Ferret Photo Gallery

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This page has been accessed more than [lots of] times since May 29, 1996.

Also see the Equipment How-To Photos which provide examples of how you might want to build or set up your cages, shoulder bag, collars, and so forth.

What's New (July 30, 1997)

The photos and thumbnails for this Gallery are now hosted by FIRST Inc. and will hopefully be faster and a bit more stable. Many thanks to Sam Taylor and FIRST for their generous assistance.

February 25, 1997

Here's a list of all the ferrets whose pictures were added the last time I added any. These links go to the pages without previews. Also see the list of other folks' ferret pages.


The Photo Gallery occupies six pages. Except where otherwise noted, all the pictures are color JPEGs. You should be able to save a copy of any of them using your browser or image-display program. Photos are listed in roughly the order that they were added, so the most recent ones are on the last couple of pages. Each page is available either with or without lots of 3-5 kB previews of of the photos. (Unless you have a few minutes to wait, you'll probably want to start with the ones without previews.) The ferret names below link to the pages without previews.

Page 1, with or without previews

Page 2, with or without previews Page 3, with or without previews Page 4, with or without previews Page 5, with or without previews Page 6, with or without previews

Other people's ferret photo pages

See the separate list.


Many thanks to all those who contributed to this Gallery. As of August 18, 1996, I am temporarily unable to add photos to the Gallery, although I may be able to complete page 6. I do expect that to change fairly soon. Watch this space for an announcement when pictures will be gladly accepted again, whether or not you have access to a scanner. Thank you for your patience, and enjoy the Gallery.
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Acme Pet Mutimedia Gallery Winner (Ferret Photo Gallery)
[I support the Blue Ribbon Campaign for Free Speech Online.]
Copyright© 1994-1997 by Pamela Greene <pgreene@optics.rochester.edu>
Last modified: 30 July 1997