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The "Built With Amiga Software" Mailing List.

A Mailing List?
Yes. It's true. After literally, oh, a few requests for one, the BWA campaign now has its own dedicated mailing list where we can all discuss all manner of Internet matters pertaining to the Amiga.

The best way to describe the function of the list is as follows -

"The mailing list of the official Built With Amiga Software campaign, designed to provide a forum where people can exchange ideas and information about the Amiga, Internet usage, and the various pieces of software around which enable the Amiga to be used as a powerful Internet computer, in a happy, friendly and relaxed environment. Not to be used for conducting advocacy or flame wars or any of that sort of nonsense - we've all got far better things on which to spend our time :)"

I shall also post to the list when something changes on the BWA site (new information, updates, that sort of thing) so it could be a useful way of finding out what's happening.

If you think that sounds of interest, then please do subscribe - there is relatively little traffic on the list at the moment (after all,it is only just starting), but you have the option of either receiving each article as it arrives, or just the daily digest (and you can change your option at any time in the future too).

Joining The List
The list is run as a service by OneList and subscription to the list requires joining OneList - don't worry, this is entirely free of charge to you!

You subscribe to the list by jumping to the BWA Subscription page. Here, you may either log in (if you are already a member of OneList), or you can join OneList first and then proceed.

One point to remember - due to the anti-spam measures taken by OneList, you should ensure that the email address which you use to subscribe is the same as the email address from which you will be posting to the list, otherwise you won't be able to post.

Oh yes - don't forget to reply to the confirmation EMail you receive - if you don't reply, you will not be added to the list (this is a precautionary measure taken to prevent people being subscribe to the list by other people for whatever reason).

Posting To The List
To post to the list, all you need to do is send your message via EMail to BuiltWithAmiga@onelist.com (remembering, of course, that you must post from the same EMail address as you subscribed, otherwise your post will be rejected - this is one of the measures designed to prevent people from spamming the list, for example).
Accessing The List Archive
There is a full archive of all messages ever posted to the list (well, except for a few boring test-messages sent right at the start - you wouldn't want to bother with those ones).
Un-subscribing From The List
If you decide that the list is no longer for you, then un-subscribing is done by going to http://www.onelist.com, loging in and then following the options available to you (which will include the ability to un-subscribe yourself from the list).
Please do not post "Un-subscribe me" messages to the list itself - these won't have the desired effect.
What About Spam?
Spam, UCE, call it what you will - it is a constant source of annoyance for most Internet users.

You will probably be relieved to know that the BWA Mailing list does everything possible to help to prevent your address being collected for spammers and to prevent spamming to the mailing list.
For example, only registered list members may post to the list (spammers don't tend to bother going to the trouble of signing to a list just to post spam).
In addition, when you post, the bulk of your email address will be "blanked out" in the message which actually appears, so spammers cannot harvest the archives for email addresses.

Please note that OneList say they reserve the right to occasionally sell advertising space within EMails they send out (the service is free, paid for entirely by their sales of advertising space, predominantly on their web pages). They say these will not be obtrusive (certainly I have not seen any so far), but if it reaches the stage where these adverts start to become generally annoying, then I will search around for an alternative way of hosting the list :)

Why Not On An Amiga?
"Why are you not running this mailing list from an Amiga? Is the Amiga not up to the task??"

It's a very good question. There is also a very good answer.

Yes, the Amiga is more than capable of running mailing lists (I know of quite a number of active mailing lists which are handled by Amigas). However, my system is not connected to the Internet 24 hours a day 7 days a week (I can't afford the phone bills for that!), which would mean that the time from posting your message to it appearing on the list would be erratic to say the least - not a very satisfactory situation for a mailing list. (OK, the list is not quite that big yet, but...)

So that is why this list is not run on an Amiga - yet. If there comes a time where I am connected much more regularly, then I'll swap over to using an Amiga to maintain the list :)

[ Valid HTML4.0 ] This page is copyright © Keith Blakemore-Noble , 1998 - 1999 , all rights reserved. For comments or questions about this page, please EMail WebMaster@BuiltWithAmiga.org. This page was last updated on September 28, 1999 .
[Built With Amiga Software]