Ferret FAQ

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This page has been accessed more than [lots of] times since May 29, 1996.

The Ferret FAQ is available as a set of HTML documents, a single HTML file [216 kB] or plain text (by FTP).

Also see:

Part 1: About Ferrets and This FAQ

0. About this FAQ

1. Where to get more information

2. Revision history of these files

3. Introduction to ferrets

Part 2: Ferret Care

4. Getting a pet ferret

5. Getting ready for your ferret

6. Ferret supplies

Part 3: Training and Behavior

7. Basic ferret care and training

8. Things ferrets say and do

Part 4: Health Care

9. Basic health care

10. Problems to watch for and related information

Part 5: Medical Overview

11. Common health problems

12. General medical information

13. Medical reference material

Medical FAQs

Other FAQs

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Copyright © 1994-1996 by Pamela Greene <pgreene@optics.rochester.edu>
I am not a ferret expert and cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.
Last modified: 04 Jan 1997.