer is shut down." Jeraldine was amazed that I had been on time for our appointment, or that I had been able to hold together some sense of organization and routine in my life. Usually when this much transformation was going on in a person, life tended to get out of hand and routines and reliability go out the window. My identity as a wife, mom, woman, and person was coming apart. What was finished, the old identity, was falling apart and dissipating.

While my peripheral aura was breaking down, my core aura was building a new reality. She used the metaphor or the "Great Oz" in the "Wizard of Oz" movie. I was the great wizard on the outside – a façade of organization, power, and stability. Behind the curtain I was just a person who didn't have all the answers, who wasn't always in control, and who was real and true. This session was really about helping me settle into my new identity, my new self image that was developing.

Jeraldine talked about the deep, vibrant turquoise and violet that were the major colors in my aura. She said that the turquoise represented communication, and my ability to translate and relate information. I was a herald, and the universe was pushing me into a new place where I could act as a bridge for others to gain new understanding (sound familiar? - see last month's article). I was ready for what is real, true and doesn't die, and I was ready to herald it to the world. Jeraldine also said that I would be leading others through the same process I was going through as I documented my search. The violet represented my spiritual opening, and my connection to "God-source" or "love as the universal force".

All seven chakras are associated with colors and parts of the body (differing slightly depending on the belief system). The intensity of the color changes based on your past lives, your karma, and your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual conditions.

Colors mean many things in aura readings. The message changes based on the questions asked, the state of the people asking and reading, and their belief systems. Aura reading is another format for gaining information and validation. An aura reading can also create a larger picture in which to view our lives and decisions, assisting us in reaching our goals. Again, it's a format that helps us refocus on those areas in our lives that matter at this given time.

Our energy fields are attached to those we love, and those with whom we are in close contact. Therefore, an aura reading can also give us a clearer picture of our relationships with others. Since we are also attached energetically to our past, present and future, we can discover more about the meaning of past decisions, and future potentials. This information combined with experience, re -enforce our strength and self worth. Aura reading is a skill that can be learned and developed (see book list).

"It's time that we all stand up and admit who we really are," Jeraldine states emphatically. "Many of us are in great transition from one level to another. We don't need to be worried about those around us, but we do need to be gentle with ourselves. As we take care of our own paths, following our push from spirit, and relax into new realities, we may turn around and find everyone else right beside us."

If you want to know about Jeraldine, I cannot say much. She asked to have her privacy guarded , and I agreed. Suffice to say that she has suffered much in her life, and has worked hard to gain perspective on her life and her gifts. Jeraldine is a wonderful lady of grace and honesty. She is currently an aura reader and intuitional instructor in Salt Lake, but has lived and studied in India and elsewhere. Jeraldine has been an active reader for 19 years.

When I asked Jeraldine to take all of her knowledge, experience, and training and distill it down into a one sentence message to humanity, she replied, "If you follow your intuition, you will be led by the Creator." She also agreed with the other people I have interviewed. Man is about to shift paradigms. "Humans are headed toward a new way of thinking, and we are reaching critical mass and connectivity at this time in our history."

I came away from my aura reading with more validation, and some new information. I was trying too hard to make everything in my life safe for everyone else. That's not how life is. We are all responsible for our choices, and cannot blame others for our feelings or behavior. With much to think about, I knew my own paradigm would shift once more. However, by now I was more comfortable with change.

Since speaking with Jeraldine, I have spent some time studying my own reactions to other's energy fields. Although, I still can't see auras or colors around people, I realize I had been very attached to the energy fields of my family. I am currently working on recognizing which feelings and energies are mine, and which are someone else's. It's easy. Just notice your thoughts and feelings more often, and who is around at the time!

While continuing my reading, I interviewed another intuitional reader, and had some training in "cold calls". See you next month.



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