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Amiga ICQ

[ AmigaICQ ]Although there is still no "official" version of ICQ for the Amiga, there are several unofficial Amiga versions available.

The best place to get information about these is from The Amiga-ICQ Homepage (at it's easy-to-remember address of http://surf.to/AmigaICQ), maintained by Jonas Davidsson. Jonas has very kindly agreed to let BWA include the the first page from his site here for easy reference - please drop by the main Amiga ICQ site to get the rest of the information.

[ AmigaICQ/ ] In addition to ICQ, there is now an Amiga-specific alternative, called AmiComSys, details of which are to be found at http://surf.to/AmiComSys.
Thanks again to Jonas for allowing BWA to incorporate the above section - don't forget to drop by surf.to/AmigaICQ/ for the fuller picture.

[ Valid HTML4.0 ] This page is copyright © Keith Blakemore-Noble , 1998 - 1999 , all rights reserved. For comments or questions about this page, please EMail WebMaster@BuiltWithAmiga.org. This page was last updated on September 28, 1999 .
[Built With Amiga Software]