[ Contents ]
Built With Amiga home-page
AmigaOS 3.5
HTML Authoring Software
Amiga Web Browsers
Amiga Java
TCP/IP Stacks
Other categories of software
ISPs supporting the Amiga
Sites that are Built With Amiga Software
Linking to this site
Suggestions and additions
Sign the Guestbook
Read the Guestbook
Search The Net for Amiga-related Items
BWA's Own Mailing List
What's new?
Acknowledgements & Thank Yous
How This Site Was Made
Amazing Amiga (My home pages)


In order to make this campaign a success, your suggestions and input are extremely important.
Although I am including as much information as I possibly can (and the number of pages here will signigicantly increase throughout the coming weeks), I need your input to let me know of any errors I have made, softeware I have missed, categories you think I should add, or indeed any comments you may wish to make.

That is where this page comes in. Please fill out the form and send it to me. I will personally read every comment that is made, and Ihope to be able to reply to as many as possible, but please remember I am just one person, and Ihave a day job, so there may be a delay before Ireply, or in some cases it my not be possible for me to reply at all, but please be assured that your contributions are valued.

Alternatively, if you don't wish to make a suggestion, you might prefer to sign the GuestBook instead.

Your name
EMail address
Any comments, suggestions,
additions, omissions?

The remaining questions are aimed at Amiga users only.
Which browser do you use?
If "other", what is it?
Which TCP stack do you use?
If "other", what is it?
Which EMailer do you use?
If "other", what is it?
Which news reader do you use?
If "other", what is it?

[ Valid HTML4.0 ] This page is copyright © Keith Blakemore-Noble , 1997 - 1999 , all rights reserved. For comments or questions about this page, please EMail WebMaster@BuiltWithAmiga.org. This page was last updated on September 28, 1999 .
[Built With Amiga Software]