Peter Russell -March/Wizards

How To Be A Wizard





A wizard knows the laws of creation, and how to work with them.

A wizard allows synchronicity to manifest.

A wizard follows three basic principles.

The first principle is that of wholeness. The more rested I am, the more relaxed my mind and body, the more in touch I am with my self, the more free I feel, the easier my soul, the more whole I am. And the more whole I am, the more synchronicity seems to occur. Conversely, when I am out of balance, tired, stressed, frazzled, wrapped up in concern or in some other way off center, synchronicity does not manifest nearly so abundantly.

We cannot make synchronicities happen. It is in their very nature to occur "by coincidence". We cannot control or manipulate the world in order to create synchronicities -- their source is not of this world. Yet we can encourage their appearance; we can open ourselves to them. This we do by opening to ourselves, to our inner wholeness.

A wizard allows inner wholeness to be a priority. A wizard stays rested, relaxed, centered and clear.

The second characteristic of synchronicities they tend to support my needs. They seem to bring us just what we need, at just the right time. It is as if the Universe has my best interests at heart, and arranges for their fulfilment in ways which I could never have dreamt of. It is, to quote a renowned Indian teacher, "the support of nature". We support nature by centering ourselves, and nature supports us back, providing the opportunities to fulfill our needs.. This is what makes them so magical and remarkable -- such a coincidence.

However, if we do not know what we truly want or most need, or if two desires are in conflict, the synchronicities that manifest may not be in our own best interests. We may want something one day, have it the next, and not want it the day after. So before "cosmic choreography" can support us, we need to be clear on what it is we really want. The more clear we are on our intentions, and the more in touch we are with our deepest intention, the more we find that nature supports.

Thus the second principle of wizardry ; intention. Intention is not desire. Our desires are our beliefs as to how we might get what we want. We desire money because we think it might buy us greater peace of mind. We desire a mate because we think we will then be happy. Sometimes these ways work (for a while); sometimes they don't. Sometimes something completely different may give us what we need. Cosmic choreography knows how to fulfill our intentions far better than we do. Our task is not to force the world to be a certain way, but to be aware of our underlying intention, and so provide a direction in which synchronicity can flow.

Wizards are clear on their intention. They know what it is they really need; what underlies all their many wants and desires. Wizards hold this intention in their mind. And then let go. No attachment to how or when; just a simple openness to whatever may be -- and a silent delight in the synchronicities that come to be.

And there is one more principle. I can sit alone in my cottage in the middle of a forest, at peace in myself, centered and whole, and clear on my inner intention, yet here few coincidences occur. Significant coincidences nearly always seem to involve other people in some way. It is as if our interplay with others gives cosmic choreography greater opportunities to reach through to us.

Although we may not be able to make synchronicities happen, we can create environments that foster their occurrence. We can create the inner environments of wholeness and true intention; and in our outer lives we can go and engage ourselves fully in the world, mix with the social field, go out and play. Play whatever game and role best fits our intentions. Play it with our soul, fully. Play it in whatever way brings us inner wholeness, enjoyment and fulfilment -- there is, after all, no point in suffering while we play.

This is the third principle of wizardry -- a principle I call "zipping and zooming". Playing our part in the world, and allowing cosmic choreography to play its part.

These are the three principles of wizardry; wholeness, intention and zipping and zooming.

And if you need a mnemonic to remember them by, simply take their initial letters,

W I Z -- a wizard wizzes.

More of Peter Russell's ideas can be found on his web siteThe Spirit of Now -

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