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Welcome to Kidscience Chat!

Whether you want to exchange classroom projects, get help with your homework, meet new friends or just stop by for a visit this is your place and I'd like to hear all of your great ideas of what you'd like to see here. Chat will be moderated and times will be posted to the events calendar.

In addition there will be featured events with special guests. Keep posted to the calendar for these special events. If you have a special event you want to host I'll do my best to arrange it.

Certain rules must apply, however, to ensure an enjoyable experience for all. Most are common sense and respect. That said, The Mining Company's chat rooms should not be used for any of the following:

Conducting or fostering any illegal activity.

Activities that support or espouse non-consensual and/or extreme violence or sexual aggressiveness towards another individual or group for any reason.

Activities that support or espouse hatred towards another individual or group based upon any criteria (including race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, beliefs, etc.).

Activities and input from individuals that violate our inclusive standards.

For a complete reading of our content policy guidelines please see:

I look forward to hearing all of your suggestions.
Gayle Olson -

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